From cgraphs.lambdabar Require Export rtypesystem.
From cgraphs.lambdabar Require Export definitions.
Definition linv (ρ : cfg) (v : nat) (in_l : multiset labelO) : rProp :=
match ρ !! v with
| Some (Thread e) => ⌜⌜ in_l ≡ ε ⌝⌝ ∗ rtyped0 e UnitT
| Some Barrier => ⌜⌜ ∃ t1 t2, in_l ≡ {[ (false,(t1,t2)) ]} ⋅ {[ (false,(t2,t1)) ]} ⌝⌝
| None => ⌜⌜ in_l ≡ ε ⌝⌝
Global Instance lin_Proper ρ v : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (linv ρ v).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Definition ginv ρ := inv (linv ρ).
Lemma lookup_union_spec `{Countable K} {V} (m1 m2 : gmap K V) (x : K) :
(m1 ∪ m2) !! x = from_option Some (m2 !! x) (m1 !! x).
rewrite lookup_union.
destruct (m1 !! x),(m2 !! x); simpl; eauto.
Ltac sdec := repeat (progress simp || case_decide || done || eauto).
Ltac smap := repeat (
rewrite lookup_union_spec ||
rewrite lookup_alter_spec ||
rewrite lookup_insert_spec ||
rewrite lookup_delete_spec ||
rewrite lookup_empty || sdec).
Lemma preservation i ρ ρ' :
step i ρ ρ' -> ginv ρ -> ginv ρ'.
intros H Hinv.
destruct H as [ρ ρ' ρf D1 D2 i H].
destruct H.
- eapply inv_impl; last done.
iIntros (n x) "H". unfold linv. smap.
iDestruct "H" as "[? H]". iFrame.
iDestruct (replacement with "H") as (t) "[H Q]"; first done.
iApply "Q". iApply pure_preservation; done.
- eapply inv_impl; last done.
iIntros (n x) "H". unfold linv. smap; iDestr "H";
assert (ρf !! n = None) as -> by solve_map_disjoint; eauto.
destruct v; simpl; iDestr "H"; simp. done.
- eapply (inv_alloc_lr i0 n j);
last done; first apply _; first apply _.
+ naive_solver.
+ iIntros (? ? ?) "H". unfold linv. smap.
+ iIntros (?) "H". unfold linv. smap.
assert (ρf !! n = None) as -> by solve_map_disjoint; eauto.
+ iIntros (?) "H". unfold linv. smap.
assert (ρf !! j = None) as -> by solve_map_disjoint; eauto.
+ iIntros (?) "H". unfold linv. smap. iDestr "H".
iDestruct (replacement with "H") as (t) "[H Q]"; first done. simpl.
iDestr "H". simp.
iExists (false,(t1,t2)), (false,(t2,t1)).
iSplitL "Q".
* iIntros "H". iSplit; first done.
iApply "Q". simpl. eauto.
* iSplit; eauto.
iIntros "Q". iSplit; eauto 10 with iFrame.
- assert (inv (λ k x,
if decide (k = i0) then
⌜⌜ x ≡ ε ⌝⌝ ∗ ∃ t1 t2, own_out n (true,(t1,t2)) ∗ ∀ e' : expr, rtyped0 e' t2 -∗ rtyped0 (k1 e') UnitT
else if decide (k = n) then
∃ t1 t2, ⌜⌜ x ≡ {[ (true,(t1,t2)) ]} ⋅ {[ (false,(t2,t1)) ]} ⌝⌝ ∗
vtyped v1 t1
else if decide (k = j) then
⌜⌜ x ≡ ε ⌝⌝ ∗ rtyped0 (k2 (App (Val (BarrierV n)) (Val v2))) UnitT
else linv ρf k x
)%I) as Hinv'.
eapply (inv_exchange i0 n); last done; [solve_proper|solve_proper|..].
- simp. smap; unfold linv; smap.
- simp. smap. unfold linv. smap.
iIntros "[% H]".
rewrite replacement; last done.
iDestruct "H" as (t1) "[H1 H2]". simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (t2 l) "[H1 H3]".
iDestruct "H1" as (t1' t2' ?) "H1". simplify_eq.
iExists _. iFrame. iIntros (x [t1 [t2 ?]]) "".
eapply multiset_xsplit_singleton in H8 as [[]|[]]; simplify_eq.
+ iExists _. iSplitL "H2".
* iIntros "H". iSplit; eauto. iExists _,_. iFrame.
* iExists _,_. iFrame. setoid_subst. eauto.
+ iExists _. iSplitL "H2".
* iIntros "H". iSplit; eauto. iExists _,_. iFrame.
* iExists _,_. iFrame. setoid_subst. eauto.
