From cgraphs.multiparty Require Import invariant langdef.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical.
Definition blocked es h (x y : object) (l : clabel) : Prop :=
∃ i j, x = Thread i ∧ y = Chan j ∧ thread_blocked es h i j.
Lemma rtyped_inner e t : (* *)
rtyped0 e t -∗ ⌜ (∃ v, e = Val v) ∨
∃ k e0, ctx k ∧ e = k e0 ∧
((∃ e', pure_step e0 e') ∨
(∃ v p, e0 = Recv p (Val v)) ∨
(∃ v1 v2 p i, e0 = Send p (Val v1) i (Val v2)) ∨
(∃ n f, e0 = Spawn n (Val ∘ f)) ∨
(∃ v, e0 = Close (Val v))) ⌝.
iIntros "H".
iInduction e as [] "IH" forall (t); simpl; [eauto|eauto|..].
- iDestruct "H" as (t1 t2 ->) "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
iDestruct ("IH1" with "H2") as "%". iClear "IH1".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ destruct H0 as [[v' ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H0)].
* iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
left. eexists.
* iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, Pair (Val v) (k x)),_.
split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, Pair (k x) e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, Pair x e2)); eauto. constructor.
- iDestruct "H" as (t1 t2 ->) "H".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
left. eexists.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, Inj b (k x)),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, Inj b x)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (n0 f i' [-> ->]) "H".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
left. eexists.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, InjN i' (k x)),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, InjN i' x)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (t') "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
iDestruct ("IH1" with "H2") as "%". iClear "IH1".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ destruct H0 as [[v' ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H0)].
* simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (x e ->) "H1".
iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
left. eexists.
* iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, App (Val v) (k x)),_.
split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, App (k x) e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, App x e2)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (t') "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
iDestruct ("IH1" with "H2") as "%". iClear "IH1".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ destruct H0 as [[v' ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H0)].
* simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (x e ->) "H1".
iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
left. eexists.
* iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, UApp (Val v) (k x)),_.
split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, UApp (k x) e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, UApp x e2)); eauto.
- iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, x),_.
split_and!; [constructor|eauto|].
left. eexists. constructor.
- iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, x),_.
split_and!; [constructor|eauto|].
left. eexists. constructor.
- iDestruct "H" as (n' r t' i [-> ->]) "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
iDestruct ("IH1" with "H2") as "%". iClear "IH1".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ destruct H0 as [[v' ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H0)].
* right.
eexists (λ x, x), _.
split_and!; [constructor|eauto 10..].
* right.
eexists (λ x, Send p (Val v) _ (k x)),_.
split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ right.
eexists (λ x, Send p (k x) _ e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, Send p x _ e2)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (n r' r Q) "H".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "%". iClear "IH".
iPureIntro. right.
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ eexists (λ x, x),_. split_and!; [constructor|eauto 10..].
+ eexists (λ x, Recv p (k x)),_. split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
- iDestruct "H" as (t') "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, x), _. split_and!; [constructor|eauto|].
left. eexists. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, Let s (k x) e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, Let s x e2)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as "->". iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, x), _. split_and!; [constructor|eauto|].
left. eexists. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, LetUnit (k x) e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, LetUnit x e2)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (t1 t2 Hneq) "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (a b ->) "[H11 H12]". iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, x), _. split_and!; [constructor|eauto|].
left. eexists. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, LetProd s s0 (k x) e2),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, LetProd s s0 x e2)); eauto.
- iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl. iDestruct "H" as %[].
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, MatchVoid (k x)),_. split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
- iDestruct "H" as (t1 t2) "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (b a) "[-> H]".
iPureIntro. right.
exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
eexists. constructor.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, MatchSum (k x) s e2 e3),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, MatchSum x s e2 e3)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (f) "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH1" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH IH1".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0' & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (i a) "[-> H1]".
iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto using ctx, pure_step.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, MatchSumN n (k x) e0),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, MatchSumN n x e0)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (n) "->".
iPureIntro. right. exists (λ x, x). eexists.
split_and!; eauto.
