From iris.proofmode Require Import base tactics classes.
Definition chan := nat.
Definition endpoint := (chan * bool)%type.
Definition other (e : endpoint) : endpoint :=
let '(x,b) := e in (x, negb b).
Inductive val :=
| UnitV : val
| NatV : nat -> val
| PairV : val -> val -> val
| InjV : bool -> val -> val
| FunV : string -> expr -> val
| UFunV : string -> expr -> val
| ChanV : endpoint -> val
with expr :=
| Val : val -> expr
| Var : string -> expr
| Pair : expr -> expr -> expr
| Inj : bool -> expr -> expr
| App : expr -> expr -> expr
| UApp : expr -> expr -> expr
| Lam : string -> expr -> expr
| ULam : string -> expr -> expr
| Send : expr -> expr -> expr
| Recv : expr -> expr
| Let : string -> expr -> expr -> expr
| LetUnit : expr -> expr -> expr
| LetProd : string -> string -> expr -> expr -> expr
| MatchVoid : expr -> expr
| MatchSum : expr -> string -> expr -> expr -> expr
| If : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
| Fork : expr -> expr
| Close : expr -> expr.
Canonical Structure valO := leibnizO val.
Canonical Structure exprO := leibnizO expr.
Definition heap := gmap endpoint (list val).
CoInductive chan_type' (T : Type) :=
| SendT : T -> chan_type' T -> chan_type' T
| RecvT : T -> chan_type' T -> chan_type' T
| EndT : chan_type' T.
Arguments SendT {_} _ _.
Arguments RecvT {_} _ _.
Arguments EndT {_}.
Global Instance sendt_params : Params (@SendT) 1 := {}.
Global Instance recvt_params : Params (@RecvT) 1 := {}.
CoInductive chan_type_equiv `{Equiv T} : Equiv (chan_type' T) :=
| cteq_EndT : EndT ≡ EndT
| cteq_SendT t1 t2 s1 s2 : t1 ≡ t2 -> s1 ≡ s2 -> SendT t1 s1 ≡ SendT t2 s2
| cteq_RecvT t1 t2 s1 s2 : t1 ≡ t2 -> s1 ≡ s2 -> RecvT t1 s1 ≡ RecvT t2 s2.
Global Existing Instance chan_type_equiv.
Lemma chan_type_reflexive `{Equiv T} :
Reflexive (≡@{T}) -> Reflexive (≡@{chan_type' T}).
intros ?. cofix IH. intros []; constructor; done.
Lemma chan_type_symmetric `{Equiv T} :
Symmetric (≡@{T}) -> Symmetric (≡@{chan_type' T}).
intros ?. cofix IH. intros ??[]; constructor; done.
Lemma chan_type_transitive `{Equiv T} :
Transitive (≡@{T}) -> Transitive (≡@{chan_type' T}).
intros ?. cofix IH. intros ???[]; inversion_clear 1; constructor; by etrans.
Global Instance chan_type_equivalence `{Equiv T} :
Equivalence (≡@{T}) -> Equivalence (≡@{chan_type' T}).
- apply chan_type_reflexive. apply _.
- apply chan_type_symmetric. apply _.
- apply chan_type_transitive. apply _.
Global Instance sendt_proper `{Equiv T} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@SendT T).
Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Global Instance recvt_proper `{Equiv T} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@RecvT T).
Proof. by constructor. Qed.
Definition chan_type_id {T} (s : chan_type' T) : chan_type' T :=
match s with
| SendT t s' => SendT t s'
| RecvT t s' => RecvT t s'
| EndT => EndT
Lemma chan_type_id_id {T} (s : chan_type' T) :
chan_type_id s = s.
by destruct s.
Lemma chan_type_equiv_alt `{Equiv T} (s1 s2 : chan_type' T) :
chan_type_id s1 ≡ chan_type_id s2 -> s1 ≡ s2.
rewrite -(chan_type_id_id s1).
rewrite -(chan_type_id_id s2).
