From dlfactris.lang Require Import metatheory.
From dlfactris.base_logic Require Export aprop.
From dlfactris.algebra Require Import multiset.
From dlfactris.base_logic Require Import cgraph.
Definition inEdges := multiset aEdge.
Local Definition thread_inv_pre (* *)
(wp_prim : expr → (val → aProp) → aProp)
(me : option expr) (ins : inEdges) : aProp :=
match me with
| None => ⌜⌜ ins = ∅ ⌝⌝
| Some e => ⌜⌜ ins = ∅ ⌝⌝ ∗ wp_prim e (λ v, emp)%I
Definition heap_val_inv (hv : option heap_val) (ins : inEdges) : aProp :=
match hv with
| None => ⌜⌜ ins = ∅ ⌝⌝
| Some (ChanHV None) =>
∃ Φ : val → aProp, ins ≡≡ {[+ inr (MiniProt ASend Φ); inr (MiniProt ARecv Φ) +]}
| Some (ChanHV (Some v)) =>
∃ Φ : val → aProp, ins ≡≡ {[+ inr (MiniProt ARecv Φ) +]} ∗ Φ v
| Some (RefHV v) => ins ≡≡ {[+ inl v +]}
Global Instance: Params (@heap_val_inv) 1 := {}.
Definition ginv (f : obj → inEdges → outEdges → siProp) : siProp := (* *)
∃ g : cgraph obj aEdge,
⌜ cgraph_wf g ⌝ ∧ ∀ ν, f ν (in_labels g ν) (out_edges g ν).
Definition reducible_or_blocked_own (e : expr) (h : heap) (Σ : outEdges) :=
reducible e h ∨ ∃ l Φ, blocked e l h ∧ Σ !! Chan l = Some (inr (MiniProt ARecv Φ)).
Global Instance reducible_or_blocked_own_impl_ne e h n :
Proper (dist n ==> impl) (reducible_or_blocked_own e h).
intros Σ1 Σ2 HΣ. rewrite /reducible_or_blocked_own. do 3 f_equiv.
specialize (HΣ (Chan a)). revert HΣ.
case _ : (Σ1 !! _)=> [hv1|]; case _ : (Σ2 !! _)=> [hv2|]; try by inversion 1.
intros ?%(inj Some) (Φ & ? & ?); simplify_eq/=.
destruct hv2 as [|[??]]; first by inv HΣ.
apply (inj inr) in HΣ as [??]; simplify_eq/=; eauto.
Global Instance reducible_or_blocked_own_ne e h n :
Proper (dist n ==> iff) (reducible_or_blocked_own e h).
Proof. intros Σ1 Σ2 HΣ; split; by eapply reducible_or_blocked_own_impl_ne. Qed.
Local Definition inv'_pre (wp_prim : expr → (val → aProp) → aProp) (* *)
(σ : cfg) (tid : nat) (Σtid : outEdges) : siProp :=
ginv (λ ν ins Σ,
match ν with
| Thread i =>
if decide (tid = i) then
⌜ ins = ∅ ∧ tid < length σ.1 ⌝ ∧ Σtid ≡ Σ
aProp_at (thread_inv_pre wp_prim (σ.1 !! i) ins) Σ
| Chan l => aProp_at (heap_val_inv (σ.2 !! l) ins) Σ
Definition wp_prim_pre (wp_prim : expr -d> (val -d> aProp) -d> aProp) : (* *)
expr -d> (val -d> aProp) -d> aProp := λ e Φ,
match to_val e with
| Some v => ◇ Φ v
| None => AProp $ λ Σ,
∀ tid es h,
▷ inv'_pre wp_prim (es,h) tid Σ →
◇ (⌜ reducible_or_blocked_own e h Σ ⌝ ∧
∀ e' h' es_new,
⌜ prim_step e h e' h' es_new ⌝ →
▷ ∃ Σtid, inv'_pre wp_prim (es ++ es_new,h') tid Σtid ∧
aProp_at (wp_prim e' Φ) Σtid)
Global Instance heap_val_inv_ne cv : NonExpansive (heap_val_inv cv).
solve_proper_prepare. do 2 f_equiv; [by repeat f_equiv..|].
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq -!discrete_eq. by repeat f_equiv.
Global Instance ginv_ne n :
(pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n))) ==>
dist n) ginv.
Proof. intros f f' Hf. rewrite /ginv. repeat f_equiv. apply Hf. Qed.
Local Instance thread_inv_pre_ne n :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==>
(=) ==> dist n ==> dist n) thread_inv_pre.
f_equiv; rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq -!discrete_eq; by repeat f_equiv.
Local Instance inv'_pre_ne n :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ (dist n)) ==>
(=) ==> (=) ==> dist n ==> dist n) inv'_pre.
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Local Instance wp_prim_pre_contractive : Contractive wp_prim_pre.
Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
Local Definition wp_prim_def := fixpoint wp_prim_pre.
Local Definition wp_prim_aux : seal (@wp_prim_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
Definition wp_prim : expr → (val → aProp) → aProp := wp_prim_aux.(unseal).
Local Definition wp_prim_unseal : wp_prim = _ := wp_prim_aux.(seal_eq).
Global Instance: Params (@wp_prim) 1 := {}.
Definition thread_inv := thread_inv_pre wp_prim.
Global Instance: Params (@thread_inv) 1 := {}.
