(** This file defines all of the semantic subtyping rules for term types and
session types. *)
From iris.bi.lib Require Import core.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
From dlfactris.logrel Require Export subtyping term_types session_types.
Section subtyping_rules.
Implicit Types A : ltty.
Implicit Types S : lsty.
(** Generic rules *)
Lemma lty_le_refl {k} (K : lty k) : K <: K.
Proof. destruct k; [by iIntros (v) "!>?"|by iModIntro;iApply subprot_refl]. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_trans {k} (K1 K2 K3 : lty k) : K1 <: K2 -∗ K2 <: K3 -∗ K1 <: K3.
destruct k.
- iIntros "#H1 #H2" (v) "!> H". iApply "H2". by iApply "H1".
- iIntros "#H1 #H2 !>". by iApply subprot_trans.
Lemma lty_bi_le_refl {k} (K : lty k) : K <:> K.
Proof. iSplit; iApply lty_le_refl. Qed.
Lemma lty_bi_le_trans {k} (K1 K2 K3 : lty k) :
K1 <:> K2 -∗ K2 <:> K3 -∗ K1 <:> K3.
Proof. iIntros "#[H11 H12] #[H21 H22]". iSplit; by iApply lty_le_trans. Qed.
Lemma lty_bi_le_sym {k} (K1 K2 : lty k) : K1 <:> K2 -∗ K2 <:> K1.
Proof. iIntros "#[??]". by iSplit. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_l {k} (K1 K2 K3 : lty k) : K1 <:> K2 -∗ K2 <: K3 -∗ K1 <: K3.
Proof. iIntros "#[H1 _] #H2". by iApply lty_le_trans. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_r {k} (K1 K2 K3 : lty k) : K1 <: K2 -∗ K2 <:> K3 -∗ K1 <: K3.
Proof. iIntros "#H1 #[H2 _]". by iApply lty_le_trans. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_rec_unfold {k} (C : lty k → lty k) `{!Contractive C} :
lty_rec C <:> C (lty_rec C).
- rewrite {1}/lty_rec fixpoint_unfold. iApply lty_le_refl.
- rewrite {2}/lty_rec fixpoint_unfold. iApply lty_le_refl.
Lemma lty_le_rec_internal {k} (C1 C2 : lty k → lty k)
`{Contractive C1, Contractive C2} :
(∀ K1 K2, ▷ (K1 <: K2) -∗ C1 K1 <: C2 K2) -∗
lty_rec C1 <: lty_rec C2.
iIntros "#Hle". iLöb as "IH".
iApply lty_le_l; [iApply lty_le_rec_unfold|].
iApply lty_le_r; [|iApply lty_bi_le_sym; iApply lty_le_rec_unfold].
by iApply "Hle".
Lemma lty_le_rec_external {k} (C1 C2 : lty k → lty k)
`{Contractive C1, Contractive C2} :
(∀ K1 K2, (K1 <: K2) → C1 K1 <: C2 K2) →
lty_rec C1 <: lty_rec C2.
intros IH. rewrite /lty_rec. apply fixpoint_ind.
- by intros K1' K2' -> ?.
- exists (fixpoint C2). iApply lty_le_refl.
- intros K' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold C2). by apply IH.
- apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; solve_proper.
(** Term subtyping *)
Lemma lty_le_any A : lty_copyable A -∗ A <: any.
Proof. iIntros "#H" (v) "!> HA". by iDestruct ("H" with "HA") as "_". Qed.
Lemma lty_copyable_any : ⊢ lty_copyable any.
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #Hv !>". iFrame "Hv". Qed.
Lemma lty_le_copy A B : A <: B -∗ copy A <: copy B.
Proof. iIntros "#Hle". iIntros (v) "!> #HA !>". by iApply "Hle". Qed.
Lemma lty_le_copy_elim A : copy A <: A.
Proof. by iIntros (v) "!> #H". Qed.
Lemma lty_copyable_copy A : ⊢ lty_copyable (copy A).
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #Hv !>". iFrame "Hv". Qed.
Lemma lty_le_copy_inv_mono A B : A <: B -∗ copy- A <: copy- B.
iIntros "#Hle !>" (v) "#HA". iApply (coreP_wand (ltty_car A v) with "[] HA").
iClear "HA". iIntros "!> !>". iApply "Hle".