Lemma chan_type_equiv_end_eq `{Equiv T} (s : chan_type' T) :
s ≡ EndT -> s = EndT.
by inversion 1.
CoFixpoint dual {T} (s : chan_type' T) : chan_type' T :=
match s with
| SendT t s' => RecvT t (dual s')
| RecvT t s' => SendT t (dual s')
| EndT => EndT
Global Instance dual_proper `{Equiv T} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@dual T).
cofix IH.
intros s1 s2 HH.
apply chan_type_equiv_alt.
destruct HH; simpl; constructor; done || by apply IH.
Section dual.
Context `{Equiv T, !Equivalence (≡@{T})}.
Implicit Type s : chan_type' T.
Lemma dual_dual s :
dual (dual s) ≡ s.
apply chan_type_equiv_alt.
revert s. cofix IH. intros []; simpl; constructor; try done;
apply chan_type_equiv_alt; apply IH.
Lemma dual_send s t : dual (SendT t s) ≡ RecvT t (dual s).
apply chan_type_equiv_alt; done.
Lemma dual_recv s t : dual (RecvT t s) ≡ SendT t (dual s).
apply chan_type_equiv_alt; done.
Lemma dual_end : dual (EndT : chan_type' T) ≡ EndT.
apply chan_type_equiv_alt; done.
Lemma dual_end_inv s : dual s ≡ EndT -> s = EndT.
intros HH. destruct s; eauto.
- rewrite ->dual_send in HH. inversion HH.
- rewrite ->dual_recv in HH. inversion HH.
End dual.
Canonical Structure chan_type'O (T:ofe) := discreteO (chan_type' T).
CoInductive type :=
| UnitT : type
| VoidT : type
| NatT : type
| PairT : type -> type -> type
| SumT : type -> type -> type
| FunT : type -> type -> type
| UFunT : type -> type -> type
| ChanT : chan_type' type -> type.
Definition type_id (t : type) :=
match t with
| UnitT => UnitT
| VoidT => VoidT
| NatT => NatT
| PairT t1 t2 => PairT t1 t2
| SumT t1 t2 => SumT t1 t2
| FunT t1 t2 => FunT t1 t2
| UFunT t1 t2 => UFunT t1 t2
| ChanT s => ChanT s
Lemma type_id_id t : type_id t = t.
by destruct t.
CoInductive type_equiv : Equiv type :=
| teq_UnitT : UnitT ≡ UnitT
| teq_VoidT : VoidT ≡ VoidT
| teq_NatT : NatT ≡ NatT
| teq_PairT t1 t2 t1' t2' : t1 ≡ t2 -> t1' ≡ t2' -> PairT t1 t1' ≡ PairT t2 t2'
| teq_SumT t1 t2 t1' t2' : t1 ≡ t2 -> t1' ≡ t2' -> SumT t1 t1' ≡ SumT t2 t2'
| teq_FunT t1 t2 t1' t2' : t1 ≡ t2 -> t1' ≡ t2' -> FunT t1 t1' ≡ FunT t2 t2'
| teq_UFunT t1 t2 t1' t2' : t1 ≡ t2 -> t1' ≡ t2' -> UFunT t1 t1' ≡ UFunT t2 t2'
| teq_ChanT s1 s2 : s1 ≡ s2 -> ChanT s1 ≡ ChanT s2.
Global Existing Instance type_equiv.
Global Instance type_equivalence : Equivalence (≡@{type}).
- cofix IH. intros []; constructor; done || apply chan_type_reflexive, _.
- cofix IH. intros ??[]; constructor; done || by apply (chan_type_symmetric _).
- cofix IH. intros ???[]; inversion_clear 1; constructor;
by etrans || by eapply (chan_type_transitive _).
Canonical Structure typeO := discreteO type.
Notation chan_type := (chan_type' type).
Notation chan_typeO := (chan_type'O typeO).
Notation envT := (gmap string type).