} clear Hinv.
assert (inv (λ k x,
if decide (k = i0) then
⌜⌜ x ≡ ε ⌝⌝ ∗ ∃ t1 t2, own_out n (true,(t1,t2)) ∗ ∀ e' : expr, rtyped0 e' t2 -∗ rtyped0 (k1 e') UnitT
else if decide (k = n) then
∃ t1 t2, ⌜⌜ x ≡ {[ (true,(t1,t2)) ]} ⌝⌝ ∗
vtyped v2 t2
else if decide (k = j) then
⌜⌜ x ≡ ε ⌝⌝ ∗ rtyped0 (k2 (Val v1)) UnitT
else linv ρf k x
)%I) as Hinv''.
eapply (inv_dealloc j n); last done; [solve_proper|solve_proper|..].
- simp. smap.
- simp. smap.
iIntros "[% H]".
rewrite replacement; last done.
iDestruct "H" as (t1) "[H1 H2]". simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (t2 l) "[H3 H4]".
iDestruct "H3" as (t1' t2' ?) "H". simplify_eq.
iExists _. iFrame. iIntros (?) "H".
iDestruct "H" as (t1 t2 ?) "H".
eapply multiset_xsplit_singleton in H8 as [[]|[]]; simplify_eq.
iSplitL "H H2".
+ iSplit; eauto. iApply "H2". done.
+ iExists _,_. iFrame. eauto.
} clear Hinv'.
eapply (inv_dealloc i0 n); last done; [solve_proper|solve_proper|..].
+ simp. smap; unfold linv; smap.
+ simp. smap.
iIntros "[% H]".
iDestruct "H" as (t1 t2) "[H1 H2]".
iExists _. iFrame. iIntros (?) "H".
iDestruct "H" as (t1' t2' ?) "H".
eapply multiset_singleton_mult' in H6 as []. simplify_eq.
unfold linv. smap.
assert (ρf !! n = None) as -> by solve_map_disjoint.
iSplit; eauto. iSplit; eauto.
iApply "H2". simpl. done.
Lemma fresh2 (s : gset nat) :
∃ x y, x ∉ s ∧ y ∉ s ∧ x ≠ y.
exists (fresh s), (fresh (s ∪ {[ fresh s ]})).
split; first apply is_fresh.
pose proof (is_fresh (s ∪ {[ fresh s ]})).
Lemma cfg_fresh2 (ρ : cfg) :
∃ j1 j2, ρ !! j1 = None ∧ ρ !! j2 = None ∧ j1 ≠ j2.
destruct (fresh2 (dom ρ)) as (j1 & j2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists j1,j2. split_and!; last done;
apply not_elem_of_dom; done.
Lemma linv_out_Some i j Σ l ρ x :
holds (linv ρ j x) Σ ->
Σ !! i ≡ Some l ->
∃ e, ρ !! j = Some (Thread e).
unfold linv.
destruct (ρ !! j) as [[]|]; eauto.
- rewrite affinely_pure_holds.
intros [H ?] Q.
specialize (H i). rewrite H lookup_empty in Q. simplify_eq.
- rewrite affinely_pure_holds.
intros [H ?] Q.
specialize (H i). rewrite H lookup_empty in Q. simplify_eq.
Definition own_dom A : rProp := ∃ Σ, ⌜⌜ A = dom Σ ⌝⌝ ∗ own Σ.
Lemma own_dom_empty : own_dom ∅ ⊣⊢ emp.
iSplit; unfold own_dom; iIntros "H".
- iDestruct "H" as (? H) "H".
symmetry in H. apply dom_empty_iff_L in H as ->.
by iApply own_empty.
- iExists ∅. rewrite own_empty dom_empty_L //.
Lemma own_dom_singleton k v : own {[ k := v ]} ⊢ own_dom {[ k ]}.
iIntros "H". iExists {[ k := v ]}.
rewrite dom_singleton_L. iFrame. done.
Lemma own_dom_union A B : own_dom A ∗ own_dom B ⊢ own_dom (A ∪ B).
iIntros "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (Σ1 H1) "H1".
iDestruct "H2" as (Σ2 H2) "H2". subst.
iExists (Σ1 ∪ Σ2). rewrite dom_union_L. iSplit; eauto.
iApply own_union. iFrame.
Lemma own_dom_fin_gset `{Countable A} n (g : fin n -> A) (f : A -> gset vertex) :
([∗ set] p ∈ fin_gset n g, own_dom (f p)) -∗ own_dom (big_union (fin_gset n (f ∘ g))).
induction n.
- rewrite !fin_gset_0 big_union_empty big_sepS_empty own_dom_empty //.
- rewrite !fin_gset_S big_union_singleton_union.
destruct (decide (g 0%fin ∈ fin_gset n (λ i : fin n, g (FS i)))).