Lemma lty_le_copy_inv_elim A : copy- (copy A) <: A.
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #H". iApply (coreP_elim with "H"). Qed.
Lemma lty_copyable_copy_inv A : ⊢ lty_copyable (copy- A).
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #Hv !>". iFrame "Hv". Qed.
Lemma lty_le_copy_inv_elim_copyable A : lty_copyable A -∗ copy- A <: A.
iIntros "#Hcp".
iApply lty_le_trans.
- iApply lty_le_copy_inv_mono. iApply "Hcp".
- iApply lty_le_copy_inv_elim.
Lemma lty_copyable_unit : ⊢ lty_copyable ().
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #Hv !>". iFrame "Hv". Qed.
Lemma lty_copyable_bool : ⊢ lty_copyable lty_bool.
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #Hv !>". iFrame "Hv". Qed.
Lemma lty_copyable_int : ⊢ lty_copyable lty_int.
Proof. iIntros (v) "!> #Hv !>". iFrame "Hv". Qed.
Lemma lty_le_arr A11 A12 A21 A22 :
▷ (A21 <: A11) -∗ ▷ (A12 <: A22) -∗
(A11 ⊸ A12) <: (A21 ⊸ A22).
iIntros "#H1 #H2" (v) "!> H". iIntros (w) "H'".
iApply (wp_later_wand with "(H (H1 H'))"). iIntros "!>" (v') "H".
by iApply "H2".
Lemma lty_le_arr_copy A11 A12 A21 A22 :
▷ (A21 <: A11) -∗ ▷ (A12 <: A22) -∗
(A11 → A12) <: (A21 → A22).
Proof. iIntros "#H1 #H2" (v) "!> #H !>". by iApply lty_le_arr. Qed.
(** This rule is really trivial, since [A → B] is syntactic sugar for
[copy (A ⊸ B)], but we include it anyway for completeness' sake. *)
Lemma lty_copyable_arr_copy A B : ⊢ lty_copyable (A → B).
Proof. iApply lty_copyable_copy. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_prod A11 A12 A21 A22 :
(A11 <: A21) -∗ (A12 <: A22) -∗
A11 * A12 <: A21 * A22.
iIntros "#H1 #H2" (v) "!>". iDestruct 1 as (w1 w2 ->) "[H1' H2']".
iExists _, _.
iDestruct ("H1" with "H1'") as "$".
by iDestruct ("H2" with "H2'") as "$".
Lemma lty_le_prod_copy A B :
copy A * copy B <:> copy (A * B).
iSplit; iModIntro; iIntros (v) "Hv";
iDestruct "Hv" as (v1 v2 ->) "[#Hv1 #Hv2]".
- iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. by iFrame "#".
- iExists v1, v2. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#".
Lemma lty_copyable_prod A B :
lty_copyable A -∗ lty_copyable B -∗ lty_copyable (A * B).
iIntros "#HcpA #HcpB". rewrite /lty_copyable /=.
iApply lty_le_r.
- by iApply lty_le_prod.
- by iApply lty_le_prod_copy.
Lemma lty_le_sum As1 As2 :
([∗ map] A1;A2 ∈ As1; As2, (A1 <: A2)) -∗
lty_sum As1 <: lty_sum As2.
iIntros "#H !> %v (%j & %w & [%A1 %HA1] & -> & ?)".
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_l with "H") as (A2 HA2) "HA"; first done.
iExists j, w. rewrite !lookup_total_alt HA1 HA2 /=. do 2 (iSplit; [done|]).
by iApply "HA".
Lemma lty_le_sum_copy As :
lty_sum (lty_copy <$> As) <:> copy (lty_sum As).
iSplit; iIntros "!> %v (%j & %w & [%A1 %HA1] & -> & HA)"; iExists j, w.
- rewrite lookup_fmap in HA1. destruct (As !! j) as [A|] eqn:HA; simplify_eq/=.
rewrite !lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap HA /=. iDestruct "HA" as "#HA".
eauto with iFrame.
- rewrite !lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap HA1 /=. iDestruct "HA" as "#HA".
eauto with iFrame.
