From cgraphs.multiparty Require Export invariant.
(* Global types *)
(* ============ *)
(* This is section 6 in the paper. *)
(* This file contains definitions and theorems to show consistency of multiparty session types using global types. *)
(* In particular, we define the notion of global type consistency (the consistent_gt predicate), *)
(* and show that it implies the consistency notion used in the typing rules (the consistent predicate). *)
CoInductive global_type : Type := (* *)
| Message n : participant -> participant ->
(fin n -> type) -> (fin n -> global_type) -> global_type
| EndG : global_type.
Inductive occurs_in (r : participant) : global_type -> Prop := (* *)
| oi_here_sender n q t g : occurs_in r (Message n r q t g)
| oi_here_receiver n p t g : occurs_in r (Message n p r t g)
| oi_later n p q t g i : occurs_in r (g i) -> occurs_in r (Message n p q t g).
Inductive guarded (r : participant) : global_type -> Prop := (* *)
| gu_here_sender n q t g : guarded r (Message n r q t g) (* *)
| gu_here_receiver n p t g : guarded r (Message n p r t g) (* *)
| gu_later n p q t g : (∀ i, guarded r (g i)) -> guarded r (Message n p q t g). (* *)
CoInductive proj (r : participant) : global_type -> session_type -> Prop := (* *)
| proj_send n q t G σ :
r ≠ q -> (∀ i, proj r (G i) (σ i)) -> (* *)
proj r (Message n r q t G) (SendT n q t σ) (* *)
| proj_recv n p t G σ :
r ≠ p -> (∀ i, proj r (G i) (σ i)) -> (* *)
proj r (Message n p r t G) (RecvT n p t σ) (* *)
| proj_skip n p q t G σ :
r ≠ p -> r ≠ q -> (∀ i, proj r (G i) σ) -> (∀ i, guarded r (G i)) -> (* *)
proj r (Message (S n) p q t G) σ (* *)
| proj_end G :
¬ occurs_in r G -> proj r G EndT. (* *)
Definition consistent_gt n (σs : fin n -> session_type) :=
∃ G : global_type,
(∀ i, proj (fin_to_nat i) G (σs i)) ∧ (* *)
(∀ j, j >= n -> proj j G EndT). (* *)
(* Proof that [consistent_gt n σs] implies [consistent n σs] *)
(* ========================================================= *)
Inductive rglobal_type : Type := (* *)
| MessageR n : option (fin n) -> participant -> participant ->
(fin n -> type) -> (fin n -> rglobal_type) -> rglobal_type
| ContinueR : global_type -> rglobal_type. (* *)
Inductive rproj (r : participant) : rglobal_type -> session_type -> Prop := (* *)
| rproj_send n q ts Gs σs :
q ≠ r -> (∀ i, rproj r (Gs i) (σs i)) -> (* *)
rproj r (MessageR n None r q ts Gs) (SendT n q ts σs) (* *)
| rproj_recv n o p ts Gs σs :
p ≠ r -> (∀ i, rproj r (Gs i) (σs i)) -> (* *)
rproj r (MessageR n o p r ts Gs) (RecvT n p ts σs) (* *)
| rproj_skip n p q ts Gs σ :
p ≠ r -> q ≠ r -> (∀ i, rproj r (Gs i) σ) -> (* *)
rproj r (MessageR (S n) None p q ts Gs) σ (* *)
| rproj_buf_skip n i p q ts Gs σ :
q ≠ r -> rproj r (Gs i) σ -> (* *)
rproj r (MessageR n (Some i) p q ts Gs) σ (* *)
| rproj_continue G σ :
proj r G σ -> rproj r (ContinueR G) σ. (* *)