{ constructor. }
destruct (decide (n = 0)); subst; eexists.
* eapply If_step2.
* constructor. done.
+ iPureIntro. right.
eexists (λ x, If (k x) e2 e3),_.
split_and!; eauto.
eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, If x e2 e3)); eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (σs [Hteq Hcons]) "H".
destruct (classic (∀ i, ∃ v, e i = Val v)) as [H|H].
+ iPureIntro. right.
exists id, (Spawn n e).
split; first eauto using ctx.
split; first done.
right. right. right. left.
exists n.
eapply fin_choice in H as [f Hf].
exists f. f_equiv.
apply functional_extensionality; eauto.
+ destruct (classic (∃ i, ∀ v, e i ≠ Val v)); last first.
{ exfalso.
assert (∀ i, ¬ ∀ v, e i ≠ Val v) by naive_solver.
eapply H. intros. specialize (H1 i).
destruct (classic (∃ v, e i = Val v)); eauto.
exfalso. eapply H1. intros ??.
eapply H2. exists v. done. }
destruct H0 as [i Hi].
iDestruct (big_sepS_elem_of_acc with "H") as "[H1 H2]".
{ eapply all_fin_all. }
iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as %HH. iPureIntro.
destruct HH; first naive_solver.
destruct H0 as (k & e0 & Hk & He & HH).
eexists ((λ x, Spawn n (λ j, if decide (i = j) then x else e j)) ∘ k),_.
split_and!; eauto.
* eapply (Ctx_cons (λ x, Spawn n (λ j, if decide (i = j) then x else e j)) k);
eauto using ctx1.
* simpl. f_equal. eapply functional_extensionality. intro.
case_decide; subst; eauto.
- iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "%". iClear "IH".
iPureIntro. right.
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ eexists (λ x, x),_. split_and!; [constructor|eauto 10..].
+ eexists (λ x, Close (k x)),_. split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
- iDestruct "H" as (σ ->) "H".
iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "%". iClear "IH".
destruct H as [[v ->]|(k & e0 & Hk & -> & H)].
+ simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iDestruct "H" as (c π ->) "H".
eexists (λ x, x),_.
split_and!; eauto using ctx.
destruct c. eauto using pure_step.
+ iPureIntro.
eexists (λ x, Relabel p (k x)),_. split_and!; eauto.
constructor; eauto. constructor.
Lemma heap_fresh (h : heap) :
∃ i, ∀ p, h !! (i,p) = None.
exists (fresh (dom (gmap_curry h))).
intro. pose proof (is_fresh (dom (gmap_curry h))).
rewrite ->not_elem_of_dom in H.
rewrite -lookup_gmap_curry.
rewrite H. done.
Lemma final_state_decision (es : list expr) (h : heap) :
((∃ c, is_Some (h !! c)) ∨ (∃ e, e ∈ es ∧ e ≠ Val UnitV)) ∨
(h = ∅ ∧ ∀ e, e ∈ es -> e = Val UnitV).
destruct (classic ((∃ c, is_Some (h !! c)) ∨ (∃ e, e ∈ es ∧ e ≠ Val UnitV))); eauto.
right. split.
- apply map_eq. intros. rewrite lookup_empty.
destruct (h !! i) eqn:E; eauto. exfalso.
apply H. left. eexists. erewrite E. eauto.
- intros.
assert (¬ (e ≠ Val UnitV)) by naive_solver.
by apply NNPP.
Definition own_dom A : rProp := ∃ Σ, ⌜⌜ A = dom Σ ⌝⌝ ∗ own Σ.
Lemma own_dom_empty : own_dom ∅ ⊣⊢ emp.
iSplit; unfold own_dom; iIntros "H".
- iDestruct "H" as (? H) "H".
symmetry in H. apply dom_empty_iff_L in H as ->.
by iApply own_empty.
