Guarantees by Construction (Mechanization)

Jules Jacobs

From cgraphs.sessiontypes Require Import invariant progress.

Theorem safety (e : expr) (es : list expr) (h : heap) :
  typed  e UnitT ->
  steps [e]  es h ->
    (h =    e, e  es -> e = Val UnitV) 
    (∃ es' h', step es h es' h').
  intros Htyped Hsteps.
  by eapply global_progress, invariant_holds.

  The following command can be used to verify that everything has been formally
  proved. It should print "classic : ∀ P : Prop, P ∨ ¬ P" as the only axiom.
  This indicates that our proof relies on classical logic.
  (we use classical logic for convenience.)
(* Print Assumptions safety. *)