Lemma lty_copyable_sum As :
([∗ map] A ∈ As, lty_copyable A) -∗ lty_copyable (lty_sum As).
iIntros "#HAs". rewrite /lty_copyable /=.
iApply lty_le_r; last by iApply lty_le_sum_copy.
iApply lty_le_sum. rewrite big_sepM2_fmap_r. by iApply big_sepM_sepM2_diag.
Lemma lty_le_forall C1 C2 :
▷ (∀ A, C1 A <: C2 A) -∗
(∀ A, C1 A) <: (∀ A, C2 A).
iIntros "#Hle" (v) "!> H". iIntros (A).
iApply (wp_later_wand with "H").
iIntros "!>" (w) "Hw". by iApply "Hle".
Lemma lty_le_exist C1 C2 :
(∀ A, C1 A <: C2 A) -∗
(∃ A, C1 A) <: (∃ A, C2 A).
iIntros "#Hle" (v) "!>". iDestruct 1 as (A) "H". iExists A. by iApply "Hle".
Lemma lty_le_exist_elim C B :
C B <: ∃ A, C A.
Proof. iIntros "!>" (v) "Hle". by iExists B. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_exist_copy F :
(∃ A, copy (F A)) <:> copy (∃ A, F A).
iSplit; iIntros "!>" (v); iDestruct 1 as (A) "#Hv";
iExists A; repeat iModIntro; iApply "Hv".
Lemma lty_copyable_exist (C : ltty → ltty) :
(∀ M, lty_copyable (C M)) -∗ lty_copyable (lty_exist C).
iIntros "#Hle". rewrite /lty_copyable /tc_opaque.
iApply lty_le_r; last by iApply lty_le_exist_copy.
iApply lty_le_exist. iApply "Hle".
(* TODO(COPY): Commuting rule for recursive types, allowing [copy] to move
outside the recursive type. This rule should be derivable using Löb
induction. *)
Lemma lty_copyable_rec C `{!Contractive C} :
(∀ A, lty_copyable (C A)) -∗ lty_copyable (lty_rec C).
iIntros "#Hcopy".
iIntros (v) "!> Hv".
rewrite /lty_rec {1}fixpoint_unfold.
iDestruct ("Hcopy" with "Hv") as "Hcopy'".
iDestruct "Hcopy'" as "#Hcopy'".
iEval (rewrite fixpoint_unfold).
iApply "Hcopy'".
Lemma lty_le_ref_uniq A1 A2 :
▷ (A1 <: A2) -∗ ref_uniq A1 <: ref_uniq A2.
iIntros "#H1" (v) "!>". iDestruct 1 as (l w ->) "[Hl HA]".
iDestruct ("H1" with "HA") as "HA".
iExists l, w. by iFrame.
Lemma lty_le_chan S1 S2 :
▷ (S1 <: S2) ⊢ chan S1 <: chan S2.
iIntros "#Hle" (v) "!> H".
iApply (own_chan_subprot with "H [Hle]"). eauto.
(** Session subtyping *)
Lemma lty_le_send A1 A2 S1 S2 :
(A2 <: A1) -∗ ▷ (S1 <: S2) -∗
(<!!> TY A1 ; S1) <: (<!!> TY A2 ; S2).
iIntros "#HAle #HSle !>".
iIntros (v) "H". iExists v.
iDestruct ("HAle" with "H") as "$". by iModIntro.
Lemma lty_le_recv A1 A2 S1 S2 :
(A1 <: A2) -∗ ▷ (S1 <: S2) -∗
(<??> TY A1 ; S1) <: (<??> TY A2 ; S2).
iIntros "#HAle #HSle !>" (v) "H". iExists v.
iDestruct ("HAle" with "H") as "$". by iModIntro.
Lemma lty_le_exist_elim_l k (M : lty k → lmsg) S :
(∀ (A : lty k), (<??> M A) <: S) ⊢
(<?? (A : lty k)> M A) <: S.
iIntros "#Hle !>".
unshelve iApply subprot_exist_elim_l_inhabited; [by apply _|by auto].
