Require Export cgraphs.cgraphs.genericinv.
Require Export cgraphs.multiparty.langdef.
Require Export cgraphs.multiparty.rtypesystem.
Require Export cgraphs.multiparty.mutil.
Ltac sdec := repeat case_decide; simplify_eq; simpl in *; eauto; try done.
Ltac smap := repeat (rewrite lookup_alter_spec || rewrite lookup_insert_spec || rewrite lookup_delete_spec || sdec).
Section pushpop.
Lemma pop_push_None `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x : V) (bufs : bufsT A B V) :
p ≠ p' ∨ q ≠ q' ->
pop p' q' bufs = None ->
pop p' q' (push p q x bufs) = None.
intros Hne Hpop.
unfold pop,push in *.
smap; destruct (bufs !! q'); smap;
destruct (g !! p'); smap;
destruct l; smap; destruct Hne; smap.
Lemma pop_push_Some `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x x' : V) (bufs bufs' : bufsT A B V) :
pop p' q' bufs = Some (x', bufs') ->
pop p' q' (push p q x bufs) = Some (x', push p q x bufs').
unfold pop,push.
intros Q. smap;
destruct (bufs !! q'); smap;
destruct (g !! p'); smap;
destruct l; smap; do 2 f_equal;
apply map_eq; intro; smap;
f_equal; apply map_eq; intro; smap.
Lemma pop_push_single `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p : A) (q : B) (x : V) (bufs : bufsT A B V) :
is_present p q bufs ->
pop p q bufs = None ->
pop p q (push p q x bufs) = Some (x, bufs).
intros Hpres Hpop.
unfold is_present,pop,push in *.
smap; destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap;
destruct (g !! p) eqn:F; smap;
destruct l; smap.
do 2 f_equal. apply map_eq; intro; smap.
rewrite E. f_equal.
apply map_eq. intro. smap.
Lemma pop_is_present `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x : V) (bufs bufs' : bufsT A B V) :
pop p' q' bufs = Some (x, bufs') ->
is_present p q bufs -> is_present p q bufs'.
intros Hpop Hpres.
unfold pop,is_present in *.
destruct (bufs !! q') eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p') eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:F; smap.
Lemma pop_swap `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x y : V) (bufs bufs' bufs'' : bufsT A B V) :
q ≠ q' ->
pop p q bufs = Some (x, bufs') ->
pop p' q' bufs = Some (y, bufs'') ->
match pop p q bufs'' with
| None => False
| Some (z,_) => x = z
unfold pop. intros.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
destruct (bufs !! q') eqn:F; smap.
destruct (g0 !! p') eqn:F'; smap.
destruct l eqn:F''; smap.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:Q; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:Q'; smap.
Lemma pop_swap' `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x y : V) (bufs bufs' bufs'' : bufsT A B V) :
q ≠ q' ->
pop p q bufs = Some (x, bufs') ->
pop p' q' bufs = Some (y, bufs'') ->
∃ bufs''', pop p q bufs'' = Some (x, bufs''').
eapply pop_swap in H1; eauto.
destruct (pop p q bufs''); sdec. destruct p0. subst.
Definition dom_valid {A} (bufss : bufsT participant participant A) (d : gset participant) :=
∀ p, match bufss !! p with
| Some bufs => p ∈ d ∧ ∀ q, q ∈ d ->
match bufs !! q with Some _ => True | None => False end
| None => p ∉ d
Lemma dom_valid_push {A} d p q x (bufss : bufsT participant participant A) :
p ∈ d ->
dom_valid bufss d ->
dom_valid (push p q x bufss) d.
intros Hin Hdom p'.
unfold dom_valid in *.
specialize (Hdom p').
unfold push. smap;
destruct (bufss !! p') eqn:E; smap.
destruct Hdom. split; eauto.
intros q. specialize (H0 q).
smap. destruct (g !! q) eqn:F; smap.
Lemma dom_valid_is_present {A} p q (bufs : bufsT participant participant A) d :
dom_valid bufs d ->
p ∈ d -> q ∈ d ->
is_present p q bufs.
intros Hdv Hp Hq.
unfold dom_valid, is_present in *.
specialize (Hdv q).
destruct (bufs !! q); smap. destruct Hdv.
specialize (H0 p).
destruct (g !! p); smap.
Lemma dom_valid_empty {A} : dom_valid (∅ : bufsT participant participant A) ∅.
intros ?. rewrite lookup_empty. set_solver.
Lemma dom_valid_empty_inv {A} d : dom_valid (∅ : bufsT participant participant A) d -> d = ∅.
intros Hdom. cut (¬ ∃ x, x ∈ d); try set_solver.
intros []. unfold dom_valid in *.
specialize (Hdom x).
rewrite lookup_empty in Hdom. set_solver.
Lemma dom_valid_pop {A} p q (bufs bufs' : bufsT participant participant A) x d :
pop p q bufs = Some (x, bufs') ->
dom_valid bufs d ->
dom_valid bufs' d.
intros Hpop Hdom r.
specialize (Hdom r).
unfold pop in *.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
destruct (bufs !! r) eqn:F; smap.
destruct Hdom; split; smap.
intros q. specialize (H0 q). smap.