Definition inv' := inv'_pre wp_prim.
Global Instance: Params (@inv') 2 := {}.
Lemma wp_prim_unfold e Φ :
wp_prim e Φ ⊣⊢
match to_val e with
| Some v => ◇ Φ v
| None => AProp $ λ Σ,
∀ tid es h,
▷ inv' (es,h) tid Σ →
◇ (⌜ reducible_or_blocked_own e h Σ ⌝ ∧
∀ e' h' es_new,
⌜ prim_step e h e' h' es_new ⌝ →
▷ ∃ Σtid, inv' (es ++ es_new,h') tid Σtid ∧
aProp_at (wp_prim e' Φ) Σtid)
rewrite /inv' wp_prim_unseal /wp_prim_def.
apply (fixpoint_unfold wp_prim_pre).
Lemma thread_inv_unfold me ins :
thread_inv me ins ⊣⊢
match me with
| None => ⌜⌜ ins = ∅ ⌝⌝
| Some e => ⌜⌜ ins = ∅ ⌝⌝ ∗ wp_prim e (λ v, emp)%I
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma inv'_unfold tid Σtid σ :
inv' σ tid Σtid ⊣⊢
ginv (λ ν ins Σ,
match ν with
| Thread i =>
if decide (tid = i) then
⌜ ins = ∅ ∧ tid < length σ.1 ⌝ ∧ Σtid ≡ Σ
aProp_at (thread_inv (σ.1 !! i) ins) Σ
| Chan l => aProp_at (heap_val_inv (σ.2 !! l) ins) Σ
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance thread_inv_ne me : NonExpansive (thread_inv me).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance thread_inv_proper me : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (thread_inv me).
Proof. apply: ne_proper. Qed.
Global Instance inv'_ne σ tid : NonExpansive (inv' σ tid).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance inv'_proper σ tid : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (inv' σ tid).
Proof. apply: ne_proper. Qed.
Global Instance wp_prim_ne e n :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> dist n) (wp_prim e).
revert e. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> e Φ Ψ HΦ.
rewrite !wp_prim_unfold.
do 24 (f_contractive || f_equiv). apply IH; [done|].
intros v. eapply dist_le; [apply HΦ|lia].
Global Instance wp_prim_proper e :
Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (wp_prim e).
by intros Φ Φ' ?; apply equiv_dist=>n; apply wp_prim_ne=> v; apply equiv_dist.
Global Instance wp_prim_except_0 e Φ : IsExcept0 (wp_prim e Φ).
apply aProp_entails=> Σ. rewrite /bi_except_0. iIntros "[H|$]".
rewrite aProp_at_later aProp_at_pure.
rewrite wp_prim_unfold. destruct (to_val e).
- rewrite aProp_at_except_0. by iMod "H".
- iExists (Σ). iSplit; [done|]. by iMod "H".
Lemma inv'_tid_irrelevant tid Σ e es h :
inv' (es, h) tid Σ ⊢ inv' (<[tid:=e]> es, h) tid Σ.
rewrite !inv'_unfold.
iDestruct 1 as (g ?) "Hinv". iExists g; iSplit; first done.
iIntros (ν). iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! ν).
destruct ν; [destruct (decide _) as [->|]|]; simpl;
rewrite ?insert_length // list_lookup_insert_ne //.
Lemma wp_prim_val Φ v : Φ v -∗ wp_prim (Val v) Φ.
Proof. rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. eauto. Qed.
Lemma wp_prim_val_inv Φ v : wp_prim (Val v) Φ -∗ ◇ Φ v.
Proof. rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. auto. Qed.
Lemma wp_prim_mono e Φ Ψ : (∀ v, Φ v ⊢ Ψ v) → wp_prim e Φ ⊢ wp_prim e Ψ.
intros HΦ. apply aProp_entails=> Σ. iLöb as "IH" forall (e Σ).
rewrite 2!wp_prim_unfold.
destruct (to_val e) as [v|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
{ rewrite HΦ; auto. }
iIntros "(%Σ' & Heq & H)".
iExists Σ'. iSplit; first done. iClear "Heq".
iIntros (tid es h) "Hinv".
iMod ("H" with "Hinv") as "[Hred H]". iModIntro.
iSplit; first by eauto.
iIntros (e' h' es_new Hps).
iDestruct ("H" with "[]") as (Σ1) "#[H1 H2]"; first done.
iExists Σ1. iSplit; first done. by iApply "IH".
Inductive pure_ctx_step : expr → expr → Prop :=
| PureCtx_step k e1 e2 :
ctx k →
pure_step e1 e2 →
pure_ctx_step (k e1) (k e2).
Lemma pure_step_pure_ctx_step e1 e2 : pure_step e1 e2 → pure_ctx_step e1 e2.
Proof. intros. apply (PureCtx_step id); auto using ctx. Qed.
Lemma pure_ctx_step_reducible_or_blocked_own e1 e2 h Σ :
pure_ctx_step e1 e2 → reducible_or_blocked_own e1 h Σ.
intros [k e1' e2' Hk Hstep].
left. do 3 eexists. apply (Prim_step k); eauto using head_step.
Lemma pure_ctx_step_not_val e1 e2 :
pure_ctx_step e1 e2 → to_val e1 = None.
intros [k e1' e2' Hk Hstep]. eauto using to_val_ctx_None, pure_step_not_val.