CoInductive unrestricted : type -> Prop :=
| Nat_unrestricted : unrestricted NatT
| Unit_unrestricted : unrestricted UnitT
| Void_unrestricted : unrestricted VoidT
| UFun_unrestricted t1 t2 : unrestricted (UFunT t1 t2)
| Pair_unrestricted t1 t2 :
unrestricted t1 -> unrestricted t2 ->
unrestricted (PairT t1 t2)
| Sum_unrestricted t1 t2 :
unrestricted t1 -> unrestricted t2 ->
unrestricted (SumT t1 t2).
Definition disj (Γ1 Γ2 : envT) : Prop :=
∀ i t1 t2, Γ1 !! i = Some t1 -> Γ2 !! i = Some t2 -> t1 ≡ t2 ∧ unrestricted t1.
Definition Γunrestricted (Γ : envT) :=
∀ x t, Γ !! x = Some t -> unrestricted t.
Lemma Γunrestricted_empty : Γunrestricted ∅.
intros ??. rewrite lookup_empty. intro. congruence.
Inductive typed : envT -> expr -> type -> Prop :=
| Unit_typed Γ :
Γunrestricted Γ ->
typed Γ (Val UnitV) UnitT
| Nat_typed : ∀ Γ n,
Γunrestricted Γ ->
typed Γ (Val (NatV n)) NatT
| Var_typed : ∀ Γ x t t',
Γ !! x = None ->
Γunrestricted Γ ->
t ≡ t' ->
typed (Γ ∪ {[ x := t ]}) (Var x) t'
| Pair_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t1 t2,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
typed Γ1 e1 t1 ->
typed Γ2 e2 t2 ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (Pair e1 e2) (PairT t1 t2)
| App_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t1 t2,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
typed Γ1 e1 (FunT t1 t2) ->
typed Γ2 e2 t1 ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (App e1 e2) t2
| UApp_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t1 t2,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
typed Γ1 e1 (UFunT t1 t2) ->
typed Γ2 e2 t1 ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (UApp e1 e2) t2
| Lam_typed : ∀ Γ x e t1 t2,
Γ !! x = None ->
typed (Γ ∪ {[ x := t1 ]}) e t2 ->
typed Γ (Lam x e) (FunT t1 t2)
| ULam_typed : ∀ Γ x e t1 t2,
Γ !! x = None ->
Γunrestricted Γ ->
typed (Γ ∪ {[ x := t1 ]}) e t2 ->
typed Γ (ULam x e) (UFunT t1 t2)
| Send_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t r,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
typed Γ1 e1 (ChanT (SendT t r)) ->
typed Γ2 e2 t ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (Send e1 e2) (ChanT r)
| Recv_typed : ∀ Γ e t r,
typed Γ e (ChanT (RecvT t r)) ->
typed Γ (Recv e) (PairT (ChanT r) t)
| Let_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t1 t2 x,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
Γ2 !! x = None ->
typed Γ1 e1 t1 ->
typed (Γ2 ∪ {[ x := t1 ]}) e2 t2 ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (Let x e1 e2) t2
| LetUnit_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
typed Γ1 e1 UnitT ->
typed Γ2 e2 t ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (LetUnit e1 e2) t
| LetProd_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 t11 t12 t2 x1 x2,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
x1 ≠ x2 ->
Γ2 !! x1 = None ->
Γ2 !! x2 = None ->
typed Γ1 e1 (PairT t11 t12) ->
typed (Γ2 ∪ {[ x1 := t11 ]} ∪ {[ x2 := t12 ]}) e2 t2 ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (LetProd x1 x2 e1 e2) t2
| MatchVoid_typed : ∀ Γ e t,
typed Γ e VoidT ->
typed Γ (MatchVoid e) t
| MatchSum_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 eL eR tL tR t x,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
Γ2 !! x = None ->
typed Γ1 e1 (SumT tL tR) ->
typed (Γ2 ∪ {[ x := tL ]}) eL t ->
typed (Γ2 ∪ {[ x := tR ]}) eR t ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (MatchSum e1 x eL eR) t
| If_typed : ∀ Γ1 Γ2 e1 e2 e3 t,
disj Γ1 Γ2 ->
typed Γ1 e1 NatT ->
typed Γ2 e2 t ->
typed Γ2 e3 t ->
typed (Γ1 ∪ Γ2) (If e1 e2 e3) t
| Fork_typed : ∀ Γ e ct,
typed Γ e (FunT (ChanT (dual ct)) UnitT) ->
typed Γ (Fork e) (ChanT ct)
| Close_typed : ∀ Γ e,
typed Γ e (ChanT EndT) ->
typed Γ (Close e) UnitT
| Iso_typed : ∀ Γ t t' e,
t ≡ t' -> (* The ≡-relation is unfolding of recursive types *)
typed Γ e t ->
typed Γ e t'.