Lemma dom_valid_delete {A} p d (bufss : bufsT participant participant A) :
dom_valid bufss d ->
dom_valid (delete p bufss) (d ∖ {[ p ]}).
intros Hdv.
unfold dom_valid in *.
intros q. specialize (Hdv q).
rewrite lookup_delete_spec. smap; first set_solver.
destruct (bufss !! q); smap; set_solver.
Lemma pop_delete_None `{Countable A, Countable B} {V}
(p : A) (q q' : B) (m : bufsT A B V):
pop p q m = None ->
pop p q (delete q' m) = None.
unfold pop in *. intros.
rewrite lookup_delete_spec. sdec.
destruct (m !! q); sdec.
destruct (g !! p); eauto.
destruct l; sdec.
Lemma bufs_empty_delete {A} (bufs : bufsT participant participant A) p :
bufs_empty bufs -> bufs_empty (delete p bufs).
intros ???. eauto using pop_delete_None.
Lemma pop_delete_Some `{Countable A, Countable B} {V} (p : A) (q q' : B) (x : V) bufss bufs' :
q ≠ q' ->
pop p q bufss = Some (x, bufs') ->
pop p q (delete q' bufss) = Some (x, delete q' bufs').
intros ? Hpop. unfold pop in *.
rewrite !lookup_delete_spec. smap.
destruct (bufss !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:F; smap.
destruct l; smap.
do 2 f_equal.
apply map_eq. intro.
smap; rewrite !lookup_delete_spec; smap.
Lemma pop_pop_None `{Countable A, Countable B} {V} (p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x : V) bufs bufs' :
pop p q bufs = Some (x, bufs') ->
pop p' q' bufs = None ->
pop p' q' bufs' = None.
intros H1 H2.
unfold pop in *.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap;
destruct (bufs !! q') eqn:F; smap;
destruct (g !! p') eqn:F'; smap;
try destruct l eqn:F''; smap;
destruct (g0 !! p') eqn:G; smap;
destruct l eqn:G'; smap.
Lemma pop_commute `{Countable A, Countable B} {V} (p p' : A) (q q' : B) (x y : V) bufs bufs1 bufs2 bufs12 :
pop p q bufs = Some (x, bufs1) ->
pop p' q' bufs = Some (y, bufs2) ->
pop p q bufs2 = Some (x, bufs12) ->
pop p' q' bufs1 = Some (y, bufs12).
intros H1 H2 H3.
unfold pop in *.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (bufs !! q') eqn:F; smap.
destruct (bufs2 !! q) eqn:G; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct (g0 !! p') eqn:F'; smap.
destruct (g1 !! p) eqn:G'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E'';
destruct l0 eqn:F'';
destruct l1 eqn:G''; smap.
- revert G; smap. intros; smap. revert G'; smap. intros; smap.
- revert G; smap. intros; smap. revert G'; smap.
intros. destruct (g !! p'); smap.
do 2 f_equal. apply map_eq. intros. smap.
f_equal. apply map_eq; intros; smap.
- revert G; smap. intros.
destruct (bufs !! q'); smap.
destruct (g0 !! p'); smap.
do 2 f_equal. apply map_eq. intros. smap.
End pushpop.
Section bufs_typed.
Lemma sbufs_typed_push
(bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type)
(n : nat) (i : fin n) (p q : participant) ts ss :
sbufs_typed bufs σs ->
σs !! p = Some (SendT n q ts ss) ->
sbufs_typed (push p q (fin_to_nat i,ts i) bufs) (<[p:=ss i]> σs).
intros. edestruct sbufs_typed_send; eauto.
Lemma sbufs_typed_pop
(bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type)
(bufs' : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(n : nat) (p q : participant) t i ts ss :
sbufs_typed bufs σs ->
σs !! q = Some (RecvT n p ts ss) ->
pop p q bufs = Some((i,t),bufs') ->
∃ i', i = fin_to_nat i' ∧ t = ts i' ∧
sbufs_typed bufs' (<[ q := ss i' ]> σs).
intros. eapply sbufs_typed_recv; eauto.
Lemma sbufs_Some_present p q n ts ss (i : fin n)
(bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type) :
sbufs_typed bufs σs ->
σs !! p = Some (SendT n q ts ss) ->
is_present p q bufs.
intros. edestruct sbufs_typed_send; eauto. Unshelve. eauto.
Lemma sbufs_typed_dealloc p (* *)
(bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type) :
sbufs_typed bufs σs ->
σs !! p = Some EndT ->
sbufs_typed (delete p bufs) (delete p σs).
intros. eapply sbufs_typed_end; eauto.
Lemma sbufs_typed_end_empty p
(bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type) :
sbufs_typed bufs σs ->
σs !! p = Some EndT ->
buf_empty bufs p.
intros. edestruct sbufs_typed_end; eauto.
Lemma sbufs_typed_empty_inv
(bufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type) :
sbufs_typed bufs σs ->
bufs = ∅ -> σs = ∅.
eapply sbufs_typed_dom in H. subst.
rewrite dom_empty_L in H. symmetry in H.
rewrite dom_empty_iff_L in H. done.