Lemma lty_le_exist_elim_r k (M : lty k → lmsg) S :
(∀ (A : lty k), S <: (<!!> M A)) ⊢
S <: (<!! (A : lty k)> M A).
iIntros "#Hle !>".
unshelve iApply subprot_exist_elim_r_inhabited; [by apply _|by auto].
Lemma lty_le_exist_intro_l k (M : lty k → lmsg) (A : lty k) :
(<!! X> M X) <: (<!!> M A).
Proof. iIntros "!>". iApply (subprot_exist_intro_l). Qed.
Lemma lty_le_exist_intro_r k (M : lty k → lmsg) (A : lty k) :
(<??> M A) <: (<?? X> M X).
Proof. iIntros "!>". iApply (subprot_exist_intro_r). Qed.
Lemma lty_le_texist_elim_l {kt} (M : ltys kt → lmsg) S :
(∀ Xs, (<??> M Xs) <: S) ⊢
(<??.. Xs> M Xs) <: S.
iIntros "H". iInduction kt as [|k kt] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
iApply lty_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (X).
iApply "IH". iIntros (Xs). iApply "H".
Lemma lty_le_texist_elim_r {kt : ktele} (M : ltys kt → lmsg) S :
(∀ Xs, S <: (<!!> M Xs)) ⊢
S <: (<!!.. Xs> M Xs).
iIntros "H". iInduction kt as [|k kt] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
iApply lty_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (X).
iApply "IH". iIntros (Xs). iApply "H".
Lemma lty_le_texist_intro_l {kt : ktele} (M : ltys kt → lmsg) Ks :
(<!!.. Xs> M Xs) <: (<!!> M Ks).
induction Ks as [|k kT X Xs IH]; simpl; [iApply lty_le_refl|].
iApply lty_le_trans; [by iApply lty_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH.
Lemma lty_le_texist_intro_r {kt : ktele} (M : ltys kt → lmsg) Ks :
(<??> M Ks) <: (<??.. Xs> M Xs).
induction Ks as [|k kt X Xs IH]; simpl; [iApply lty_le_refl|].
iApply lty_le_trans; [|by iApply lty_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
Lemma lty_le_select ASs1 ASs2 :
([∗ map] AS1;AS2 ∈ ASs1; ASs2, AS2.1 <: AS1.1 ∧ ▷ (AS1.2 <: AS2.2)) -∗
lty_select ASs1 <: lty_select ASs2.
iIntros "#Hle !> %t %v HA2"; iExists t, v. rewrite !lookup_total_alt.
destruct (ASs2 !! t) as [[A2 S2]|] eqn:?; simpl; [|done].
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_r with "Hle") as ([A1 S1] ->) "[HA HS]"; first done.
iDestruct ("HA" with "HA2") as "$". by iModIntro.
Lemma lty_le_select_subseteq ASs1 ASs2 :
ASs2 ⊆ ASs1 →
lty_select ASs1 <: lty_select ASs2.
iIntros (?) "!> %t %v H2". rewrite lookup_total_alt.
destruct (ASs2 !! t) as [S|] eqn:?; simpl; [|done].
iExists t, v. rewrite lookup_total_alt.
assert (ASs1 !! t = Some S) as -> by eauto using lookup_weaken. by iFrame.
Lemma lty_bi_le_select ASs1 ASs2 :
([∗ map] AS1;AS2 ∈ ASs1; ASs2, AS2.1 <:> AS1.1 ∧ ▷ (AS1.2 <:> AS2.2)) -∗
lty_select ASs1 <:> lty_select ASs2.
iIntros "H".
- iApply lty_le_select.
iApply (big_sepM2_impl with "H").
iIntros "!>" (k x1 x2 Hin1 Hin2) "[[$ _] [$ _]]".
- iApply lty_le_select.
iApply big_sepM2_flip.
iApply (big_sepM2_impl with "H").
iIntros "!>" (k x1 x2 Hin1 Hin2) "[[_ $] [_ $]]".
Lemma lty_le_branch ASs1 ASs2 :
([∗ map] AS1;AS2 ∈ ASs1; ASs2, AS1.1 <: AS2.1 ∧ ▷ (AS1.2 <: AS2.2)) -∗
lty_branch ASs1 <: lty_branch ASs2.
iIntros "#Hle !> %t %v HA1"; iExists t, v. rewrite !lookup_total_alt.
destruct (ASs1 !! t) as [[A1 S1]|] eqn:?; simpl; [|done].