Lemma pure_ctx_step_prim_step e1 e2 e2' h h' es_new :
pure_ctx_step e1 e2 →
prim_step e1 h e2' h' es_new →
e2 = e2' ∧ h = h' ∧ es_new = [].
intros [k e1'' e2'' Hk Hpure] Hprim.
destruct (prim_step_ctx_inv k e1'' h e2' h' es_new) as (e2'''&?&->);
[by eauto using pure_step_not_val..|].
destruct (pure_step_prim_step e1'' e2'' e2''' h h' es_new); naive_solver.
Lemma wp_prim_pure_step e1 e2 Φ :
pure_ctx_step e1 e2 →
▷ wp_prim e2 Φ ⊢ wp_prim e1 Φ.
intros Hstep. apply aProp_entails; iIntros (Σ) "H". rewrite !wp_prim_unfold.
rewrite (pure_ctx_step_not_val e1 e2) //. iExists Σ. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "Hinv". iSplit.
{ eauto using pure_ctx_step_reducible_or_blocked_own. }
iIntros (e2' h' es_new Hstep') "!> !>". iExists Σ.
destruct (pure_ctx_step_prim_step e1 e2 e2' h h' es_new) as (->&->&->); [done..|].
rewrite right_id_L. rewrite wp_prim_unfold. auto.
Lemma reducible_or_blocked_own_ctx k e h Σ :
ctx k → reducible_or_blocked_own e h Σ → reducible_or_blocked_own (k e) h Σ.
intros Hctx [Hred | (l & Φ & Hbl & HΣ)].
- left. destruct Hred as (e' & h' & es & Hstep).
unfold reducible.
eauto using prim_step_ctx.
- right. destruct Hbl as (k' & e' & Hctx' & -> & Hbl).
eexists _,_. split; eauto.
unfold blocked.
exists (k ∘ k').
eauto using ctx_compose.
Lemma wp_prim_bind k Φ e :
ctx k →
wp_prim e (λ v, wp_prim (k $ Val v) Φ) ⊢
wp_prim (k e) Φ.
intros Hctx. apply aProp_entails=> Σ.
iLöb as "IH" forall (e Φ Hctx Σ).
rewrite wp_prim_unfold. destruct (to_val e) eqn:He.
{ rewrite (is_except_0 (wp_prim _ _)).
apply to_val_Val in He as ->. auto. }
rewrite wp_prim_unfold to_val_ctx_None //.
iIntros "/= #(%Σ' & HΣ & Hwp)". iExists Σ'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv".
iMod ("Hwp" with "Hinv") as (Hred) "{Hwp} Hwp". iModIntro. iSplit.
{ eauto using reducible_or_blocked_own_ctx. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new Hstep).
apply prim_step_ctx_inv in Hstep as (e'' & Hps & ->); [|done..].
iDestruct ("Hwp" with "[//]") as "{Hwp} #(%Σ'' & HΣ' & Hwp)".
iExists Σ''. iSplit; first done.
iApply ("IH" with "[//]"). iApply "Hwp".
Lemma reducible_send h l v :
h !! l = Some (ChanHV None) →
reducible (Send (Val (LitV (LitLoc l))) (Val v)) h.
Proof. do 3 eexists. apply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx, head_step. Qed.
Lemma prim_step_send_inv l v h e' h' es_new :
prim_step (Send (Val (LitV (LitLoc l))) (Val v)) h e' h' es_new →
e' = Val (LitV LitUnit) ∧ h !! l = Some (ChanHV None) ∧
h' = <[l:=ChanHV (Some v)]> h ∧ es_new = [].
Proof. intros Hstep. by inv_prim_step Hstep. Qed.
Lemma wp_prim_send l v Φ R :
own_chan l (MiniProt ASend Φ) ∗ ▷ Φ v ∗ ▷ R ⊢
wp_prim (Send (Val (LitV (LitLoc l))) (Val v)) (λ v, ⌜⌜ v = LitV LitUnit ⌝⌝ ∗ R) .
eapply aProp_entails. iIntros (Σ) "H".
rewrite aProp_at_sep_own_chan. iDestruct "H" as ([a Ψ] Hl) "[Heq H]".
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 Hun Hdisj) "[HΦ HR]".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists Σ. iSplit; first done.
rewrite miniprot_equivI /=. iDestruct "Heq" as "[>-> HΨΦ]".
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv". iSplit.
{ iApply timeless. iModIntro. iClear (R Φ) "HR HΨΦ HΦ".
iLeft. rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //. iDestruct "Hthr" as "[_ HΣ]".
rewrite gmap_equivI.
iSpecialize ("HΣ" $! (Chan l)).
rewrite Hl internal_eq_sym out_edges_in_labels.
iDestruct "HΣ" as (X) "HΣ".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
iRewrite "HΣ" in "Hchan".
destruct (h !! l) as [[[w|]|w]|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ') "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI sum_equivI /=.
rewrite miniprot_equivI /=.
by iDestruct "Hinl" as "[[% _] _]".
- auto using reducible_send.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 Hchan2]".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI.
iDestruct "Hchan2" as "[Hchan2 _]".
rewrite sum_equivI //.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[_ %Hinl]".
apply multiset_disj_union_eq_empty in Hinl
as [[]%multiset_singleton_neq_empty _]. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new (->&Hhl&->&->)%prim_step_send_inv) "!> !>".
rewrite right_id_L. iRewrite -("HΨΦ" $! v) in "HΦ".
iExists Σ2. iSplit; last first.
{ rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=.
rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep_affinely_l aProp_at_pure. auto. }
iClear (R Φ) "HR". rewrite !inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
rewrite Hhl /=. iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ Hout) "Hchan".
iDestruct (exchange_dealloc g (Thread tid) (Chan l)
Σ2 Σ1 (inr (MiniProt ASend Ψ)) with "[]") as "Hgraph"; try done.
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite Hl. iSplit; eauto.
rewrite Hun Hout. rewrite (right_id ∅).
rewrite map_union_comm //. }
iDestruct "Hgraph" as (g' Hwf' _) "(HΣ2 & HΣ1 & Hout & Hin & Hin_ne)".
iExists g'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (v'). iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! v').
destruct v' as [i'|l']; first case_decide; simplify_eq/=.
- iSplit.
+ iDestruct "Hinv" as "[[%H1 %H2] Hinv]". iSplit; last done.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq. iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin_ne" $! (Thread i') with "[//]"). by rewrite Hinltid.
+ by iRewrite "HΣ2".
- iRewrite ("Hout" $! (Thread i') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
by iRewrite ("Hin_ne" $! (Thread i') with "[//]").
- rewrite lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; simplify_eq/=.
+ rewrite aProp_at_exist. iExists Ψ.
rewrite aProp_at_sep_affinely_l !aProp_at_internal_eq. iSplit.
* iApply "Hin". iRewrite "Hchan".
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels g (Thread tid) (Chan l') with "[]") as (X) "HHH".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite Hl. done. }
iRewrite "Hchan" in "HHH".
iDestruct (internal_eq_sym with "HHH") as "H4".
iDestruct (multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonsI with "H4") as "{H4} [[H5 H6]|[H5 H6]]";
rewrite ?sum_equivI;
iDestruct (miniprot_equivI with "H5") as "[% H7]"; simplify_eq/=.
iAssert (∀ a, MiniProt a Ψ ≡ MiniProt a Φ)%I as "Hprot".
{ iIntros (a). iApply miniprot_equivI. auto. }
iRewrite ("Hprot" $! ASend). by iRewrite -("Hprot" $! ARecv).
* by iRewrite "HΣ1".
+ iRewrite ("Hout" $! (Chan l') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
by iRewrite ("Hin_ne"$! (Chan l') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
Lemma reducible_or_blocked_own_recv h l mv Σ Ψ :
h !! l = Some (ChanHV mv) →
Σ !! Chan l = Some (inr (MiniProt ARecv Ψ)) →
reducible_or_blocked_own (Recv (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) h Σ.
intros. destruct mv as [v|].
- left. do 3 eexists. apply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx, head_step.
- right. do 2 eexists. split; last done.
exists id; eauto using ctx, head_blocked.
Lemma prim_step_recv_inv l h e' h' es_new :
prim_step (Recv (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) h e' h' es_new →
∃ v, e' = Val v ∧ h !! l = Some (ChanHV (Some v)) ∧
h' = delete l h ∧ es_new = [].
Proof. intros Hstep. inv_prim_step Hstep; eauto. Qed.
Lemma wp_prim_recv l Φ R :
own_chan l (MiniProt ARecv Φ) ∗ ▷ R ⊢
wp_prim (Recv (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) (λ v, Φ v ∗ R).
eapply aProp_entails; iIntros (Σ) "H".
rewrite aProp_at_sep_own_chan. iDestruct "H" as ([a Ψ] Hl) "[Heq HR]".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists Σ. iSplit; first done.
rewrite miniprot_equivI /=. iDestruct "Heq" as "[>-> Heq]".
iIntros (tid es h) "Hinv". iSplit.
{ iApply timeless. iModIntro. iClear (R Φ) "HR Heq".
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[_ HΣ]".
rewrite gmap_equivI.
iSpecialize ("HΣ" $! (Chan l)).
rewrite Hl.
rewrite internal_eq_sym.
rewrite out_edges_in_labels.
iDestruct "HΣ" as (X) "HΣ".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan". simpl.
iRewrite "HΣ" in "Hchan".
destruct (h !! l) as [[mv|w]|] eqn:Heq; simplify_eq/=.
- eauto using reducible_or_blocked_own_recv.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 Hchan2]".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI.
iDestruct "Hchan2" as "[Hchan2 _]".
rewrite sum_equivI //.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[_ %Hinl]".
apply multiset_disj_union_eq_empty in Hinl
as [[]%multiset_singleton_neq_empty _]. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new (v&->&Hhl&->&->)%prim_step_recv_inv) "!> !>".
rewrite right_id_L.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv. iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iExists (delete (Chan l) Σ ∪ out_edges g (Chan l)).
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iPoseProof "HΣ" as "HΣ'".
rewrite {1}gmap_equivI.
iSpecialize ("HΣ" $! (Chan l)).
rewrite Hl.
rewrite internal_eq_sym.
iPoseProof "HΣ" as "HΣ''".
rewrite {1}out_edges_in_labels.
iDestruct "HΣ" as (X) "HΣ".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan". rewrite /= Hhl /=.
iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ') "[Hinl Hchan]".
iRewrite "HΣ" in "Hinl".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI.
iDestruct "Hinl" as "[Hinl ->]".
rewrite sum_equivI miniprot_equivI /=.
iDestruct "Hinl" as "[_ Hinl]".
iAssert ⌜ delete (Chan l) Σ ##ₘ out_edges g (Chan l) ⌝%I as %Hdisj.