Lemma sbufs_typed_pop' (σs : gmap participant session_type)
(bufs bufs' : bufsT participant participant sentryT)
(n : nat) (p q : participant) t i ts ss :
σs !! q = Some (RecvT n p ts ss) ->
pop p q bufs = Some((i,t),bufs') ->
sbufs_typed bufs σs -> ∃ i', i = fin_to_nat i' ∧ t = ts i' ∧
sbufs_typed bufs' (<[ q := ss i' ]> σs).
eapply sbufs_typed_pop; first done; eauto.
Lemma sbufs_typed_empty :
sbufs_typed ∅ ∅.
constructor; sdec. rewrite !dom_empty_L //.
Definition entries_typed (bufs : bufsT participant participant entryT)
(sbufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT) : rProp :=
[∗ map] p ↦ bfs;sbfs ∈ bufs;sbufs,
[∗ map] q ↦ buf;sbuf ∈ bfs;sbfs,
[∗ list] e;se ∈ buf;sbuf, ⌜⌜ e.1 = se.1 ⌝⌝ ∗ val_typed e.2 se.2.
Definition bufs_typed (bufs : bufsT participant participant entryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type) : rProp :=
∃ sbufs, ⌜⌜ sbufs_typed sbufs σs ⌝⌝ ∗ entries_typed bufs sbufs.
Global Instance bufs_typed_params : Params bufs_typed 1 := {}.
Global Instance session_typed_leibniz : LeibnizEquiv session_type.
intros ???. apply session_type_extensionality. done.
Global Instance sbufs_typed_Proper bufs : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (sbufs_typed bufs).
intros ???. apply leibniz_equiv in H. subst. reflexivity.
Global Instance bufs_typed_Proper bufs : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (bufs_typed bufs).
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Definition same_structure (bufs : bufsT participant participant entryT) (sbufs : bufsT participant participant sentryT) :=
∀ p, match bufs !! p, sbufs !! p with
| Some bfs, Some sbfs =>
∀ q, match bfs !! q, sbfs !! q with
| Some buf, Some sbuf =>
∀ i, match buf !! i, sbuf !! i with
| Some (i,v),Some(i',t) => i = i'
| None,None => True
| _,_ => False
| None,None => True
| _,_ => False
| None,None => True
| _,_ => False
Lemma entries_typed_same_structure bufs sbufs :
entries_typed bufs sbufs -∗ ⌜ same_structure bufs sbufs ⌝.
iIntros "H".
unfold entries_typed.
iIntros (p).
iDestruct (big_sepM2_dom with "H") as %Q.
destruct (bufs !! p) eqn:E;
destruct (sbufs !! p) eqn:F; eauto.
- iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_acc with "H") as "[H _]"; eauto.
iIntros (q).
clear Q bufs sbufs E F.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_dom with "H") as %Q.
destruct (g !! q) eqn:E;
destruct (g0 !! q) eqn:F; eauto.
+ iIntros (i).
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_acc with "H") as "[H _]"; eauto.
clear Q E F g g0.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "H") as %Q.
destruct (l !! i) eqn:E;
destruct (l0 !! i) eqn:F; eauto.
* iDestruct (big_sepL2_lookup_acc with "H") as "[[% _] _]"; eauto.
destruct p0,p1; sdec.
* exfalso.
apply lookup_lt_Some in E.
apply lookup_ge_None in F. lia.
* exfalso.
apply lookup_lt_Some in F.
apply lookup_ge_None in E. lia.
+ exfalso.
assert (q ∈ dom g). { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite E //. }
assert (q ∉ dom g0). { apply not_elem_of_dom. done. }
rewrite Q in H. set_solver.
+ exfalso.
assert (q ∈ dom g0). { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite F //. }
assert (q ∉ dom g). { apply not_elem_of_dom. done. }
rewrite -Q in H. set_solver.
- exfalso.
assert (p ∈ dom bufs). { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite E //. }
assert (p ∉ dom sbufs). { apply not_elem_of_dom. done. }
rewrite Q in H. set_solver.
- exfalso.
assert (p ∈ dom sbufs). { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite F //. }
assert (p ∉ dom bufs). { apply not_elem_of_dom. done. }
rewrite -Q in H. set_solver.
Lemma push_is_Some `{Countable A, Countable B} {V} p q r x (bufs : bufsT A B V) :
is_Some (bufs !! r) -> is_Some (push p q x bufs !! r).
intros [].
unfold push.
smap. rewrite H1. smap.
Lemma delete_push `{Countable A, Countable B} {V} p q x (bufs : bufsT A B V) :
delete q (push p q x bufs) = delete q bufs.
apply map_eq. intros i. smap.
Lemma delete_alter `{Countable A} {V} (i : A) (m : gmap A V) f :
delete i (alter f i m) = delete i m.
apply map_eq. intro. smap.
Lemma entries_typed_push bufs sbufs p q i v t :
is_present p q sbufs ->
val_typed v t -∗
entries_typed bufs sbufs -∗
entries_typed (push p q (i, v) bufs) (push p q (i, t) sbufs).
iIntros (Hpres) "Hv He".
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_iff with "He") as %Q.
assert (is_Some (sbufs !! q)) as [x1 Hx1].