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_l with "Hle") as ([A2 S2] ->) "[HA HS]"; first done.
iDestruct ("HA" with "HA1") as "$". by iModIntro.
Lemma lty_le_branch_subseteq ASs1 ASs2 :
ASs1 ⊆ ASs2 →
lty_branch ASs1 <: lty_branch ASs2.
iIntros (?) "!> %t %v H2". rewrite lookup_total_alt.
destruct (ASs1 !! t) as [S|] eqn:?; simpl; [|done].
iExists t, v. rewrite lookup_total_alt.
assert (ASs2 !! t = Some S) as -> by eauto using lookup_weaken. by iFrame.
Lemma lty_bi_le_branch ASs1 ASs2 :
([∗ map] AS1;AS2 ∈ ASs1; ASs2, AS2.1 <:> AS1.1 ∧ ▷ (AS1.2 <:> AS2.2)) -∗
lty_branch ASs1 <:> lty_branch ASs2.
iIntros "H".
- iApply lty_le_branch.
iApply (big_sepM2_impl with "H").
iIntros "!>" (k x1 x2 Hin1 Hin2) "[[_ $] [$ _]]".
- iApply lty_le_branch.
iApply big_sepM2_flip.
iApply (big_sepM2_impl with "H").
iIntros "!>" (k x1 x2 Hin1 Hin2) "[[$ _] [_ $]]".
(** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros],
[iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [lty_le] goals.
These instances have higher precedence than the ones in [proto.v] to avoid
needless unfolding of the subtyping relation. *)
Global Instance lty_le_from_forall_l k (M : lty k → lmsg) (S : lsty) name :
AsIdentName M name →
FromForall (lty_message ARecv (lty_msg_exist M) <: S) (λ X, (<??> M X) <: S)%I name | 0.
Proof. intros _. apply lty_le_exist_elim_l. Qed.
Global Instance lty_le_from_forall_r k (S : lsty) (M : lty k → lmsg) name :
AsIdentName M name →
FromForall (S <: lty_message ASend (lty_msg_exist M)) (λ X, S <: (<!!> M X))%I name | 1.
Proof. intros _. apply lty_le_exist_elim_r. Qed.
Global Instance lty_le_from_exist_l k (M : lty k → lmsg) S :
FromExist ((<!! X> M X) <: S) (λ X, (<!!> M X) <: S)%I | 0.
rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
iApply (lty_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply lty_le_exist_intro_l.
Global Instance lty_le_from_exist_r k (M : lty k → lmsg) S :
FromExist (S <: <?? X> M X) (λ X, S <: (<??> M X))%I | 1.
rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
iApply (lty_le_trans with "H"). iApply lty_le_exist_intro_r.
Global Instance lty_le_from_modal_send A (S1 S2 : lsty) :
FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (S1 <: S2)
((<!!> TY A; S1) <: (<!!> TY A; S2)) (S1 <: S2) | 0.
rewrite /FromModal. iIntros (_) "H". iApply lty_le_send.
- iApply lty_le_refl.
- done.
Global Instance lty_le_from_modal_recv A (S1 S2 : lsty) :
FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (S1 <: S2)
((<??> TY A; S1) <: (<??> TY A; S2)) (S1 <: S2) | 0.
rewrite /FromModal. iIntros (_) "H". iApply lty_le_recv.
- iApply lty_le_refl.
- done.
(** Algebraic laws *)
Lemma lty_le_dual S1 S2 : S2 <: S1 -∗ lty_dual S1 <: lty_dual S2.
Proof. iIntros "#H !>". by iApply subprot_dual. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_l S1 S2 : lty_dual S2 <: S1 -∗ lty_dual S1 <: S2.
Proof. iIntros "#H !>". by iApply subprot_dual_l. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_r S1 S2 : S2 <: lty_dual S1 -∗ S1 <: lty_dual S2.
Proof. iIntros "#H !>". by iApply subprot_dual_r. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_dual S : S <:> lty_dual (lty_dual S).
Proof. rewrite /lty_dual. rewrite dual_dual. iSplit; by iIntros "!>". Qed.