Inductive sbufprojs : rglobal_type -> sbufsT -> Prop := (* *)
| bp_skip n p q ts Gs bufs :
pop p q bufs = None -> (∀ i, sbufprojs (Gs i) bufs) -> (* *)
sbufprojs (MessageR n None p q ts Gs) bufs (* *)
| bp_here n p q i bufs bufs' ts Gs :
pop p q bufs = Some ((fin_to_nat i, ts i), bufs') ->
sbufprojs (Gs i) bufs' -> (* *)
sbufprojs (MessageR n (Some i) p q ts Gs) bufs (* *)
| bp_end G' bufs : bufs_empty bufs -> sbufprojs (ContinueR G') bufs. (* *)
Definition sbufs_typed_gt (bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type) :=
dom_valid bufs (dom σs) ∧
∃ G : rglobal_type,
(∀ p, rproj p G (default EndT (σs !! p))) ∧ (* *)
sbufprojs G bufs. (* *)
Inductive pushUG (p q : participant) (n : nat) (i : fin n) : type -> global_type -> rglobal_type -> Prop := (* *)
| pushU_skip n' p' q' t ts Gs Gs' :
p' ≠ p -> (∀ j, pushUG p q n i t (Gs j) (Gs' j)) ->
pushUG p q n i t (Message (S n') p' q' ts Gs) (MessageR (S n') None p' q' ts Gs')
| pushU_here ts Gs :
pushUG p q n i (ts i) (Message n p q ts Gs) (MessageR n (Some i) p q ts (λ j, ContinueR (Gs j))).
Inductive pushG (p q : participant) (n : nat) (i : fin n) : type -> rglobal_type -> rglobal_type -> Prop := (* *)
| push_skipN n' p' q' ts Gs Gs' t :
p' ≠ p -> (∀ j, pushG p q n i t (Gs j) (Gs' j)) ->
pushG p q n i t (MessageR (S n') None p' q' ts Gs) (MessageR (S n') None p' q' ts Gs')
| push_skipS n' i' p' q' ts Gs Gs' t :
pushG p q n i t (Gs i') (Gs' i') -> (∀ j, j ≠ i' -> Gs j = Gs' j) ->
pushG p q n i t (MessageR n' (Some i') p' q' ts Gs) (MessageR n' (Some i') p' q' ts Gs')
| push_here ts Gs :
pushG p q n i (ts i) (MessageR n None p q ts Gs) (MessageR n (Some i) p q ts Gs)
| push_cont G G' t : pushUG p q n i t G G' -> pushG p q n i t (ContinueR G) G'.
Ltac inv H := inversion H; simplify_eq; clear H.
Lemma send_pushUG p q G n ts σs i :
proj p G (SendT n q ts σs) -> ∃ G', pushUG p q n i (ts i) G G'. (* *)
intros H.
inv H; eauto using pushUG.
assert (∀ j, ∃ G', pushUG p q n i (ts i) (G0 j) G').
intros j.
specialize (H2 j).
specialize (H3 j).
revert H2 H3.
generalize (G0 j). clear. intros G Hproj Hoc. (* *)
induction Hoc; inv Hproj; eauto using pushUG.
assert (∀ i0, ∃ G' : rglobal_type, pushUG p q n i (ts i) (g i0) G').
{ eauto. }
apply fin_choice in H1 as [].
eauto using pushUG.
eapply fin_choice in H as []; eauto using pushUG.
Lemma send_pushG p q G n ts σs i :
rproj p G (SendT n q ts σs) -> ∃ G', pushG p q n i (ts i) G G'. (* *)
intros H.
induction G; inv H; eauto using pushG.
- assert (∀ j, ∃ G', pushG p q n i (ts i) (r j) G') as Hc; eauto.
apply fin_choice in Hc as [Gs' HGs'].
eexists. constructor; eauto.
- edestruct H0; eauto.
eexists (MessageR _ _ _ _ _ (λ j, if decide (j = i1) then x else r j)).
econstructor; last intros; case_decide; simplify_eq; eauto.
- edestruct send_pushUG; eauto using pushG.