{ unfold is_present in *. destruct (sbufs !! q); smap. }
assert (is_Some (bufs !! q)) as [x2 Hx2] by rewrite Q //.
assert (is_Some (push p q (i, v) bufs !! q)) as [] by eauto using push_is_Some.
assert (is_Some (push p q (i, t) sbufs !! q)) as [] by eauto using push_is_Some.
unfold entries_typed.
rewrite big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
iApply big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
rewrite !delete_push.
iDestruct "He" as "[H He2]". iFrame.
unfold is_present in *.
rewrite Hx1 in Hpres.
destruct (x1 !! p) eqn:G; sdec. clear Hpres Q.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_iff with "H") as %Q.
assert (is_Some (x2 !! p)) as [l' G'] by rewrite Q //.
rewrite big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
unfold push in *.
revert H H0.
smap. rewrite Hx1 Hx2. simpl. intros. smap.
assert (is_Some (alter (λ buf : list (nat * val), buf ++ [(i, v)]) p x2 !! p)) as [].
{ smap. rewrite G' //. }
assert (is_Some (alter (λ buf : list (nat * type), buf ++ [(i, t)]) p x1 !! p)) as [].
{ smap. rewrite G //. }
iApply big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
rewrite !delete_alter. iFrame.
revert H H0. smap. rewrite G G'.
intros. smap.
rewrite big_sepL2_snoc. iFrame. simpl. done.
Lemma bufs_typed_push' (bufss : bufsT participant participant entryT)
(σs : gmap participant session_type)
(n : nat) (i : fin n) (p q : participant) ts ss v :
σs !! p = Some (SendT n q ts ss) ->
val_typed v (ts i) ∗ bufs_typed bufss σs ⊢
bufs_typed (push p q (fin_to_nat i,v) bufss) (<[p:=ss i]> σs).
iIntros (Hp) "[Hv H]".
iDestruct "H" as (sbufs Hsbufs) "H".
iExists (push p q (fin_to_nat i, ts i) sbufs).
- iPureIntro. eapply sbufs_typed_push; eauto.
- iApply (entries_typed_push with "Hv H"); eauto.
eapply sbufs_Some_present; done.
Lemma entries_typed_can_pop p q bufs bufs' sbufs i v :
pop p q bufs = Some ((i,v),bufs') ->
entries_typed bufs sbufs -∗
⌜ ∃ t sbufs', pop p q sbufs = Some ((i,t),sbufs') ⌝.
iIntros (Hpop) "H".
iDestruct (entries_typed_same_structure with "H") as %Q.
unfold pop in *.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
specialize (Q q).
rewrite E in Q.
destruct (sbufs !! q) eqn:F; smap.
specialize (Q p).
rewrite E' in Q.
destruct (g0 !! p) eqn:F'; smap.
specialize (Q 0). simpl in *.
destruct l eqn:F''; smap. destruct s. smap.
Lemma entries_typed_pop p q i v t bufs bufs' sbufs sbufs' :
pop p q bufs = Some (i, v, bufs') ->
pop p q sbufs = Some (i, t, sbufs') ->
entries_typed bufs sbufs ⊢ val_typed v t ∗ entries_typed bufs' sbufs'.
iIntros (Hpop Hspop) "H".
unfold pop in *.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
destruct (sbufs !! q) eqn:F; smap.
destruct (g0 !! p) eqn:F'; smap.
destruct l eqn:F''; smap.
unfold entries_typed.
rewrite !big_sepM2_insert_delete.
rewrite big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
iDestruct "H" as "[H H2]". iFrame.
rewrite big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
iDestruct "H" as "[H H2]". iFrame.
rewrite big_sepL2_cons.
iDestruct "H" as "[H H2]". iFrame.
iDestruct "H" as "[H H2]". iFrame.
Lemma bufs_typed_pop' (σs : gmap participant session_type)
(bufs bufs' : bufsT participant participant entryT)
(n : nat) (p q : participant) v i ts ss :
σs !! q = Some (RecvT n p ts ss) ->
pop p q bufs = Some((i,v),bufs') ->
bufs_typed bufs σs ⊢ ∃ i', ⌜⌜ i = fin_to_nat i' ⌝⌝ ∗
val_typed v (ts i') ∗ bufs_typed bufs' (<[ q := ss i' ]> σs).
iIntros (Hp Hpop) "H".
iDestruct "H" as (sbufs Hsbufs) "H".
iDestruct (entries_typed_can_pop with "H") as %(t & sbufs' & Hspop); eauto.
edestruct sbufs_typed_pop' as [i' [? [? ?]]]; eauto.
iExists i'.
iSplit; first done. subst.
edestruct sbufs_typed_pop' as (i & Q1 & Q2 & Hsbufs'); eauto; sdec.
iDestruct (entries_typed_pop with "H") as "[Hv H]"; eauto. iFrame.
unfold bufs_typed.
iExists _; eauto with iFrame.
Lemma bufs_typed_push (bufss : bufsT participant participant entryT) (* *)
(σs : gmap participant session_type)
(n : nat) (i : fin n) (p q : participant) ts ss v :
σs !! p ≡ Some (SendT n q ts ss) ->
val_typed v (ts i) ∗ bufs_typed bufss σs ⊢
bufs_typed (push p q (fin_to_nat i,v) bufss) (<[p:=ss i]> σs).
iIntros (H) "[H1 H2]".
inversion H. remember (SendT n q ts ss).
inversion H2; simplify_eq.