Lemma lty_bi_le_dual S1 S2 : S1 <:> S2 -∗ lty_dual S1 <:> lty_dual S2.
iIntros "#H".
- iIntros "!>". iDestruct "H" as "[_ H]". by iApply subprot_dual.
- iIntros "!>". iDestruct "H" as "[H _]". by iApply subprot_dual.
Lemma lty_le_dual_end a : lty_dual (lty_end a) <:> lty_end (action_dual a).
Proof. rewrite /lty_dual dual_end=> /=. apply lty_bi_le_refl. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_message a A S :
lty_dual (lty_message a (TY A; S)) <:>
lty_message (action_dual a) (TY A; (lty_dual S)).
rewrite /lty_dual dual_msg msg_dual_exist.
setoid_rewrite msg_dual_base. iSplit; by iIntros "!> /=".
Lemma lty_le_dual_send_exist {kt} M (A : kt -k> ltty) (S : kt -k> lsty) :
LtyMsgTele M A S →
lty_dual (<!!> M) <:>
<??.. As> TY (ktele_app A As) ; lty_dual (ktele_app S As).
rewrite /LtyMsgTele. iIntros (->).
rewrite /lty_dual /lty_message dual_msg /=.
induction kt as [|k kt IH]; rewrite msg_dual_exist.
- iSplit; iIntros (v); iExists v; rewrite msg_dual_base; eauto.
- iSplit.
+ iIntros (v). iExists v.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply IH | iApply lty_le_refl ].
+ iIntros (v). iExists v.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_bi_le_sym; iApply IH | iApply lty_le_refl ].
Lemma lty_le_dual_recv_exist {kt} M (A : kt -k> ltty) (S : kt -k> lsty) :
LtyMsgTele M A S →
lty_dual (<??> M) <:>
<!!.. As> TY (ktele_app A As) ; lty_dual (ktele_app S As).
rewrite /LtyMsgTele. iIntros (->).
rewrite /lty_dual /lty_message dual_msg /=.
induction kt as [|k kt IH]; rewrite msg_dual_exist.
- iSplit; iIntros (v); iExists v; rewrite msg_dual_base; eauto.
- iSplit.
+ iIntros (v). iExists v.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply IH | iApply lty_le_refl ].
+ iIntros (v). iExists v.
iApply lty_le_l; [ iApply lty_bi_le_sym; iApply IH | iApply lty_le_refl ].
Lemma lty_le_dual_send A S : lty_dual (<!!> TY A; S) <:> (<??> TY A; lty_dual S).
Proof. apply (lty_le_dual_send_exist (kt:=KTeleO)). apply _. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_recv A S : lty_dual (<??> TY A; S) <:> (<!!> TY A; lty_dual S).
Proof. apply (lty_le_dual_recv_exist (kt:=KTeleO)). apply _. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_close : lty_dual END!! <:> END??.
Proof. iSplit; rewrite /lty_end /lty_dual dual_end=> /=; iApply lty_le_refl. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_wait : lty_dual END?? <:> END!!.
Proof. iSplit; by rewrite /lty_end /lty_dual dual_end; iApply lty_le_refl. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_choice a ASs :
lty_dual (lty_choice a ASs)
<:> lty_choice (action_dual a) (prod_map id lty_dual <$> ASs).
rewrite /lty_dual /lty_choice dual_msg msg_dual_exist;
setoid_rewrite msg_dual_exist; setoid_rewrite msg_dual_base.
iSplit; iIntros "!> /="; destruct a; iIntros (j v) "H"; iExists j, v;
rewrite !lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap; destruct (ASs !! j)=> //=;
iFrame "H"; auto.
Lemma lty_le_dual_select ASs :
lty_dual (lty_select ASs) <:> lty_branch (prod_map id lty_dual <$> ASs).
Proof. iApply lty_le_dual_choice. Qed.
Lemma lty_le_dual_branch ASs :
lty_dual (lty_branch ASs) <:> lty_select (prod_map id lty_dual <$> ASs).
Proof. iApply lty_le_dual_choice. Qed.
End subtyping_rules.
Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x <: ?y)) =>
first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply lty_le_refl] : core.