{ iAssert ⌜ edge g (Thread tid) (Chan l) ⌝%I as "%Hedge".
{ unfold edge. iRewrite "HΣ''". done. }
eapply edge_out_disjoint in Hedge; eauto.
iRewrite "HΣ'". iPureIntro. by apply map_disjoint_delete_l. }
iSplit; last first.
{ rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=.
rewrite (comm (∗))%I. rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep. iModIntro.
iExists _, _. do 3 (iSplit; [by eauto|]).
iRewrite -("Heq" $! v). by iRewrite ("Hinl" $! v). }
iDestruct (exchange_dealloc g (Thread tid) (Chan l)
(delete (Chan l) (out_edges g (Thread tid)) ∪ out_edges g (Chan l))
∅ (inr (MiniProt ARecv Ψ)) with "[]") as "Hgraph"; first done.
{ solve_map_disjoint. }
{ iSplit; first done. rewrite !(right_id ∅) //. }
iDestruct "Hgraph" as (g' Hwf' _) "(Hout1 & Hout2 & HH1 & HH2 & HH3)".
iExists g'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (v').
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! v').
destruct v' as [i'|l']; first case_decide; subst.
- iSplit.
+ iDestruct "Hinv" as "[[%H1 %H2] Hinv]". iSplit; last done.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("HH3" $! (Thread i') with "[//]"). by rewrite Hinltid.
+ iRewrite "Hout1". iRewrite "HΣ'". done.
- iRewrite ("HH1" $! (Thread i') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
by iRewrite ("HH3" $! (Thread i') with "[//]").
- rewrite /= lookup_delete_spec. case_decide; simplify_eq/=.
+ rewrite !aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_pure.
iSplit; eauto.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
by iApply "HH2".
+ iRewrite ("HH1" $! (Chan l') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
iRewrite ("HH3" $! (Chan l') with "[%]"); naive_solver.
Lemma reducible_or_blocked_own_fork_chan f h Σ :
reducible_or_blocked_own (ForkChan (Val f)) h Σ.
left. eexists _, (<[fresh (dom h):=_]> h), _.
eapply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx.
constructor. apply not_elem_of_dom, is_fresh.
Lemma prim_step_fork_heap_val_inv f h e' h' es_new :
prim_step (ForkChan (Val f)) h e' h' es_new →
∃ l, e' = Val (LitV (LitLoc l)) ∧ h !! l = None ∧ h' = <[l:=ChanHV None]> h ∧
es_new = [App (Val f) (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))].
Proof. intros Hstep. inv_prim_step Hstep; eauto. Qed.
Lemma wp_prim_fork f p R :
▷ (∀ l, own_chan l (dual p) -∗ wp_prim (App (Val f) (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) (λ _, emp)) ∗ ▷ R ⊢
wp_prim (ForkChan (Val f)) (λ v, (∃ l, ⌜⌜ v = LitV (LitLoc l) ⌝⌝ ∗ own_chan l p) ∗ R).
eapply aProp_entails. intros Σ.
iDestruct 1 as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists _. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv". iSplit.
{ auto using reducible_or_blocked_own_fork_chan. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new (l&->&Hhl&->&->)%prim_step_fork_heap_val_inv).
iAssert (◇ ⌜Σ1 ∪ Σ2 ##ₘ {[Chan l := inr (dual p)]}⌝)%I as "Hdisj12".
{ iApply timeless. iNext.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //=.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iAssert (⌜ out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l = None ⌝)%I as "%Hout".
{ destruct (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l) eqn:Heqn; try done.
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels g (Thread tid) (Chan l) with "[]") as (X) "HHH".
{ rewrite Heqn //. }
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)).
rewrite Hhl /=.
rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_pure.
iDestruct "Hinv" as "[_ ->]".
by iDestruct "HHH" as %?%symmetry%multiset_empty_equiv_eq. }
iRewrite "HΣ".
iPureIntro. solve_map_disjoint. }
iMod "Hdisj12" as %Hdisj12.
assert (Σ1 ##ₘ {[Chan l := inr (dual p)]}) as Hdisj1 by solve_map_disjoint.
assert ({[Chan l := inr p ]} ##ₘ Σ2) as Hdisj2 by solve_map_disjoint.
iExists ({[Chan l := inr p ]} ∪ Σ2).
iSplit; last first.
{ rewrite wp_prim_unfold.
rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep. iModIntro.
iExists _,_. iSplit; first done.
iSplit; first done.
iSplit; eauto.
rewrite aProp_at_exist. iExists _.
rewrite aProp_at_sep_affinely_l.
rewrite aProp_at_pure. iSplit; first done.
rewrite aProp_at_own_chan. eauto. }
iClear "HR". clear R. iIntros "!> !>".
rewrite !inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
rewrite internal_eq_sym.
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
rewrite Hhl /=.
iDestruct "Hchan" as "[%Hchanin %Hchanout]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread (length es))) as "Hthr2".
case_decide; subst.