(* rewrite -(H4 i). *)
iApply bufs_typed_push'; first done. iFrame.
(* rewrite (H3 i) //. *)
Lemma bufs_typed_pop (σs : gmap participant session_type) (* *)
(bufs bufs' : bufsT participant participant entryT)
(n : nat) (p q : participant) v i ts ss :
σs !! q ≡ Some (RecvT n p ts ss) ->
pop p q bufs = Some((i,v),bufs') ->
bufs_typed bufs σs ⊢ ∃ i', ⌜⌜ i = fin_to_nat i' ⌝⌝ ∗
val_typed v (ts i') ∗ bufs_typed bufs' (<[ q := ss i' ]> σs).
intros H. inversion H. simplify_eq. intros.
(* remember (RecvT n p ts ss). *)
(* inversion H2; simplify_eq. symmetry in H0. *)
(* intros. *)
eapply bufs_typed_pop' in H1; last done.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct (H1 with "H") as (j ->) "[Hv H]".
iExists _. iSplit; first done. iFrame.
Lemma entries_typed_delete p bufs sbufs :
buf_empty sbufs p ->
entries_typed bufs sbufs ⊢ entries_typed (delete p bufs) (delete p sbufs).
iIntros (Hbe) "H".
unfold buf_empty in *.
iDestruct (big_sepM2_lookup_iff with "H") as %Q.
specialize (Q p).
destruct (sbufs !! p) eqn:E.
- destruct Q. destruct H0. rewrite E //.
unfold entries_typed.
rewrite big_sepM2_delete; eauto.
iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]". iFrame.
iAssert ([∗ map] buf;sbuf ∈ x;g, emp)%I with "[H1]" as "H".
iApply (big_sepM2_mono with "H1"). 2: { iClear "H". done. }
intros. simpl.
assert (y2 = []); first eauto. subst.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_r with "H") as %->.
iClear "H". done.
- unfold entries_typed.
destruct (bufs !! p) eqn:F.
+ rewrite E F in Q.
destruct Q. destruct H; eauto. sdec.
+ rewrite delete_notin //.
rewrite delete_notin //.
Lemma bufs_empty_buf_empty bufs p :
bufs_empty bufs -> buf_empty bufs p.
intros H???q buf?.
specialize (H q p).
unfold pop in *.
rewrite H0 H1 in H.
destruct buf; sdec.
Lemma buf_empty_pop p p' q v bufs bufs' :
q ≠ p ->
pop p' q bufs = Some (v, bufs') ->
buf_empty bufs' p ->
buf_empty bufs p.
intros Hneq Hpop Hbe.
intros bf ? q' buf ?.
unfold buf_empty in *.
eapply Hbe; eauto.
unfold pop in *.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p') eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
Lemma bufs_typed_dealloc bufss σs p : (* *)
σs !! p ≡ Some EndT ->
bufs_typed bufss σs ⊢
bufs_typed (delete p bufss) (delete p σs).
iIntros (Hpp) "H".
assert (σs !! p = Some EndT) as Hp.
{ inversion Hpp. inversion H1. simplify_eq. rewrite H //. }
clear Hpp.
iDestruct "H" as (sbufs Hsbufs) "H".
iExists (delete p sbufs).
iSplit. { iPureIntro. apply sbufs_typed_dealloc; done. }
iApply entries_typed_delete; eauto using sbufs_typed_end_empty.
Lemma entries_typed_empty : emp ⊣⊢ entries_typed ∅ ∅.
unfold entries_typed.
rewrite big_sepM2_empty //.
Lemma bufs_typed_empty :
emp ⊢ bufs_typed ∅ ∅.
iIntros "_".
iExists ∅.
iSplit; eauto using sbufs_typed_empty.
iApply entries_typed_empty. done.
Lemma entries_typed_empty_inv sbufs :
entries_typed ∅ sbufs ⊢ ⌜⌜ sbufs = ∅ ⌝⌝.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct (big_sepM2_empty_r with "H") as %->.
rewrite <-entries_typed_empty. done.
Lemma entries_typed_empty_inv_r bufs :
entries_typed bufs ∅ ⊢ ⌜⌜ bufs = ∅ ⌝⌝.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct (big_sepM2_empty_l with "H") as %->.
rewrite <-entries_typed_empty. done.
Lemma bufs_typed_empty_inv σs :
bufs_typed ∅ σs ⊢ ⌜⌜ σs = ∅ ⌝⌝.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct "H" as (sbufs Hsbufs) "H".
iDestruct (entries_typed_empty_inv with "H") as %->.
apply sbufs_typed_empty_inv in Hsbufs as ->; try done.
(* rewrite <-entries_typed_empty; done. done. *)
Lemma dom_valid_init {A} n d :
(∀ k, k ∈ d <-> k < n) ->
dom_valid (init_chans n : bufsT participant participant A) d.
intros Hd. unfold dom_valid. intros p. unfold init_chans.
destruct (decide (p < n)).
- rewrite -(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l).
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup.
split. { rewrite Hd. rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin //. }
destruct (decide (q < n)).
+ rewrite -(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l0).
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup //.
+ naive_solver lia.
- rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne; try lia.
naive_solver lia.