Lemma pushUG_send p q n i G G' t ts σs :
pushUG p q n i t G G' -> proj p G (SendT n q ts σs) -> rproj p G' (σs i). (* *)
induction 1; intros Hproj; inv Hproj; eauto using rproj.
Lemma pushG_send p q n i G G' t ts σs :
pushG p q n i t G G' -> rproj p G (SendT n q ts σs) -> rproj p G' (σs i). (* *)
induction 1; intros Hproj; inv Hproj; eauto using rproj, pushUG_send.
Lemma pushUG_other p q r n i G G' σ t :
r ≠ p -> pushUG p q n i t G G' -> proj r G σ -> rproj r G' σ. (* *)
intros Hneq Hpush. revert σ; induction Hpush; intros σ Hproj;
inv Hproj; eauto using rproj.
- constructor.
+ intros ->. apply H2. eauto using occurs_in.
+ intros ->. apply H2. eauto using occurs_in.
+ intro. eapply H1. constructor. intros Q.
eapply H2. eauto using occurs_in.
- econstructor; eauto.
{ intros ->. apply H; eauto using occurs_in. }
econstructor. constructor. intros Q.
apply H. econstructor. eauto using occurs_in.
Lemma pushG_other p q r n i G G' σ t :
r ≠ p -> pushG p q n i t G G' -> rproj r G σ -> rproj r G' σ. (* *)
intros Hneq Hpush. revert σ; induction Hpush; intros σ Hproj;
inv Hproj; eauto using rproj, pushUG_other.
econstructor; eauto. intros j.
destruct (decide (j = i')); subst; eauto.
rewrite -H; eauto.
Lemma proj_consistent p q n i t G G' :
pushG p q n i t G G' -> ¬ rproj q G EndT. (* *)
induction 1; intros Hproj; inv Hproj.
- eapply H1. eauto. Unshelve. exact 0%fin.
- induction H; inv H1; eauto using occurs_in.
eapply H2. econstructor. intro.
eauto using occurs_in. Unshelve. exact 0%fin. exact 0%fin.
Lemma pushUG_bufs p q n i t G G' bufs :
pushUG p q n i t G G' -> bufs_empty bufs -> is_present p q bufs ->
sbufprojs G' (push p q (fin_to_nat i,t) bufs). (* *)
induction 1; eauto using pop_push_None, pop_push_single, sbufprojs.
Lemma pushG_bufs p q n i G G' bufs t :
pushG p q n i t G G' -> is_present p q bufs ->
sbufprojs G bufs -> (* *)
sbufprojs G' (push p q (fin_to_nat i,t) bufs). (* *)
intros Hpush. revert bufs. induction Hpush; intros bufs Hpres Hsb; inv Hsb;
eauto using sbufprojs, pushUG_bufs, pop_push_single, pop_is_present, pop_push_Some, pop_push_None.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_push (bufss : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type)
(n : nat) (i : fin n) (p q : participant) ts ss :
σs !! p = Some (SendT n q ts ss) ->
sbufs_typed_gt bufss σs ->
sbufs_typed_gt (push p q (fin_to_nat i,ts i) bufss) (<[p:=ss i]> σs).
intros Hp [Hdb [G [Hprojs Hsb]]].
split. { rewrite dom_insert_lookup_L; eauto.
apply dom_valid_push; eauto. apply elem_of_dom; eauto. }
pose proof (Hprojs p) as Hproj. rewrite Hp in Hproj. simpl in *.
edestruct send_pushG as [G' H]; first done.
exists G'. split.
- intros r. rewrite lookup_insert_spec.
case_decide; subst; simpl; last eauto using pushG_other.
eapply pushG_send; eauto.
- eapply pushG_bufs; eauto.
eapply dom_valid_is_present; eauto; apply elem_of_dom.
+ rewrite ?Hp; eauto.
+ specialize (Hprojs q).
destruct (σs !! q); eauto.
simpl in *. exfalso. eapply proj_consistent; eauto.