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! (Thread (length es))).
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hinv" as "[_ ?]". simpl in *. lia.
rewrite lookup_ge_None_2; last done. simpl.
iDestruct "Hthr2" as "[%Hthr2out %Hthr2in]".
iDestruct (move_fork g (Thread tid) (Chan l) (Thread (length es))
_ _ (inr p) (inr (dual p)) with "HΣ") as "Hgraph"; try done.
{ naive_solver. }
iDestruct "Hgraph" as (g' Hwf') "(Hout1 & Hout2 & Hout3 & Hin1 & Hout & Hin2)".
iExists g'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (v').
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! v').
iSpecialize ("Hout" $! v').
iSpecialize ("Hin2" $! v').
destruct v' as [i'|l']; first case_decide; subst.
- iSplit.
+ iSplit; last first.
{ rewrite app_length /=. iPureIntro. simpl in *. lia. }
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[//]"). by rewrite Hinltid.
+ iRewrite "Hout1". done.
- destruct (decide (i' = length es)); subst.
+ rewrite lookup_app_r //.
replace (length es - length es) with 0 by lia. simpl.
rewrite aProp_at_sep_affinely_l aProp_at_pure.
* rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[//]").
rewrite Hthr2in //.
* iSpecialize ("H" $! l).
rewrite aProp_at_wand.
iSpecialize ("H" $! {[ Chan l := inr (dual p) ]}).
iRewrite "Hout3".
rewrite !(map_union_comm Σ1); try done.
iApply "H"; first done.
rewrite aProp_at_own_chan. eauto.
+ destruct (decide (i' < length es)).
* rewrite lookup_app_l; last lia.
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[//]").
iRewrite ("Hout" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. split_and!; intro; simplify_eq. }
* rewrite lookup_app_r; last lia.
destruct (i' - length es) eqn:E; try lia. simpl.
rewrite lookup_ge_None_2; last lia. simpl.
rewrite !aProp_at_affinely !aProp_at_pure.
iDestruct "Hinv" as "[Hinv1 %Hinv2]".
{ iRewrite ("Hout" with "[]"); last done.
iPureIntro. split_and!; intro; simplify_eq. }
simpl in *.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[//]").
rewrite Hinv2 //.
- rewrite lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; subst; simpl.
+ rewrite aProp_at_exist. destruct p. iExists prot_pred.
rewrite aProp_at_affinely.
iSplit; eauto.
iRewrite "Hin1".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq.
destruct prot_action; eauto.
rewrite /dual. simpl.
rewrite comm //.
+ iRewrite ("Hout" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. split_and!; intro; simplify_eq. }
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. intro. simplify_eq. }
Lemma alloc_reducible v h :
reducible (Alloc (Val v)) h.
eexists _, (<[ fresh (dom h) := RefHV v ]> h), _.
apply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx.
eapply AllocS. apply not_elem_of_dom, is_fresh.
Lemma wp_prim_alloc R v :
▷ R ⊢ wp_prim (Alloc (Val v)) (λ w, (∃ l, ⌜⌜ w = LitV (LitLoc l) ⌝⌝ ∗ l ↦ v) ∗ R).
eapply aProp_entails. iIntros (Σ) "H".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists _. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv". iSplit.
{ iLeft. eauto using alloc_reducible. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new Hstep) "!>!>".
inv_prim_step Hstep; simplify_eq/=.
iExists ({[ _ := _ ]} ∪ Σ). rewrite right_id.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]". simpl in *.
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
rewrite H1 /=.
iDestruct "Hchan" as "[%Houtchan %Hinchan]".
iSplit. {
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct (ref_alloc g (Thread tid) (Chan l)) as "Hgraph"; try done.
iDestruct "Hgraph" as (g' Hwf') "(Hout1 & Hout & Hin1 & Hin)".
iExists g'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (v').
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! v').
destruct v' as [i'|l']; first case_decide; subst.
- iSplit.
+ iDestruct "Hinv" as "[[%H1' %H2] Hinv]". iSplit; last done.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin" $! (Thread i') with "[//]"). by rewrite Hinltid.
+ iRewrite "Hout1". iRewrite "HΣ". done.
- simpl.
iRewrite ("Hout" $! (Thread i') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
iRewrite ("Hin" $! (Thread i') with "[//]"). done.
- simpl.
rewrite lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; subst; simpl.
+ rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_internal_eq.
iRewrite ("Hout" $! (Chan l') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
rewrite Houtchan. iSplit; first done.
+ iRewrite ("Hout" $! (Chan l') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
iRewrite ("Hin" $! (Chan l') with "[%]"); first naive_solver.
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=.
rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep. iModIntro.
iExists _,_. iSplit; first done.
{ assert (in_labels g (Chan l) = ∅) as HH by rewrite Hinchan //.
iRewrite "HΣ". iPureIntro.
eapply (no_in_labels_no_out_edge _ (Thread tid)) in HH.
solve_map_disjoint. }
iSplit; last done.
rewrite aProp_at_exist. iExists _.
rewrite aProp_at_sep_affinely_l.
rewrite aProp_at_pure. iSplit; first done.
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref //.
Lemma load_reducible l v h :
h !! l = Some (RefHV v) →
reducible (Load (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) h.
intros. do 3 eexists. apply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx, head_step.