Lemma bufs_empty_init_chans {A} n :
bufs_empty (init_chans n : bufsT participant participant A).
intros ??.
unfold pop.
destruct (init_chans n !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
destruct (decide (q < n)).
- rewrite -(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l) in E.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup in E. sdec.
destruct (decide (p < n)).
+ rewrite -(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l1) in E'.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup in E'. sdec.
+ rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne in E'; sdec. lia.
- rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne in E; sdec. lia.
Lemma sbufs_typed_init n σs : (* *)
consistent n σs ->
sbufs_typed (init_chans n) (fin_gmap n σs).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma bufs_typed_init n σs : (* *)
consistent n σs ->
emp ⊢ bufs_typed (init_chans n) (fin_gmap n σs).
iIntros (Hcons) "_".
unfold bufs_typed.
iExists (init_chans n).
iSplit. { iPureIntro. apply sbufs_typed_init. done. }
iApply big_sepM2_intro.
- intros k.
unfold init_chans.
destruct (decide (k < n)).
+ rewrite -!(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l).
rewrite !fin_gmap_lookup. split; eauto.
+ rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne; last lia.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne; last lia.
split; intros []; sdec.
- iModIntro. iIntros (k x1 x2 Hx1 Hx2).
destruct (decide (k < n)); last first.
{ rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne in Hx1; last lia. sdec. }
rewrite -!(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l) in Hx1.
rewrite -!(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l) in Hx2.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup in Hx1.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup in Hx2. sdec.
iApply big_sepM2_intro.
+ intros m.
destruct (decide (m < n)).
* rewrite -!(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l0).
rewrite !fin_gmap_lookup. split; eauto.
* rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne; last lia.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne; last lia.
split; intros []; sdec.
+ iModIntro. iIntros (m x1 x2 Hx1 Hx2).
destruct (decide (m < n)); last first.
{ rewrite fin_gmap_lookup_ne in Hx1; last lia. sdec. }
rewrite -!(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l0) in Hx1.
rewrite -!(fin_to_nat_to_fin _ _ l0) in Hx2.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup in Hx1.
rewrite fin_gmap_lookup in Hx2. sdec.
Lemma dom_valid_same_dom {A} (m : bufsT participant participant A) d :
dom_valid m d -> ∀ p, is_Some (m !! p) <-> p ∈ d.
intros Hdv p.
specialize (Hdv p).
destruct (m !! p); split; try set_solver; eauto.
intros []. sdec.
Lemma entries_typed_same_dom bufs sbufs :
entries_typed bufs sbufs ⊢ ⌜ dom bufs = dom sbufs ⌝.
iIntros "H". unfold entries_typed.
iApply big_sepM2_dom; eauto.
Lemma bufs_typed_recv bufss σs p :
is_Some (σs !! p) ->
bufs_typed bufss σs ⊢ ⌜ is_Some (bufss !! p) ⌝.
iIntros (Hp) "H".
iDestruct "H" as (sbufs Hsbufs) "H".
eapply sbufs_typed_dom in Hsbufs.
iDestruct (entries_typed_same_dom with "H") as %Hdom.
apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hdom Hsbufs.
apply elem_of_dom. done.
Lemma entries_typed_can_progress bufs sbufs σs :
can_progress sbufs σs ->
entries_typed bufs sbufs ⊢ ⌜ can_progress bufs σs ⌝.
iIntros (Hcp) "H".
unfold can_progress in *.
destruct Hcp as (q & σ & H1 & H2).
destruct σ; unfold can_progress; eauto.
destruct H2 as (y & bufs' & Hbufs').
iExists _,_. iSplit; eauto. simpl.
iDestruct (entries_typed_same_structure with "H") as %Q.
iPureIntro. clear H1 t s σs.
unfold pop in *.
destruct (sbufs !! q) eqn:E; smap.
destruct (g !! p) eqn:E'; smap.
destruct l eqn:E''; smap.
specialize (Q q).
rewrite E in Q.
destruct (bufs !! q) eqn:F; smap.
specialize (Q p).
rewrite E' in Q.
destruct (g0 !! p) eqn:F'; smap.
specialize (Q 0). simpl in *.
destruct l eqn:F''; smap.
Lemma bufs_typed_progress bufss σs :
bufs_typed bufss σs ⊢ ⌜ bufss = ∅ ∨ can_progress bufss σs ⌝.
iIntros "H".
iDestruct "H" as (bufs Hbufs) "H".
apply sbufs_typed_progress in Hbufs as []; subst.
- iLeft. rewrite entries_typed_empty_inv_r. eauto.
- iRight. iApply entries_typed_can_progress; eauto.
End bufs_typed.
Section invariant.
Definition state_inv (es : list expr) (h : heap) (x : object) (in_l : multiset clabel) : rProp :=
match x with
| Thread n =>
⌜⌜ in_l ≡ ε ⌝⌝ ∗ (* rtyped (default UnitV (es !! n)) UnitT *)
match es !! n with
| Some e => rtyped0 e UnitT
| None => emp
| Chan n => ∃ σs : gmap participant session_type,
⌜⌜ in_l ≡ map_to_multiset σs ⌝⌝ ∗
bufs_typed (gmap_slice h n) σs
Definition invariant (es : list expr) (h : heap) := inv (state_inv es h). (* *)
End invariant.