Inductive popG (p q : participant) (n : nat) (i : fin n) : type -> rglobal_type -> rglobal_type -> Prop := (* *)
| pop_skipN n' p' q' ts Gs Gs' t :
q' ≠ q -> (∀ j, popG p q n i t (Gs j) (Gs' j)) ->
popG p q n i t (MessageR (S n') None p' q' ts Gs) (MessageR (S n') None p' q' ts Gs')
| pop_skipS n' i' p' q' ts Gs Gs' t :
q' ≠ q -> popG p q n i t (Gs i') (Gs' i') -> (∀ j, j ≠ i' -> Gs j = Gs' j) ->
popG p q n i t (MessageR n' (Some i') p' q' ts Gs) (MessageR n' (Some i') p' q' ts Gs')
| pop_here ts Gs :
popG p q n i (ts i) (MessageR n (Some i) p q ts Gs) (Gs i).
Lemma sbufprojs_popG (G : rglobal_type)
(bufs bufs' : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(n : nat) (p q : participant) t i ts ss :
rproj q G (RecvT n p ts ss) -> (* *)
pop p q bufs = Some((i,t),bufs') ->
sbufprojs G bufs -> ∃ G' i', i = fin_to_nat i' ∧ popG p q n i' (ts i') G G'. (* *)
intros Hp. revert bufs bufs'. induction G; intros bufs bufs' Hpop Hsb; inv Hsb.
- inv Hp.
assert (∀ j, ∃ G' i', i = fin_to_nat i' ∧ popG p q n i' (ts i') (r j) G') as Q.
{ intros. edestruct H; eauto. }
apply fin_choice in Q as [Gs' HG].
destruct (HG 0%fin) as [j []]. subst.
eexists _,_; split; eauto.
econstructor; eauto. intros. edestruct HG as [? []].
simplify_eq. eauto.
- inv Hp.
+ eexists _,_. rewrite Hpop in H7. simplify_eq.
split; eauto using pop_here.
+ assert (∃ bufs'', pop p q bufs'0 = Some (i, t, bufs'')) as []; eauto using pop_swap'.
edestruct H as [G' [i' [-> HG]]]; eauto.
eexists (MessageR _ _ _ _ _ (λ i, if decide (i = i1) then G' else r i)),_.
split; eauto. econstructor; eauto. sdec. intros. sdec.
- rewrite H0 in Hpop. sdec.
Lemma popG_recv p q n i G G' t ts σs :
popG p q n i t G G' -> rproj q G (RecvT n p ts σs) -> rproj q G' (σs i). (* *)
induction 1; intros Hproj; inv Hproj; eauto using rproj.
Lemma popG_other p q r n i G G' σ t :
r ≠ q -> popG p q n i t G G' -> rproj r G σ -> rproj r G' σ. (* *)
intros Hneq Hpush. revert σ; induction Hpush; intros σ Hproj;
inv Hproj; eauto using rproj.
econstructor; eauto.
intros j. destruct (decide (j = i')); sdec.
rewrite -H0; eauto.
Lemma popG_sbufprojs p q n bufs bufs' t t' i G G' : (* *)
popG p q n i t G G' ->
pop p q bufs = Some (fin_to_nat i, t', bufs') ->
sbufprojs G bufs -> t = t' ∧ sbufprojs G' bufs'. (* *)
intros HpopG. revert bufs bufs'. induction HpopG; simpl; intros bufs bufs' Hpop Hsb;
inv Hsb; eauto using sbufprojs.
- edestruct H1; eauto. clear H3. subst.
split; eauto.
econstructor; eauto using pop_pop_None.
intros. edestruct H1; eauto.
- assert (∃ bufs'' : sbufsT, pop p q bufs'0 = Some (fin_to_nat i,t', bufs'')) as []
by eauto using pop_swap'.
edestruct IHHpopG; [|eauto|]; eauto. subst.
split; eauto. econstructor; eauto using pop_commute.