+ rewrite subseteq_union_1_L; last rewrite singleton_subseteq_l //.
rewrite subseteq_union_1_L; first apply IHn.
eapply elem_of_fin_gset in e.
intros ??.
eapply elem_of_big_union.
destruct e. simpl in *.
rewrite -H1 in H0.
eexists. split; last done.
eapply elem_of_fin_gset. eauto.
+ rewrite big_sepS_insert //.
iIntros "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct (IHn with "H2") as "H2".
iApply own_dom_union. iFrame.
Lemma own_dom_fin_union n f :
([∗ set] p ∈ all_fin n, own_dom (f p)) ⊢ own_dom (fin_union n f).
iApply own_dom_fin_gset.
Lemma own_dom_all {A} (f : A -> gset vertex) :
(∀ i, own_dom (f i)) ⊢ ⌜ ∀ i j, f i = f j ⌝.
apply entails_holds.
intros Σ H.
rewrite pure_holds. intros.
rewrite ->forall_holds in H.
assert (∀ i, f i = dom Σ).
{ intros k. specialize (H k).
eapply exists_holds in H as [].
eapply pure_sep_holds in H as [].
eapply own_holds in H0.
rewrite -H0 H //. }
rewrite !H0 //.
Lemma own_dom_and A B :
own_dom A ∧ own_dom B ⊢ ⌜ A = B ⌝.
iIntros "H".
iAssert (∀ c:bool, own_dom (if c then A else B))%I with "[H]" as "H".
{ iIntros ([]).
- by iDestruct "H" as "[H _]".
- by iDestruct "H" as "[_ H]". }
iDestruct (own_dom_all with "H") as %Q.
specialize (Q true false). simpl in *. eauto.
Lemma fin_union_same `{Countable A} n (s : gset A) :
fin_union (S n) (λ i, s) = s.
induction n.
- rewrite fin_union_S fin_union_0 right_id_L //.
- rewrite fin_union_S IHn union_idemp_L //.
Lemma rtyped_refs Γ e t :
rtyped Γ e t ⊢ own_dom (expr_refs e)
with val_typed_refs v t :
vtyped v t ⊢ own_dom (val_refs v).
- iIntros "H". destruct e; simpl; repeat (iDestruct "H" as (?) "H"); try destruct l;
rewrite ?val_typed_refs ?rtyped_refs ?own_dom_empty ?own_dom_union; eauto.
iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H]". iApply own_dom_union; iFrame.
case_decide; subst. { rewrite fin_union_0 own_dom_empty //. }
setoid_rewrite rtyped_refs.
iDestruct (own_dom_all with "H") as %Q.
destruct n; simplify_eq.
assert (expr_refs ∘ e0 = λ i, expr_refs (e0 0%fin)) as ->.
{ apply functional_extensionality. intros. eapply Q. }
rewrite fin_union_same. iApply "H".
- iIntros "H". destruct v; simpl; rewrite ?own_dom_empty; eauto;
repeat (iDestruct "H" as (?) "H"); try destruct l;
rewrite ?val_typed_refs ?rtyped_refs ?own_dom_union; eauto.
by iApply own_dom_singleton.
Lemma expr_refs_linv ρ j e x Σ :
ρ !! j = Some (Thread e) ->
holds (linv ρ j x) Σ ->
expr_refs e = dom Σ.
intros H1 H2.
unfold linv in *.
rewrite H1 in H2.
eapply pure_sep_holds in H2 as [_ H2].
rewrite -rtyped_rtyped0 in H2.
eapply holds_entails in H2; last eapply rtyped_refs.
unfold own_dom in *.
eapply exists_holds in H2 as [Σ' H2].
eapply pure_sep_holds in H2 as [-> H2].
eapply own_holds in H2. rewrite H2 //.
Lemma full_reachability ρ :
ginv ρ -> fully_reachable ρ.
unfold fully_reachable.
intros Hinv.
destruct Hinv as [g [Hwf Hinv]].
eapply (cgraph_ind' (λ a b l, waiting ρ a b)); eauto; first solve_proper.
intros i IH1 IH2.
rewrite /inactive in H.
pose proof (Hinv i) as Q.
unfold linv in Q.
destruct (ρ !! i) eqn:E; simplify_eq. clear H.
destruct o.
- apply pure_sep_holds in Q as [Q1 Q2]. assert (Q2' := Q2).
eapply holds_entails in Q2; last apply pure_progress.
assert (ρ = {[ i := Thread e ]} ∪ delete i ρ) as HH.
{ apply map_eq. intro. smap. } rewrite HH.
apply pure_holds in Q2 as [[v ->]|Q].
+ constructor. exists (∅ ∪ delete i ρ).
econstructor; last constructor; last solve_map_disjoint.
intro x. smap. destruct (_!!x); done.
+ destruct Q as (k & e0 & [Hk ->] & [[e0' Q] | [[v ->] | [v [j ->]]]]).