Global Instance state_inv_proper es h v : Proper ((≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (state_inv es h v).
Proof. solve_proper_prepare. destruct v; [solve_proper|by setoid_rewrite H]. Qed.
Global Instance state_inv_params : Params (@state_inv) 3. Defined.
Lemma gmap_slice_push `{Countable A,Countable B,Countable C} {V}
(p : A) (c : B) (q : C) (x : V) (m : bufsT A (B*C) V) :
gmap_slice (push p (c, q) x m) c = push p q x (gmap_slice m c).
unfold push. rewrite gmap_slice_alter. case_decide; simplify_eq. done.
Lemma gmap_slice_pop `{Countable A,Countable B,Countable C} {V}
(p : A) (c : B) (q : C) (x : V) (m m' : bufsT A (B*C) V) :
pop p (c,q) m = Some(x,m') ->
pop p q (gmap_slice m c) = Some(x,gmap_slice m' c).
unfold pop. intros. rewrite gmap_slice_lookup.
destruct (m !! (c, q)); smap.
destruct (g !! p); smap.
destruct l; smap. do 2 f_equal.
apply map_eq. intro. smap;
rewrite gmap_slice_insert; smap.
Lemma gmap_slice_pop_ne `{Countable A,Countable B,Countable C} {V}
(p : A) (c c' : B) (q : C) (x : V) (m m' : bufsT A (B*C) V) :
c ≠ c' ->
pop p (c,q) m = Some(x,m') ->
gmap_slice m c' = gmap_slice m' c'.
unfold pop. intros.
destruct (m !! (c, q)); smap.
destruct (g !! p); smap.
destruct l; smap.
rewrite gmap_slice_insert. smap.
Lemma relabelT_id : ∀ σ, relabelT id σ ≡ σ.
cofix IH. intro.
apply session_type_equiv_alt.
destruct σ; simpl; constructor; try done; intro; apply IH.
Lemma preservation (threads threads' : list expr) (chans chans' : heap) : (* *)
step threads chans threads' chans' ->
invariant threads chans ->
invariant threads' chans'.
unfold invariant.
intros [i H]. destruct H.
destruct H as [????????HH].
intros Hinv.
destruct HH; rewrite ?right_id.
- (* Pure step *)
eapply inv_impl; last done.
iIntros ([] x) "H"; simpl; eauto.
iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]". iFrame.
rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; eauto.
destruct H2. subst. rewrite H0.
iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H2") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto.
iApply "H2". iApply pure_step_rtyped0; eauto.
- (* Send *)
eapply (inv_exchange (Thread i) (Chan c)); last done; try apply _.
+ intros v x []. iIntros "H".
destruct v; simpl.
* rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; naive_solver.
* setoid_rewrite gmap_slice_alter. case_decide; naive_solver.
+ iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (n r t' i' [-> ->]) "[H1 H1']".
iDestruct "H1" as (r0 ?) "H1". simplify_eq.
iExists _. iFrame.
iIntros (x) "H". simpl in *.
iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
iExists (p, relabelT π (r i')).
rewrite list_lookup_insert; last by eapply lookup_lt_Some.
iSplitL "H2".
* iIntros "H1".
iSplit; eauto.
iApply "H2". simpl. eauto.
* iExists (<[ p := relabelT π (r i') ]> σs).
-- iPureIntro. eapply map_to_multiset_update. done.
-- rewrite gmap_slice_push.
eapply map_to_multiset_lookup in Hσs.
iApply (bufs_typed_push _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (relabelT π ∘ r)); eauto with iFrame. (* *)
rewrite Hσs. econstructor.
apply session_type_equiv_alt. done.
- (* Receive *)
eapply (inv_exchange (Thread i) (Chan c)); last done; try apply _.
+ intros v x []. iIntros "H".
destruct v; simpl.
* rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; naive_solver.
* iDestruct "H" as (σs) "H". iExists σs.
erewrite gmap_slice_pop_ne; last done; eauto.
+ iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (n t' r Q) "H1".
iDestruct "H1" as (r0 HH') "H1". simplify_eq.
iExists _. iFrame.
iIntros (x) "H". simpl.
iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
eapply map_to_multiset_lookup in Hσs as Hp.
apply gmap_slice_pop in H1.
iDestruct (bufs_typed_pop with "H") as (i' ?) "[Hv H]"; eauto. (* *)
{ rewrite Hp. econstructor. apply session_type_equiv_alt. simpl. done. }
subst. rewrite list_lookup_insert; last by eapply lookup_lt_Some.
iExists (q, relabelT π (r i')).
iSplitL "H2 Hv".
* iIntros "H1".
iSplit; eauto.
iApply "H2". simpl. simplify_eq.
remember (SumNT n (λ i : fin n, PairT (ChanT (r i)) (t' i))).
inversion Q; simplify_eq.
iExists _,_,_. iSplit; first done.
specialize (H2 i'). simpl in *.
inversion H2; simplify_eq.
iExists _,_. iSplit; first done.
rewrite -H7. iFrame.
inversion H6. simplify_eq.
iExists _. iSplit; first done. unfold own_ep. simpl. done.
* iExists (<[ q := relabelT π (r i') ]> σs). iFrame. iPureIntro.
by eapply map_to_multiset_update.