Unshelve. exact 0%fin.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_pop (σs : gmap participant session_type)
(bufs bufs' : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(n : nat) (p q : participant) t i ts ss :
σs !! q = Some (RecvT n p ts ss) ->
pop p q bufs = Some((i,t),bufs') ->
sbufs_typed_gt bufs σs -> ∃ i', i = fin_to_nat i' ∧ t = ts i' ∧
sbufs_typed_gt bufs' (<[ q := ss i' ]> σs).
intros Hp Hpop [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsb]]].
pose proof (Hprojs q) as Hproj. rewrite Hp in Hproj. simpl in *.
edestruct sbufprojs_popG as (G' & i' & Q & HpopG); eauto. subst.
eexists; split; eauto.
edestruct popG_sbufprojs; eauto. subst.
split; eauto.
split. { rewrite dom_insert_lookup_L; eauto. eapply dom_valid_pop; eauto. }
exists G'. split; eauto.
intros r. smap; eauto using popG_other, popG_recv.
Lemma sbufs_gt_Some_present σs p q n ts ss sbufs (i : fin n) :
σs !! p = Some (SendT n q ts ss) ->
sbufs_typed_gt sbufs σs ->
is_present p q sbufs.
intros Hp [Hdv [G [Hprojs bufs]]].
pose proof (Hprojs p) as Hproj.
rewrite Hp in Hproj. simpl in *.
eapply send_pushG in Hproj as [G' HpushG]. Unshelve. 2: eauto. (* *)
assert (¬ rproj q G EndT); eauto using proj_consistent. (* *)
destruct (σs !! q) eqn:E.
eapply dom_valid_is_present; eauto; apply elem_of_dom; rewrite ?E ?Hp; eauto.
specialize (Hprojs q).
rewrite E in Hprojs. done.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_dealloc sbufs σs p :
σs !! p = Some EndT ->
sbufs_typed_gt sbufs σs ->
sbufs_typed_gt (delete p sbufs) (delete p σs).
intros Hp [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsbufs]]].
split. { rewrite dom_delete_L. eapply dom_valid_delete; done. }
exists G.
assert (rproj p G EndT) as Hprojp. (* *)
{ specialize (Hprojs p). rewrite Hp in Hprojs. done. }
split. {intros p'. rewrite lookup_delete_spec. case_decide; subst; eauto. }
clear Hp Hdv Hprojs σs.
revert sbufs Hsbufs. induction G; intros; inv Hprojp; inv Hsbufs;
eauto using sbufprojs,pop_delete_None,pop_delete_Some,bufs_empty_delete.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_end_empty σs p bufs :
σs !! p = Some EndT ->
sbufs_typed_gt bufs σs ->
buf_empty bufs p.
intros Hp [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsb]]].
specialize (Hprojs p).
rewrite Hp in Hprojs. simpl in *.
clear Hdv.
induction Hsb; inv Hprojs; eauto using bufs_empty_buf_empty,buf_empty_pop.
Unshelve. exact 0%fin.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_empty : sbufs_typed_gt ∅ ∅.
split. { rewrite dom_empty_L. apply dom_valid_empty. }
exists (ContinueR EndG). split.
- intros p. rewrite lookup_empty /=.
constructor. constructor. intros H. inversion H.
- econstructor. intros ??. unfold pop. rewrite lookup_empty //.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_empty_inv σs :
sbufs_typed_gt ∅ σs -> σs = ∅.
intros [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsbufs]]].
apply dom_valid_empty_inv in Hdv.
apply dom_empty_iff_L in Hdv. done.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_progress bufss σs :
sbufs_typed_gt bufss σs -> bufss = ∅ ∨ can_progress bufss σs.
intros [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsbufs]]].
inv Hsbufs.