- iExists ∅. rewrite own_empty dom_empty_L //.
Lemma own_dom_singleton k v : own {[ k := v ]} ⊢ own_dom {[ k ]}.
iIntros "H". iExists {[ k := v ]}.
rewrite dom_singleton_L. iFrame. done.
Lemma own_dom_union A B : own_dom A ∗ own_dom B ⊢ own_dom (A ∪ B).
iIntros "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct "H1" as (Σ1 H1) "H1".
iDestruct "H2" as (Σ2 H2) "H2". subst.
iExists (Σ1 ∪ Σ2). rewrite dom_union_L. iSplit; eauto.
iApply own_union. iFrame.
Lemma own_dom_fin_gset `{Countable A} n (g : fin n -> A) (f : A -> gset object) :
([∗ set] p ∈ fin_gset n g, own_dom (f p)) -∗ own_dom (big_union (fin_gset n (f ∘ g))).
induction n.
- rewrite !fin_gset_0 big_union_empty big_sepS_empty own_dom_empty //.
- rewrite !fin_gset_S big_union_singleton_union.
destruct (decide (g 0%fin ∈ fin_gset n (λ i : fin n, g (FS i)))).
+ rewrite subseteq_union_1_L; last rewrite singleton_subseteq_l //.
rewrite subseteq_union_1_L; first apply IHn.
eapply elem_of_fin_gset in e.
intros ??.
eapply elem_of_big_union.
destruct e. simpl in *.
rewrite -H1 in H0.
eexists. split; last done.
eapply elem_of_fin_gset. eauto.
+ rewrite big_sepS_insert //.
iIntros "[H1 H2]".
iDestruct (IHn with "H2") as "H2".
iApply own_dom_union. iFrame.
Lemma own_dom_fin_union n f :
([∗ set] p ∈ all_fin n, own_dom (f p)) ⊢ own_dom (fin_union n f).
iApply own_dom_fin_gset.
Ltac model := repeat
(setoid_rewrite pure_sep_holds || setoid_rewrite exists_holds
|| setoid_rewrite own_holds || setoid_rewrite val_typed_val_typed'
|| setoid_rewrite sep_holds).
Lemma own_dom_all {A} (f : A -> gset object) :
(∀ i, own_dom (f i)) ⊢ ⌜ ∀ i j, f i = f j ⌝.
apply entails_holds.
intros Σ H.
rewrite pure_holds. intros.
rewrite ->forall_holds in H.
assert (∀ i, f i = dom Σ).
{ intros k. specialize (H k).
eapply exists_holds in H as [].
eapply pure_sep_holds in H as [].
eapply own_holds in H0.
rewrite -H0 H //. }
rewrite !H0 //.
Lemma own_dom_and A B :
own_dom A ∧ own_dom B ⊢ ⌜ A = B ⌝.
iIntros "H".
iAssert (∀ c:bool, own_dom (if c then A else B))%I with "[H]" as "H".
{ iIntros ([]).
- by iDestruct "H" as "[H _]".
- by iDestruct "H" as "[_ H]". }
iDestruct (own_dom_all with "H") as %Q.
specialize (Q true false). simpl in *. eauto.
Lemma fin_union_same `{Countable A} n (s : gset A) :
fin_union (S n) (λ i, s) = s.
induction n.
- rewrite fin_union_S fin_union_0 right_id_L //.
- rewrite fin_union_S IHn union_idemp_L //.
Lemma rtyped_refs Γ e t :
rtyped Γ e t ⊢ own_dom (expr_refs e)
with val_typed_refs v t :
val_typed v t ⊢ own_dom (val_refs v).
- iIntros "H". destruct e; simpl; repeat (iDestruct "H" as (?) "H");
rewrite ?val_typed_refs ?rtyped_refs ?own_dom_empty ?own_dom_union; eauto.
+ iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
rewrite -assoc_L.
iApply own_dom_union. iFrame.
iDestruct (own_dom_and with "H2") as %->.
iDestruct "H2" as "[_ H2]".
rewrite union_idemp_L //.
+ iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]". iApply own_dom_union; iFrame.
case_decide; subst. { rewrite fin_union_0 own_dom_empty //. }
iAssert (∀ i, own_dom (expr_refs (e0 i)))%I with "[H2]" as "H".
{ iIntros (i). iApply rtyped_refs. eauto. }
destruct n; simplify_eq.
iDestruct (own_dom_all with "H") as %Q.
assert (expr_refs ∘ e0 = λ i, expr_refs (e0 0%fin)) as ->.
{ apply functional_extensionality. intros. eapply Q. }
rewrite fin_union_same. iApply "H".
+ iDestruct "H" as "[H1 [H2 _]]"; iApply own_dom_union; iFrame.
+ iApply own_dom_fin_union.
iApply (big_sepS_impl with "H"). iModIntro.
iIntros (x Hx) "H". simpl.
iApply rtyped_refs. done.
- iIntros "H". destruct v; simpl; rewrite ?own_dom_empty; eauto;
repeat (iDestruct "H" as (?) "H"); rewrite ?val_typed_refs ?rtyped_refs ?own_dom_union; eauto.
destruct e. by iApply own_dom_singleton.
Lemma own_dom_map_union `{Countable A} {V V'} (ma : gmap A V) (mb : gmap A V') f :
([∗ map] a;b ∈ ma;mb, own_dom (f a)) -∗
own_dom (map_union f ma).
revert mb; induction ma using map_ind; intros; iIntros "H".
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_empty_r with "H") as %->.
iClear "H". unfold map_union. rewrite map_fold_empty own_dom_empty //.
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_iff with "H") as %Q.
assert (is_Some (mb !! i)) as []. { rewrite -Q; smap. }
assert (mb = <[ i := x0 ]> mb) as -> by (apply map_eq; intro; smap).
rewrite big_sepM2_insert_delete.
iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
rewrite delete_notin //.
iDestruct (IHma with "H2") as "H2".
unfold map_union. rewrite map_fold_insert; eauto.
{ iApply own_dom_union. iFrame. }
intros ??????. smap; intros; smap; set_solver.
Lemma bufs_typed_refs bufss σs :
bufs_typed bufss σs ⊢ own_dom (bufs_refs bufss).
iIntros "H".
unfold bufs_typed.
iDestruct "H" as (sbufs Hsbufs) "H".
unfold entries_typed.
unfold bufs_refs.
iApply own_dom_map_union.
iApply (big_sepM2_impl with "H"). iModIntro.
iIntros (k x1 x2 H1 H2) "H".
iApply own_dom_map_union.
iApply (big_sepM2_impl with "H"). iModIntro.
iIntros (k' l1 l2 H1' H2') "H".
unfold buf_refs. clear.
iInduction l1 as [] "IH" forall (l2); simpl.
- iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_l with "H") as %->.
rewrite own_dom_empty //.
- destruct a.
destruct l2.
{ iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_r with "H") as %Q. smap. }
simpl. iDestruct "H" as "[[% H1] H2]".
iApply own_dom_union.
iSplitL "H1".
+ iApply val_typed_refs. eauto.
+ iApply "IH". iFrame.
Lemma obj_refs_state_inv' es h x Δ :
state_inv es h x Δ ⊢ own_dom (obj_refs es h x).
iIntros "H".
destruct x; simpl.
- iDestruct "H" as (?) "H". destruct (es !! n); simpl;
rewrite -?rtyped_rtyped0_iff ?rtyped_refs ?own_dom_empty //.
- iDestruct "H" as (σs H) "H".
iApply bufs_typed_refs. done.
Lemma obj_refs_state_inv es h x Δ Σ :
holds (state_inv es h x Δ) Σ -> obj_refs es h x = dom Σ.
intros HH. eapply holds_entails in HH; last apply obj_refs_state_inv'.
revert HH. model. intros (Σ' & HH1 & HH2). rewrite HH1 HH2 //.
