Guarantees by Construction (Mechanization)

Jules Jacobs

From cgraphs.locks.lambdalockpp Require Export langdef.

(* The definition of the set of barrier references in an expression. *)
Fixpoint expr_refs e :=
  match e with
  | Val v => val_refs v
  | Var x => 
  | Fun x e => expr_refs e
  | App e1 e2 => expr_refs e1  expr_refs e2
  | Unit => 
  | Pair e1 e2 => expr_refs e1  expr_refs e2
  | LetPair e1 e2 => expr_refs e1  expr_refs e2
  | Sum i e => expr_refs e
  | MatchSum n e es => expr_refs e  fin_union n (expr_refs  es)
  | ForkBarrier e => expr_refs e
  | NewLock i e => expr_refs e
  | DropLock i e => expr_refs e
  | ForkLock e1 e2 => expr_refs e1  expr_refs e2
  | Acquire i e => expr_refs e
  | Release i e1 e2 => expr_refs e1  expr_refs e2
  | Wait i e => expr_refs e
  | NewGroup => 
  | DropGroup e => expr_refs e
with val_refs v :=
  match v with
  | FunV x e => expr_refs e
  | UnitV => 
  | PairV v1 v2 => val_refs v1  val_refs v2
  | SumV i v => val_refs v
  | BarrierV i => {[ i ]}
  | LockGV i ls => {[ i ]}

Definition gmap_union `{Countable K} {V} `{Countable R} (f : V -> gset R) (xs : gmap K V) : gset R :=
  map_fold  k a s, s  f a)  xs.

Definition obj_refs x :=
  match x with
  | Thread e => expr_refs e
  | Barrier => 
  | LockG refcnt xs => gmap_union (from_option val_refs   snd) xs

Inductive expr_head_waiting : expr -> nat -> Prop :=
  | Barrier_waiting j v :
    expr_head_waiting (App (Val $ BarrierV j) (Val v)) j
  | ForkLock_waiting j v ls :
    expr_head_waiting (ForkLock (Val $ LockGV j ls) (Val v)) j
  | Acquire_waiting j ls i :
    expr_head_waiting (Acquire i (Val $ LockGV j ls)) j
  | Release_waiting j v ls i :
    expr_head_waiting (Release i (Val $ LockGV j ls) (Val v)) j
  | Wait_waiting j ls i :
    expr_head_waiting (Wait i (Val $ LockGV j ls)) j
  | NewLock_waiting j ls i :
    expr_head_waiting (NewLock i (Val $ LockGV j ls)) j
  | DropLock_waiting j ls i :
    expr_head_waiting (DropLock i (Val $ LockGV j ls)) j
  | DropGroup_waiting j ls :
    expr_head_waiting (DropGroup (Val $ LockGV j ls)) j.

(* Paper definition 2 *)
Definition expr_waiting e j :=
   k e', ctx k  e = k e'  expr_head_waiting e' j.

Definition waiting (ρ : cfg) (i j : nat) :=
  (∃ e, ρ !! i = Some (Thread e)  expr_waiting e j) 
  (∃ y, ρ !! j = Some y  i  obj_refs y   e, y = Thread e -> ¬ expr_waiting e i).

(* These definitions are not explicitly given in the paper, but we factor them out in Coq *)
Definition can_step (ρ : cfg) (i : nat) :=  ρ', step i ρ ρ'.
Definition inactive (ρ : cfg) (i : nat) := ρ !! i = None.

(* Paper definition 3 *)
Record deadlock (ρ : cfg) (s : nat -> Prop) := {
  dl_nostep i : s i -> ¬ can_step ρ i;
  dl_waiting i j : waiting ρ i j -> s i -> s j;

(* Paper definition 4 *)
Definition deadlock_free (ρ : cfg) :=
   s, deadlock ρ s ->  i, s i -> inactive ρ i.

(* Paper definition 5 *)
Inductive reachable (ρ : cfg) : nat -> Prop :=
  | Can_step_reachable i :
      can_step ρ i -> reachable ρ i
  | Waiting_reachable i j :
      waiting ρ i j -> reachable ρ j -> reachable ρ i.

(* Paper definition 6 *)
Definition fully_reachable (ρ : cfg) :=
   i, inactive ρ i  reachable ρ i.

(* Paper definition 8 *)
Definition global_progress (ρ : cfg) :=
  (∀ i, inactive ρ i)  (∃ i, can_step ρ i).

(* Paper definition 9 *)
Definition type_safety (ρ : cfg) :=
   i, inactive ρ i  can_step ρ i   j, waiting ρ i j.