- right.
unfold can_progress.
specialize (Hprojs p).
exists p.
destruct (σs !! p); last (inversion Hprojs; simplify_eq).
eexists _; split; first done.
destruct s; eauto. simpl in *.
inversion Hprojs; simplify_eq.
- right.
specialize (Hprojs q).
unfold can_progress.
exists q.
destruct (σs !! q); last (inversion Hprojs; simplify_eq). simpl in *.
exists s. split; eauto.
destruct s; eauto.
inv Hprojs; eauto.
- destruct (classic (bufss = ∅)) as [|Q]; eauto.
eapply map_choose in Q as [p [x Hp]].
right. unfold can_progress.
destruct G'.
+ specialize (Hprojs p0).
exists p0.
destruct (σs !! p0); simpl in *.
* inversion Hprojs; subst.
remember (Message n p0 p1 t g).
inversion H1; simplify_eq.
{ eexists. split; eauto. simpl. eauto. }
exfalso. eauto using occurs_in.
* inversion Hprojs; simplify_eq. inversion H1; simplify_eq.
exfalso. eauto using occurs_in.
+ specialize (Hprojs p).
exists p.
destruct (σs !! p) eqn:E; last first.
{ apply not_elem_of_dom in E.
exfalso. apply E.
eapply dom_valid_same_dom; eauto. }
eexists. split; first done.
destruct s; eauto.
simpl in *.
inversion Hprojs; simplify_eq.
inversion H1; simplify_eq.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_recv bufss σs p :
is_Some (σs !! p) ->
sbufs_typed_gt bufss σs -> is_Some (bufss !! p).
intros Hp [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsbufs]]].
eapply dom_valid_same_dom; eauto.
apply elem_of_dom. done.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_dom bufss σs :
sbufs_typed_gt bufss σs -> dom bufss = dom σs.
intros [Hdv [G [Hprojs Hsbufs]]].
eapply set_eq. intros.
eapply dom_valid_same_dom in Hdv. rewrite -Hdv.
rewrite elem_of_dom. done.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_subufs_typed bufs σs : (* *)
sbufs_typed_gt bufs σs -> sbufs_typed bufs σs.
revert bufs σs.
cofix IH.
intros bufs σs H.
- intros. split.
+ eapply sbufs_gt_Some_present; eauto.
+ eapply IH. eapply sbufs_typed_gt_push; eauto.
- intros. edestruct sbufs_typed_gt_pop as (?&?&?&?); eauto.
(* - intros. eapply sbufs_gt_Some_present; eauto. *)
- intros. split.
+ eapply sbufs_typed_gt_end_empty; eauto.
+ eapply IH. eapply sbufs_typed_gt_dealloc; eauto.
- eapply sbufs_typed_gt_progress; eauto.
- eapply sbufs_typed_gt_dom. done.
Lemma sbufs_typed_gt_init n σs :
consistent_gt n σs ->
sbufs_typed_gt (init_chans n) (fin_gmap n σs).
intros Hcons.
destruct Hcons as [G [Hprojs1 Hprojs2]].
split; first by eauto using dom_valid_init, fin_gmap_dom.
exists (ContinueR G).
- intros p.
destruct (decide (p < n)).
+ rewrite -(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l).
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup. simpl.
eauto using rproj.
+ rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne; last lia.
simpl. eauto using rproj with lia. (* *)
- econstructor. eapply bufs_empty_init_chans.
Lemma consistent_gt_consistent n σs : (* *)
consistent_gt n σs -> consistent n σs.
intros H. unfold consistent.
by eapply sbufs_typed_gt_subufs_typed, sbufs_typed_gt_init.
l0: ![1]nat.?[1]string.End
l1: ?[0]nat.![0]string.End
with this global type:
G: [1->0]nat.[0->1]string.End
this is not consistent_gt, but it is consistent:
l0: ![1]nat.?[1]string.End
l1: ![0]string.?[0]nat.End
Actris supports this.