Lemma dom_lookup_Some_equiv `{Countable A} `{Equiv B} (m : gmap A B) (x : A) (y : B) :
m !! x ≡ Some y -> x ∈ dom m.
intros HH. inversion HH. subst. eapply elem_of_dom. rewrite -H1 //.
Lemma gmap_slice_pop_fmap `{Countable A,Countable B,Countable C} {V}
(c : A) (p : B) (q : C) (m : bufsT B (A*C) V) :
pop p q (gmap_slice m c) = (λ '(x,m'), (x,gmap_slice m' c)) <$> pop p (c,q) m.
unfold pop. rewrite gmap_slice_lookup.
destruct (m !! (c, q)); eauto.
destruct (g !! p); eauto.
destruct l; eauto. simpl.
rewrite gmap_slice_insert. smap.
Lemma strong_progress es h x : (* *)
invariant es h -> active es h x -> reachable es h x.
intros Hinv. assert (invariant es h) as Hinv'; eauto.
revert Hinv'.
intros (g & Hwf & Hvs). revert x.
eapply (cgraph_ind' (blocked es h) g (λ x,
active es h x → reachable es h x));
intros x Hind_out Hind_in Hactive.
(* Get the invariant for x *)
pose proof (Hvs x) as Hx.
(* Case analyze whether x is a channel or a thread *)
destruct x as [i|c]; simpl in *.
- (* Thread *)
destruct Hactive as (e & He & Heneq). (* Thread is active, so must have expression in thread pool *)
rewrite He in Hx. (* We can conclude that this expression is well-typed wrt out edges *)
apply pure_sep_holds in Hx as [Hinl Hx].
eapply prim_simple_adequacy in Hx as Hx'; last eapply rtyped_inner.
(* Case analyze whether it's a value or pure step or channel op *)
destruct Hx' as [(v & ->)|Hx'].
(* Value *)
eapply prim_simple_adequacy; first done.
simpl. rewrite val_typed_val_typed'. simpl.
iIntros (->). simplify_eq.
(* Expr in context *)
destruct Hx' as (k' & e0 & Hctx & -> & Hcases).
rewrite ->rtyped0_ctx in Hx; eauto.
apply exists_holds in Hx as [t Hx].
apply sep_holds in Hx as (Σ1&Σ2&Hout&Hdisj&Het&Hctxt).
destruct Hcases as [H|[H|[H|[H|H]]]].
* (* Pure step *)
destruct H as [e' H].
eapply Thread_step_reachable.
eexists _,_.
econstructor; last done.
eauto using head_step, ctx_step.
* (* Recv *)
destruct H as (v & p & ->).
revert Het.
intros (n & t' & r & Q & [c q] & π & -> & Het). simpl in *.
assert (out_edges g (Thread i) !! Chan c ≡ Some (q, RecvT n (π p) t' (relabelT π ∘ r))) as HH.
rewrite Hout -Het.
erewrite lookup_union_Some_l; last first.
- rewrite lookup_singleton. done.
- do 2 f_equiv. apply session_type_equiv_alt. done.
pose proof (out_edges_in_labels _ _ _ _ HH) as [x Hin].
pose proof (Hvs (Chan c)) as Hc.
revert Hc. rewrite Hin. intros Hc.
simpl in *.
eapply exists_holds in Hc as [σs Hc].
eapply pure_sep_holds in Hc as [Heq Hc].
eapply map_to_multiset_lookup in Heq.
(* eapply prim_simple_adequacy; first exact Hc. *)
(* iIntros "H". *)
(* iDestruct (bufs_typed_recv with "H") as %(bufs & buf & Hbufs & Hbuf); first done. *)
(* iPureIntro. *)
destruct (pop (π p) (c,q) h) as [[[]]|] eqn:E.
eapply Thread_step_reachable.
unfold can_stepi.
eexists _,_.
econstructor; last done.
econstructor; first done.
eapply Recv_step; eauto.
assert (thread_blocked es h i c).