Lemma wp_prim_load l R v :
l ↦ v ∗ ▷ R ⊢ wp_prim (Load (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) (λ w, (⌜⌜ w = v ⌝⌝ ∗ l ↦ v) ∗ R).
eapply aProp_entails. iIntros (Σ) "H".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists _. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv". iSplit.
iApply timeless. iNext. iLeft.
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iDestruct "H" as %->.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
iAssert (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l ≡ Some (inl v))%I as "Hoe".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite lookup_union_l ?lookup_singleton //. solve_map_disjoint. }
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels with "Hoe") as (X) "HHH".
iRewrite "HHH" in "Hchan". iClear "HHH Hoe HΣ".
destruct (h !! l) as [[[]|w]|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI sum_equivI /=.
by iDestruct "Hinl" as "[%A B]".
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonsI.
rewrite !sum_equivI.
by iDestruct "Hchan" as "[[%A _]|[%A _]]".
- eauto using load_reducible.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 %Hchan2]".
by apply multiset_disj_union_eq_empty in Hchan2 as []. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new Hps) "!> !>". inv_prim_step Hps.
iExists Σ. rewrite right_id. iSplit; first done.
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=.
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep. iModIntro.
iExists _,_. iSplit; first done.
iSplit; first done.
iSplit; last done.
rewrite aProp_at_sep_affinely_l.
iSplit; last done.
rewrite aProp_at_pure.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan". simpl.
rewrite H1 /=.
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iDestruct "H" as %->.
rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_internal_eq.
iDestruct "Hchan" as "[%Houtchan Hinchan]".
iAssert (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l ≡ Some (inl v))%I as "Hoe".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite lookup_union_l ?lookup_singleton //. solve_map_disjoint. }
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels with "Hoe") as (X) "HHH".
iRewrite "Hinchan" in "HHH".
iClear "Hinchan HΣ Hoe".
rewrite internal_eq_sym.
iDestruct (multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI with "HHH") as "[%H _]".
inversion H. simplify_eq. done.
Lemma store_reducible l v w h :
h !! l = Some (RefHV v) →
reducible (Store (Val (LitV (LitLoc l))) (Val w)) h.
intros. do 3 eexists. apply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx, head_step.
Lemma wp_prim_store l v' R v :
l ↦ v ∗ ▷ R ⊢ wp_prim (Store (Val (LitV (LitLoc l))) (Val v')) (λ w, (⌜⌜ w = LitV LitUnit ⌝⌝ ∗ l ↦ v') ∗ R).
eapply aProp_entails. iIntros (Σ) "H".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists _. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv". iSplit.
iApply timeless. iNext. iLeft.
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iDestruct "H" as %->.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
iAssert (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l ≡ Some (inl v))%I as "Hoe".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite lookup_union_l ?lookup_singleton //. solve_map_disjoint. }
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels with "Hoe") as (X) "HHH".
iRewrite "HHH" in "Hchan". iClear "HHH Hoe HΣ".
destruct (h !! l) as [[[]|w]|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI sum_equivI /=.
by iDestruct "Hinl" as "[%A B]".
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonsI.
rewrite !sum_equivI.
by iDestruct "Hchan" as "[[%A _]|[%A _]]".
- eauto using store_reducible.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 %Hchan2]".
by apply multiset_disj_union_eq_empty in Hchan2 as []. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new Hps) "!> !>". inv_prim_step Hps.
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iDestruct "H" as %->.
iExists ({[ Chan l := inl v' ]} ∪ Σ2). rewrite right_id.
iSplit. {
rewrite !inv'_unfold !/ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
iAssert (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l ≡ Some (inl v))%I as "Hoe".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite lookup_union_l ?lookup_singleton //. solve_map_disjoint. }
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels with "Hoe") as (X) "HHH".
iRewrite "HHH" in "Hchan".
destruct (h !! l) as [[[]|w]|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI sum_equivI /=.
by iDestruct "Hinl" as "[%A B]".
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonsI.
rewrite !sum_equivI.
by iDestruct "Hchan" as "[[%A _]|[%A _]]".
- rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_internal_eq.
iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 Hchan2]".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI sum_equivI /=.
iDestruct "Hchan2" as "[HH ->]".
iDestruct (exchange_relabel g (Thread tid) (Chan l) _ ∅ with "[]") as "Hgraph"; try done.
{ solve_map_disjoint. }
{ iRewrite "Hoe". iSplit; first done. rewrite !(right_id ∅) //. }
iDestruct "Hgraph" as (g' Hwf') "(Hout1 & Hout2 & Hout3 & Hin1 & Hin2)".
iExists g'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (u).
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! u).
iSpecialize ("Hout3" $! u).
iSpecialize ("Hin2" $! u).
destruct u as [i'|l']; first case_decide; subst.
+ simpl in *. iSplit.
{ iSplit; last done.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[//]"). by rewrite Hinltid. }
iRewrite "Hout1".
iDestruct "Hinv" as "[[%H1 %H2] Hinv]".
iRewrite -"Hinv".
iRewrite "Hchan1". rewrite !(right_id ∅).
rewrite -!insert_union_singleton_l.
rewrite delete_insert; last by solve_map_disjoint.
+ iRewrite ("Hout3" with "[]"). { iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[]"). { iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
+ rewrite lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; subst; simpl; try done.
* rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_internal_eq.
iSplit; first done.
iDestruct ("Hin1" $! ∅ with "[]") as "Hin1'".
{ rewrite right_id. done. }
rewrite !right_id. done.
* iRewrite ("Hout3" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
iRewrite ("Hin2" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 %Hchan2]".
by apply multiset_disj_union_eq_empty in Hchan2 as []. }
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=.
rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep. iModIntro.
iExists _,_. iSplit; first done.
iSplit. { iPureIntro. solve_map_disjoint. }
iSplit; last done.
rewrite aProp_at_sep_affinely_l.
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iSplit; last done.
rewrite aProp_at_pure.
Lemma free_reducible l v h :
h !! l = Some (RefHV v) →
reducible (Free (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) h.
intros. do 3 eexists. apply (Prim_step id); eauto using ctx, head_step.
Lemma wp_prim_free l R v :
l ↦ v ∗ ▷ R ⊢ wp_prim (Free (Val (LitV (LitLoc l)))) (λ w, ⌜⌜ w = LitV LitUnit ⌝⌝ ∗ R).
eapply aProp_entails. iIntros (Σ) "H".
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=. iExists _. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (tid es h) "#Hinv". iSplit.
iApply timeless. iNext. iLeft.
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iDestruct "H" as %->.
rewrite inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
iAssert (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l ≡ Some (inl v))%I as "Hoe".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite lookup_union_l ?lookup_singleton //. solve_map_disjoint. }
iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels with "Hoe") as (X) "HHH".
iRewrite "HHH" in "Hchan". iClear "HHH Hoe HΣ".
destruct (h !! l) as [[[]|w]|] eqn:Heq; simpl.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI sum_equivI /=.
by iDestruct "Hinl" as "[%A B]".
- iDestruct "Hchan" as (Φ) "[Hinl Hchan]".
rewrite aProp_at_internal_eq multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonsI.
rewrite !sum_equivI.
by iDestruct "Hchan" as "[[%A _]|[%A _]]".
- eauto using free_reducible.
- iDestruct "Hchan" as "[Hchan1 %Hchan2]".
by apply multiset_disj_union_eq_empty in Hchan2 as []. }
iIntros (e' h' es_new Hps) "!> !>". inv_prim_step Hps.
iDestruct "H" as (Σ1 Σ2 -> Hdisj) "[H HR]".
rewrite aProp_at_own_ref.
iDestruct "H" as %->.
iExists Σ2. rewrite right_id.
rewrite !inv'_unfold /ginv.
iDestruct "Hinv" as (g Hwf) "#Hinv".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Thread tid)) as "Hthr".
rewrite decide_True //.
iDestruct "Hthr" as "[[%Hinltid %Hlen] HΣ]".
iDestruct ("Hinv" $! (Chan l)) as "Hchan /=".
rewrite H1 /=.
rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_internal_eq.
iDestruct "Hchan" as "[%Houtchan Hinchan]".
rewrite map_empty_equiv_eq in Houtchan. simpl in *.
{ iAssert (out_edges g (Thread tid) !! Chan l ≡ Some (inl v))%I as "Hoe".
{ iRewrite -"HΣ". rewrite lookup_union_l ?lookup_singleton //. solve_map_disjoint. }
iDestruct (ref_free g (Thread tid) (Chan l) with "[]") as "Hgraph"; try done.
{ iDestruct (out_edges_in_labels with "Hoe") as (X) "HHH".
iRewrite "Hoe". iSplit; first done.
iRewrite "Hinchan".
iRewrite "Hinchan" in "HHH". iClear "HΣ Hoe Hinchan".
rewrite internal_eq_sym.
rewrite multiset_singleton_disj_union_singletonI.
iDestruct "HHH" as "[HHH ->]".
iRewrite "HHH". done. }
iDestruct "Hgraph" as (g' Hwf') "(Hout1 & Hin1 & Hout & Hin)".
iExists g'. iSplit; first done.
iIntros (u).
iSpecialize ("Hinv" $! u).
iSpecialize ("Hout" $! u).
iSpecialize ("Hin" $! u).
destruct u as [i'|l']; first case_decide; subst.
+ simpl in *. iSplit.
{ iSplit; last done.
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq.
iApply discrete_eq.
iRewrite ("Hin" with "[//]"). by rewrite Hinltid. }
iRewrite "Hout1".
iRewrite -"HΣ".
rewrite -!insert_union_singleton_l.
rewrite delete_insert; last by solve_map_disjoint.
+ iRewrite ("Hout" with "[]"). { iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
iRewrite ("Hin" with "[]"). { iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
+ rewrite lookup_delete_spec. case_decide; subst; simpl; try done.
* rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_pure.
{ iRewrite ("Hout" with "[//]"). by rewrite Houtchan. }
rewrite -!multiset_empty_equiv_eq -!discrete_eq.
by iRewrite "Hin1".
* iRewrite ("Hout" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
iRewrite ("Hin" with "[]").
{ iPureIntro. naive_solver. }
done. }
rewrite wp_prim_unfold /=.
rewrite aProp_at_except_0 aProp_at_sep. iModIntro.
iExists ∅,_. rewrite left_id. iSplit; first done.
iSplit. { iPureIntro. solve_map_disjoint. }
iSplit; last done.
rewrite aProp_at_affinely aProp_at_pure //.