Fixpoint subst (x:string) (a:val) (e:expr) : expr :=
match e with
| Val _ => e
| Var x' => if decide (x = x') then Val a else e
| App e1 e2 => App (subst x a e1) (subst x a e2)
| Inj b e1 => Inj b (subst x a e1)
| Pair e1 e2 => Pair (subst x a e1) (subst x a e2)
| UApp e1 e2 => UApp (subst x a e1) (subst x a e2)
| Lam x' e1 => if decide (x = x') then e else Lam x' (subst x a e1)
| ULam x' e1 => if decide (x = x') then e else ULam x' (subst x a e1)
| Send e1 e2 => Send (subst x a e1) (subst x a e2)
| Recv e1 => Recv (subst x a e1)
| Let x' e1 e2 => Let x' (subst x a e1) (if decide (x = x') then e2 else subst x a e2)
| LetUnit e1 e2 => LetUnit (subst x a e1) (subst x a e2)
| LetProd x' y' e1 e2 =>
LetProd x' y' (subst x a e1) (if decide (x = x' ∨ x = y') then e2 else subst x a e2)
| MatchVoid e1 => MatchVoid (subst x a e1)
| MatchSum e1 x' eL eR =>
MatchSum (subst x a e1) x'
(if decide (x = x') then eL else subst x a eL)
(if decide (x = x') then eR else subst x a eR)
| If e1 e2 e3 => If (subst x a e1) (subst x a e2) (subst x a e3)
| Fork e1 => Fork (subst x a e1)
| Close e1 => Close (subst x a e1)
Inductive pure_step : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| Pair_step : ∀ v1 v2,
pure_step (Pair (Val v1) (Val v2)) (Val (PairV v1 v2))
| Inj_step : ∀ v1 b,
pure_step (Inj b (Val v1)) (Val (InjV b v1))
| App_step : ∀ x e a,
pure_step (App (Val (FunV x e)) (Val a)) (subst x a e)
| UApp_step : ∀ x e a,
pure_step (UApp (Val (UFunV x e)) (Val a)) (subst x a e)
| Lam_step : ∀ x e,
pure_step (Lam x e) (Val (FunV x e))
| ULam_step : ∀ x e,
pure_step (ULam x e) (Val (UFunV x e))
| If_step1 : ∀ n e1 e2,
n ≠ 0 ->
pure_step (If (Val (NatV n)) e1 e2) e1
| If_step2 : ∀ e1 e2,
pure_step (If (Val (NatV 0)) e1 e2) e2
| MatchSum_step : ∀ x v eL eR b,
pure_step (MatchSum (Val (InjV b v)) x eL eR)
(if b then subst x v eL else subst x v eR)
| Let_step : ∀ x v e,
pure_step (Let x (Val v) e) (subst x v e)
| LetUnit_step : ∀ e,
pure_step (LetUnit (Val UnitV) e) e
| LetProd_step : ∀ x1 x2 v1 v2 e,
pure_step (LetProd x1 x2 (Val (PairV v1 v2)) e) (subst x1 v1 $ subst x2 v2 e).