{ unfold thread_blocked.
assert (is_Some (h !! (c,q))); last eauto 10.
eapply prim_simple_adequacy; first exact Hc.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct (bufs_typed_recv with "H") as %QQ.
inversion Heq. simplify_eq.
eexists. eauto.
iPureIntro. rewrite gmap_slice_lookup in QQ.
done. }
eapply Thread_blocked_reachable; eauto.
eapply Hind_out. { unfold blocked; eauto. }
eexists _,_; eauto.
unfold active.
exists q.
rewrite -gmap_slice_lookup.
eapply prim_simple_adequacy; first exact Hc.
eapply bufs_typed_recv; eauto.
inversion Heq. rewrite -H0. eauto.
* (* Send *)
destruct H as (v1 & v2 & p & i' & ->).
revert Het. model.
intros (j & r & t' & j' & [-> ->] & Σ3 & Σ4 & Σeq & Hdisj' & ([c b] & π & -> & Het1) & Het2).
eapply Thread_step_reachable. eexists _,_.
econstructor; last done.
eauto using head_step, ctx_step.
* (* Fork *)
destruct H as (n & f & ->).
destruct (heap_fresh h) as [ii HH].
eapply Thread_step_reachable. eexists _,_.
econstructor; last done.
eauto using head_step, ctx_step.
* (* Close *)
destruct H as (v & ->).
revert Het. model.
intros (-> & ([c b] & π & -> & Het)).
eapply Thread_step_reachable. eexists _,_.
econstructor; last done.
eauto using head_step, ctx_step.
- (* Channel *)
destruct Hactive as (b & Hib).
rewrite -gmap_slice_lookup in Hib.
apply exists_holds in Hx as [σs Hx].
apply pure_sep_holds in Hx as [Hinl Hx].
eapply prim_simple_adequacy; first exact Hx.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct (bufs_typed_progress with "H") as %[HH|Hcp].
{ rewrite HH lookup_empty in Hib. by destruct Hib. }
unfold can_progress in *.
destruct Hcp as (p & σ & Hp & Hσ).
(* destruct Hp as (σ & bufs & Hσ & Hbufs & Hrne). *)
assert (∃ x, out_edges g x !! (Chan c) ≡ Some (p, σ)) as [y Hy].
erewrite map_to_multiset_Some in Hinl; last done.
eapply in_labels_out_edges; eauto.
eapply (Chan_ref_reachable _ _ _ y).
erewrite obj_refs_state_inv; eauto.
eapply dom_lookup_Some_equiv; eauto.
eapply Hind_in; eauto.
+ intros (i & c' & -> & ? & Hw). simplify_eq.
unfold thread_blocked in Hw.
destruct Hw as (p' & q' & k & π & Hctx & Hi & Hpres & Hpop).
specialize (Hvs (Thread i)).
eapply (holds_entails _ (∃ n t s, own_out (Chan c') (q', RecvT n (π p') t (relabelT π ∘ s)) ∗ True)%I) in Hvs. 2:
simpl. iIntros "[_ H]". rewrite Hi.
rewrite rtyped0_ctx //.
iDestruct "H" as (t) "[H1 H2]". simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (? t' r ? Q) "H1".
remember (SumNT n (λ i : fin n, PairT (ChanT (r i)) (t' i))).
inversion H; simplify_eq.
iDestruct "H1" as (HH) "H". simplify_eq.
iExists _,_,_. unfold own_ep. simpl.
rewrite -(session_type_id_id (relabelT π (RecvT n p' t' r))) /=. iFrame.
apply exists_holds in Hvs as [n Hvs].
apply exists_holds in Hvs as [tt Hvs].
apply exists_holds in Hvs as [ss Hvs].
assert (out_edges g (Thread i) !! Chan c' ≡ Some (q', RecvT n (π p') tt (relabelT π ∘ ss))) as Hoc'.
eapply sep_holds in Hvs as (Σ1 & Σ2 & H1 & HD & [HH _]).
rewrite H1.
eapply own_holds in HH.
rewrite lookup_union -HH lookup_singleton.
destruct (Σ2 !! Chan c') eqn:E; rewrite E; simpl; done.
revert Hoc'. rewrite Hy. intros Hoc'.
inversion Hoc'. simplify_eq.