- (* Close *)
eapply (inv_dealloc (Thread i) (Chan c)); last done; try apply _.
+ intros v x []. iIntros "H".
destruct v; simpl.
* rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; naive_solver.
* setoid_rewrite gmap_slice_delete. case_decide; naive_solver.
+ iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (->) "H1".
iDestruct "H1" as (r0 HH') "H1". simplify_eq.
iExists _. iFrame. simpl.
iIntros (x) "H".
iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
rewrite list_lookup_insert; last by eapply lookup_lt_Some.
iSplitL "H2".
* iSplit; eauto. by iApply "H2".
* iExists (delete p σs).
-- iPureIntro. by eapply map_to_multiset_delete.
-- rewrite gmap_slice_delete. case_decide; simplify_eq.
apply map_to_multiset_lookup in Hσs.
iApply bufs_typed_dealloc; last done.
rewrite Hσs. constructor.
apply session_type_equiv_alt. simpl. done.
- (* Fork *)
eapply (inv_alloc_lrs (Thread i) (Chan c)
n (λ i, Thread (length es + fin_to_nat i))); last done;
first apply _; first apply _.
+ intros m1 m2. intro HH. simplify_eq.
eapply fin_to_nat_inj. lia.
+ split_and!; eauto. intros m. split_and; eauto.
intros HH. simplify_eq.
apply lookup_lt_Some in H0. lia.
+ intros v' x (Hn1 & Hn2 & Hn3). iIntros "H".
destruct v'; simpl.
* iDestruct "H" as "[? H]". iFrame.
rewrite lookup_app list_lookup_insert_spec list.insert_length.
{ destruct H3. simplify_eq. }
destruct (es !! n0) eqn:E; eauto.
unfold init_threads.
rewrite fin_list_lookup_ne; eauto.
cut (n0 - length es < n -> False); try lia.
intros HH.
specialize (Hn3 (nat_to_fin HH)). eapply Hn3.
f_equal. rewrite fin_to_nat_to_fin.
eapply lookup_ge_None in E. lia.
* iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
iExists σs. iSplit; eauto.
rewrite gmap_slice_union gmap_slice_unslice.
case_decide; simplify_eq.
rewrite left_id //.
+ iIntros (x) "H". simpl.
iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
assert (gmap_slice h c = ∅) as ->.
eapply map_eq. intro. rewrite gmap_slice_lookup H1 lookup_empty //.
iDestruct (bufs_typed_empty_inv with "H") as "H".
iDestruct "H" as %HH.
iPureIntro. subst. rewrite map_to_multiset_empty in Hσs. done.
+ iIntros (m x) "H". simpl.
iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H]". iFrame.
destruct (es !! (length es + m)) eqn:E; eauto.
eapply lookup_lt_Some in E. lia.
+ iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
iDestruct "H1" as (σs [Hteq Hcons]) "H1".
iExists (0, σs 0%fin).
iExists (λ m, (S (fin_to_nat m), σs (FS m))).
iSplitL "H2".
rewrite lookup_app list_lookup_insert; eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
iIntros "H".
iSplit; eauto. iApply "H2". simpl.
remember (ChanT (σs 0%fin)).
inversion Hteq; simplify_eq.
iExists _. iSplit; first done.
unfold own_ep.
rewrite relabelT_id. done.
iExists (fin_gmap (S n) σs).
rewrite gmap_slice_union.
assert (gmap_slice h c = ∅) as ->.
{ eapply map_eq. intro. rewrite gmap_slice_lookup lookup_empty //. }
{ iPureIntro. rewrite <-fin_multiset_gmap.
rewrite fin_multiset_S //. }
rewrite gmap_slice_unslice. case_decide; simplify_eq.
rewrite right_id.
iApply bufs_typed_init; eauto.
iApply (big_sepS_impl with "H1"). iModIntro.
iIntros (m _) "Ht Ho".
iSplit; eauto.
rewrite lookup_app_r. 2: { rewrite list.insert_length. lia. }
rewrite list.insert_length.
replace (length es + m - length es) with (fin_to_nat m) by lia.
rewrite fin_list_lookup H2.
remember (ChanT (σs 0%fin)).
inversion Hteq; simplify_eq.
unfold own_ep. setoid_rewrite relabelT_id.
eauto with iFrame.
Lemma preservationN (threads threads' : list expr) (chans chans' : heap) :
steps threads chans threads' chans' ->
invariant threads chans ->
invariant threads' chans'.
Proof. induction 1; eauto using preservation. Qed.
Lemma invariant_init (e : expr) : (* *)
typed ∅ e UnitT -> invariant [e] ∅.
intros H.
eapply inv_impl; last eauto using inv_init.
intros. simpl. iIntros "[% H]".
unfold state_inv. destruct v.
- destruct n; simpl.
+ subst. iSplit; eauto.
iApply rtyped_rtyped0_iff.
iApply typed_rtyped. done.
+ subst. iFrame. eauto.
- iExists ∅.
iSplit; first done. rewrite gmap_slice_empty.
by iApply bufs_typed_empty.
Lemma invariant_holds e threads chans :
typed ∅ e UnitT -> steps [e] ∅ threads chans -> invariant threads chans.
Proof. eauto using invariant_init, preservationN. Qed.