* constructor. eexists ({[ i := Thread (k e0') ]} ∪ delete i ρ).
constructor; [intro j; smap; by destruct (_!!j)..|].
constructor; eauto.
* constructor.
destruct (cfg_fresh2 ρ) as (j & n & Hj & Hn & Hjn).
exists ({[ i := Thread (k $ Val $ BarrierV n);
j := Thread (App (Val v) (Val $ BarrierV n));
n := Barrier ]} ∪ delete i ρ).
constructor; [intro x; smap; by destruct (_!!x)..|].
constructor; eauto; intros ->; simplify_eq.
* (* Thread is now trying to sync with a barrier *)
(* It is therefore waiting and reachable *)
rewrite -HH.
assert (∃ l, out_edges g i !! j ≡ Some l) as [l Hl].
(* rewrite replacement in Q2'; last done. *)
(* simpl in Q2'. *)
assert (holds ((∃ l, own_out j l) ∗ True) (out_edges g i)) as QQ.
eapply holds_entails; first exact Q2'.
iIntros "H".
rewrite replacement; last done.
iDestruct "H" as (t) "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (t2 l) "[H11 H12]".
iDestruct "H11" as (t1 t0 ?) "H11". simplify_eq.
iSplitL "H11"; eauto.
eapply sep_holds in QQ as (Σ1 & Σ2 & H12 & Hdisj & Hout & HP).
eapply exists_holds in Hout as [l Hout].
unfold own_out in Hout.
eapply own_holds in Hout.
exists l. rewrite H12.
rewrite -Hout.
assert (ρ !! j = Some Barrier) as F.
eapply out_edges_in_labels in Hl as [x Hx].
specialize (Hinv j).
rewrite Hx in Hinv.
eapply pure_holds.
eapply holds_entails; first exact Hinv.
iIntros "H".
unfold linv.
destruct (ρ !! j) as [[]|]; eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (?) "H".
exfalso. eapply multiset_empty_neq_singleton.
eapply multiset_empty_mult in H as []; eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as "%".
exfalso. eapply multiset_empty_neq_singleton.
eapply multiset_empty_mult in H as []; eauto.
assert (waiting ρ i j). {
unfold waiting. rewrite E F.
unfold expr_waiting; eauto.
assert (reachable ρ j). {
edestruct (IH1 j); eauto.
unfold inactive in *. simplify_eq.
eauto using reachable.
- eapply affinely_pure_holds in Q as [Q1 [t1 [t2 Q2]]].
(* Need to check whether both threads are trying to sync. *)
(* If so, then can_step *)
(* Otherwise, use IH *)
apply in_labels_out_edges2 in Q2 as (j1 & j2 & Hj12 & Hj1 & Hj2).
edestruct (linv_out_Some i j1) as [e1 He1]; eauto.
edestruct (linv_out_Some i j2) as [e2 He2]; eauto.
destruct (classic (waiting ρ j1 i)) as [W1|W1]; last first.
edestruct IH2; [|done|..]; eauto.
- unfold inactive in H. simplify_eq.
- assert (waiting ρ i j1); eauto using reachable.
unfold waiting in *.
rewrite He1 E in W1.
rewrite E He1. split; eauto.
erewrite expr_refs_linv; eauto.
apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hj1. done.
destruct (classic (waiting ρ j2 i)) as [W2|W2]; last first.
edestruct IH2; [|done|..]; eauto.
- unfold inactive in H. simplify_eq.
- assert (waiting ρ i j2); eauto using reachable.
unfold waiting in *.
rewrite He2 E in W2.
rewrite E He2. split; eauto.
erewrite expr_refs_linv; eauto.
apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hj2. done.
unfold waiting in W1,W2.
rewrite He1 E in W1.
rewrite He2 E in W2.
assert (ρ = {[ j1 := Thread e1; j2 := Thread e2; i := Barrier ]} ∪ (delete j2 $ delete j1 $ delete i ρ)) as HH.
{ apply map_eq. intro. smap. }
destruct W2 as (k2 & v2 & Hk2 & ->).
destruct W1 as (k1 & v1 & Hk1 & ->).
unfold can_step.
exists ({[ j1 := Thread (k1 $ Val v2); j2 := Thread (k2 $ Val v1) ]} ∪ (delete j2 $ delete j1 $ delete i ρ)).
rewrite {1}HH.
{ intro x. smap. destruct (_!!x); done. }
{ intro x. smap. destruct (_!!x); done. }
constructor; eauto; intros ->; simplify_eq.
Lemma initialization e :
typed ∅ e UnitT -> ginv {[ 0 := Thread e ]}.
intros H.
unfold ginv, linv.
eapply inv_impl; last eauto using inv_init.
intros. simpl.
iIntros "[% _]".
smap. iSplit; eauto.
rewrite -rtyped_rtyped0.
iApply typed_rtyped. eauto.