Inductive head_step : expr -> heap -> expr -> heap -> list expr -> Prop :=
| Pure_step : ∀ e e' h,
pure_step e e' -> head_step e h e' h []
| Send_step : ∀ h c y buf,
h !! (other c) = Some buf ->
head_step (Send (Val (ChanV c)) (Val y)) h (Val (ChanV c)) (<[ other c := buf ++ [y] ]> h) []
| Recv_step : ∀ h c y buf,
h !! c = Some (y::buf) ->
head_step (Recv (Val (ChanV c))) h (Val (PairV (ChanV c) y)) (<[ c := buf ]> h) []
| Close_step : ∀ c h,
h !! c = Some [] ->
head_step (Close (Val (ChanV c))) h (Val UnitV) (delete c h) []
| Fork_step : ∀ v (h : heap) i,
h !! (i,true) = None ->
h !! (i,false) = None ->
(Fork (Val v)) h
(Val $ ChanV (i, true)) (<[ (i,true) := [] ]> $ <[ (i,false) := [] ]> h)
[App (Val v) (Val (ChanV (i, false)))].
Inductive ctx1 : (expr -> expr) -> Prop :=
| Ctx_App_l : ∀ e, ctx1 (λ x, App x e)
| Ctx_App_r : ∀ v, ctx1 (λ x, App (Val v) x)
| Ctx_Pair_l : ∀ e, ctx1 (λ x, Pair x e)
| Ctx_Pair_r : ∀ v, ctx1 (λ x, Pair (Val v) x)
| Ctx_Inj : ∀ b, ctx1 (λ x, Inj b x)
| Ctx_UApp_l : ∀ e, ctx1 (λ x, UApp x e)
| Ctx_UApp_r : ∀ v, ctx1 (λ x, UApp (Val v) x)
| Ctx_Send_l : ∀ e, ctx1 (λ x, Send x e)
| Ctx_Send_r : ∀ v, ctx1 (λ x, Send (Val v) x)
| Ctx_Recv : ctx1 (λ x, Recv x)
| Ctx_Let : ∀ s e, ctx1 (λ x, Let s x e)
| Ctx_LetUnit : ∀ e, ctx1 (λ x, LetUnit x e)
| Ctx_LetProd : ∀ s1 s2 e, ctx1 (λ x, LetProd s1 s2 x e)
| Ctx_MatchVoid : ctx1 (λ x, MatchVoid x)
| Ctx_MatchSum : ∀ s e1 e2, ctx1 (λ x, MatchSum x s e1 e2)
| Ctx_If : ∀ e1 e2, ctx1 (λ x, If x e1 e2)
| Ctx_Fork : ctx1 (λ x, Fork x)
| Ctx_Close : ctx1 (λ x, Close x).
Inductive ctx : (expr -> expr) -> Prop :=
| Ctx_nil : ctx (λ x, x)
| Ctx_cons : ∀ k1 k2, ctx1 k1 -> ctx k2 -> ctx (λ x, (k1 (k2 x))).
Inductive ctx_step : expr -> heap -> expr -> heap -> list expr -> Prop :=
| Ctx_step : ∀ k e h e' h' ts,
ctx k -> head_step e h e' h' ts -> ctx_step (k e) h (k e') h' ts.
Inductive stepi : nat -> list expr -> heap -> list expr -> heap -> Prop :=
| Head_step : ∀ e e' h h' i ts es,
ctx_step e h e' h' ts ->
es !! i = Some e ->
stepi i es h (<[i := e']> es ++ ts) h'.
Definition step es h es' h' := ∃ i, stepi i es h es' h'.
Definition can_stepi i es h := ∃ es' h', stepi i es h es' h'.
(* Closure of the step relation; this is used in the theorem statement. *)
Inductive steps : list expr -> heap -> list expr -> heap -> Prop :=
| Trans_step : ∀ e1 e2 e3 s1 s2 s3,
step e1 s1 e2 s2 ->
steps e2 s2 e3 s3 ->
steps e1 s1 e3 s3
| Empty_step : ∀ e1 s1,
steps e1 s1 e1 s1.