Guarantees by Construction (Mechanization)

Jules Jacobs

From stdpp Require Import countable fin_sets functions.
From iris Require Import proofmode.proofmode proofmode.tactics.
From cgraphs Require Import util bi.
From Coq.Logic Require Export FunctionalExtensionality Classical.

Lemma big_sepS_pure_impl {PROP : bi} `{Countable A} (s : gset A) (P : A -> PROP) (Q : A -> Prop) :
  (  i,  i  s  - P i -  Q i ) -
  ([ set] i  s, P i) -  set_Forall Q s .
  iIntros "#H G".
  iApply big_sepS_pure_1.
  iApply (big_sepS_impl with "G"). Unshelve.
  iModIntro. iIntros (x HH) "Q". Unshelve. iApply "H"; eauto.

Lemma big_sepF_pure_impl {PROP : bi} n (P : fin n -> PROP) (Q : fin n -> Prop) :
  (  i, P i -  Q i ) -
  ([ set] i  all_fin n, P i) -   i, Q i .
  iIntros "#H G".
  iDestruct (big_sepS_pure_impl with "[] G") as %G.
  { iModIntro. iIntros (i Hi) "Q". iApply "H". done. }
  iPureIntro. intros.
  apply G. apply all_fin_all.

Lemma big_sepS_impl1 {PROP : bi} `{Countable A} (s : gset A) (P P' : A -> PROP) (x0 : A) :
  x0  s ->
   (∀ x, ⌜⌜ x  x0 ⌝⌝ - P x - P' x) -
    (P x0 - P' x0) -
    ([ set] x  s, P x) - [ set] x  s, P' x.
  iIntros (Hx0) "#Hr H1 H".
  rewrite big_sepS_delete //.
  iApply big_sepS_delete; first done.
  iDestruct "H" as "[H0 H]".
  iSplitL "H1 H0".
  - iApply "H1". done.
  - iApply (big_sepS_impl with "H"). iModIntro.
    iIntros (x Hx) "H".
    iApply ("Hr" with "[%] H"). set_solver.

Lemma subset_exists `{Countable A} (P : A -> Prop) (s : gset A) :
  (∀ x, P x -> x  s) ->  s' : gset A,  x, x  s' <-> P x.
  revert P; induction s using set_ind_L; intros P Q.
  - exists . set_solver.
  - destruct (IHs  y, P y  y  x)); first set_solver.
    destruct (classic (P x)); last set_solver.
    exists (x0  {[ x ]}). set_solver.