(* inversion H1. simpl in *. *)
(* inversion H0; simplify_eq. *)
destruct Hσ as (y & bufs' & Hσ).
rewrite gmap_slice_pop_fmap Hpop in Hσ.
+ specialize (Hvs y).
revert Hy Hvs. clear.
intros Hy Hvs.
destruct y; simpl in *.
{ eapply pure_sep_holds in Hvs as [_ Hvs].
destruct (es !! n).
- eexists. split; first done.
intros ->. simpl in *.
eapply affinely_pure_holds in Hvs as [Hvs _].
revert Hy. rewrite Hvs lookup_empty. intros HH.
inversion HH.
- eapply emp_holds in Hvs. exfalso.
revert Hy. rewrite Hvs lookup_empty. intros HH.
inversion HH.
eapply exists_holds in Hvs as [σs Hvs].
eapply pure_sep_holds in Hvs as [_ Hvs].
destruct (classic (∃ p : participant, is_Some (h !! (s, p)))); eauto.
assert (gmap_slice h s = ∅) as HH.
{ eapply map_eq. intros x.
rewrite lookup_empty gmap_slice_lookup.
destruct (h !! (s,x)) eqn:E; eauto.
exfalso. eauto. }
rewrite HH in Hvs.
eapply holds_entails in Hvs; last apply bufs_typed_empty_inv.
eapply affinely_pure_holds in Hvs as [Hvs _].
revert Hy. rewrite Hvs lookup_empty. intros HHH.
inversion HHH.
Lemma active_progress es h x :
invariant es h -> active es h x -> ∃ (es' : list expr) (h' : heap), step es h es' h'.
intros H1 H2.
cut (reachable es h x); eauto using strong_progress. clear.
induction 1; eauto. destruct H as (es'&h'&?). exists es', h'. econstructor; eauto.
Lemma inv_global_progress es h :
invariant es h ->
(h = ∅ ∧ ∀ e, e ∈ es -> e = Val UnitV) ∨
(∃ es' h', step es h es' h').
intros H.
destruct (final_state_decision es h) as [Hdec|Hdec]; eauto; right.
assert (∃ x, active es h x) as [x Hactive].
{ destruct Hdec as [(x&?)|(x&?)].
+ destruct x as [c b]. exists (Chan c). simpl. eauto.
+ destruct H0. eapply elem_of_list_lookup in H0 as [].
exists (Thread x0). simpl. eauto. }
eapply active_progress; eauto.
Lemma activeset_exists es h :
∃ s : gset object, ∀ x, active es h x -> x ∈ s.
exists (list_to_set (Thread <$> seq 0 (length es)) ∪
set_map (Chan ∘ fst) (dom h)).
intros. rewrite elem_of_union.
rewrite elem_of_list_to_set elem_of_list_fmap elem_of_map.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_seq.
setoid_rewrite elem_of_dom. simpl.
unfold active in *.
destruct x;[left|right].
- destruct H as (?&?&?). eapply lookup_lt_Some in H. eauto with lia.
- destruct H as (?&?). eexists (_,_). eauto.
Lemma obj_refs_active es h x y :
y ∈ obj_refs es h x -> active es h x.
destruct x; simpl.
- destruct (es !! n); simpl; last set_solver.
destruct (classic (e = Val UnitV)); eauto.
subst. simpl. set_solver.
- destruct (decide (gmap_slice h s = ∅)) as [->|]; first set_solver.
apply map_choose in n as (?&?&?).
rewrite gmap_slice_lookup in H. eauto.