Guarantees by Construction (Mechanization)

Jules Jacobs

Require Export cgraphs.cgraphs.genericinv.
Require Export cgraphs.sessiontypes.langdef.
Require Export cgraphs.sessiontypes.rtypesystem.

Section bufs_typed.
  Fixpoint buf_typed (buf : list val) (ct : chan_type) (rest : chan_type) : rProp :=
    match buf, ct with
    | v::buf', RecvT t ct' => val_typed v t  buf_typed buf' ct' rest
    | [], ct => ⌜⌜ rest  ct ⌝⌝
    | _,_ => False

  Global Instance buf_typed_params : Params (@buf_typed) 1 := {}.
  Global Instance buf_typed_proper buf : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) (buf_typed buf).
  Proof. induction buf; solve_proper. Qed.
  Global Arguments buf_typed : simpl nomatch.

  Definition buf_typed' (buf' : option (list val)) (ct' : option chan_type) (rest : chan_type) : rProp :=
    match buf', ct' with
    | Some buf, Some ct => buf_typed buf ct rest
    | None, None => ⌜⌜ rest  EndT ⌝⌝
    | _, _ => False

  Global Instance buf_typed'_params : Params (@buf_typed') 1 := {}.
  Global Instance buf_typed'_proper buf : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) (buf_typed' buf).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.

  Definition bufs_typed (b1' b2' : option (list val)) (σ1' σ2' : option chan_type) : rProp :=
      buf_typed' b1' σ1' rest 
      buf_typed' b2' σ2' (dual rest).

  Global Instance bufs_typed_params : Params (@bufs_typed) 2 := {}.
  Global Instance bufs_typed_proper b1 b2 : Proper (() ==> () ==> ()) (bufs_typed b1 b2).
  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
End bufs_typed.

Section invariant.
  Definition state_inv (es : list expr) (h : heap) (x : object) (in_l : multiset clabel) : rProp :=
    match x with
    | Thread n =>
      ⌜⌜ in_l  ε ⌝⌝ 
      match es !! n with
      | Some e => rtyped0 e UnitT
      | None => emp
    | Chan n =>  σs : gmap bool chan_type,
      ⌜⌜ in_l  map_to_multiset σs ⌝⌝ 
      bufs_typed (h !! (n,true)) (h !! (n,false)) (σs !! true) (σs !! false)

  Definition invariant (es : list expr) (h : heap) := inv (state_inv es h).
End invariant.

Global Instance state_inv_proper es h v : Proper (() ==> (⊣⊢)) (state_inv es h v).
Proof. solve_proper_prepare. destruct v; [solve_proper|by setoid_rewrite H]. Qed.
Global Instance state_inv_params : Params (@state_inv) 3. Defined.

Lemma bufs_typed_sym' b1' b2' σ1' σ2' :
  bufs_typed b1' b2' σ1' σ2' 
  bufs_typed b2' b1' σ2' σ1'.
  iIntros "H". unfold bufs_typed.
  iDestruct "H" as (rest) "[H1 H2]".
  iExists (dual rest). rewrite dual_dual. iFrame.

Lemma bufs_typed_wlog b b' (h : heap) (σs : gmap bool chan_type) n :
  bufs_typed (h !! (n,b)) (h !! (n,negb b)) (σs !! b) (σs !! negb b) 
  bufs_typed (h !! (n,b')) (h !! (n,negb b')) (σs !! b') (σs !! negb b').
  destruct (decide (b = b')); subst; first eauto.
  assert (negb b = b') as ->. { by destruct b,b'. }
  assert (negb b' = b) as ->. { by destruct b,b'. }
  by rewrite bufs_typed_sym'.

Lemma buf_typed_push v buf t r c :
  val_typed v t 
  buf_typed buf c (RecvT t r) 
  buf_typed (buf ++ [v]) c r.
  iIntros "[H1 H2]".
  iInduction buf as [] "IH" forall (r c); simpl.
  - iDestruct "H2" as %<-. simpl. iFrame. done.
  - destruct c; eauto. iDestruct "H2" as "[H2 H3]".
    iFrame. iApply ("IH" with "H1"). done.

Lemma bufs_typed_push b1' t v buf σ2' r :
  val_typed v t 
  bufs_typed b1' (Some buf) (Some (SendT t r)) σ2' 
  bufs_typed b1' (Some (buf ++ [v])) (Some r) σ2'.
  iIntros "[H1 H2]".
  unfold bufs_typed.
  iDestruct "H2" as (rest) "[H2 H3]".
  destruct b1'; simpl; eauto.
  destruct σ2'; eauto. simpl. destruct l; eauto. simpl.
  iDestruct "H2" as "%". subst. simpl.
  iExists r. iSplit; eauto.
  iApply buf_typed_push. iFrame.
  rewrite H dual_send //.

Lemma bufs_typed_pop b1 b2' σ1 σ2' (v : val) t :
  bufs_typed (Some (v :: b1)) b2' (Some (RecvT t σ1)) σ2' -
  val_typed v t  bufs_typed (Some b1) b2' (Some σ1) σ2'.
  iIntros "H".
  iDestruct "H" as (rest) "[H1 H2]". simpl.
  iDestruct "H1" as "[H1 H3]". iFrame.
  iExists rest. iFrame.

Lemma bufs_typed_dealloc b2' σ2 :
  bufs_typed (Some []) b2' (Some EndT) σ2 
  bufs_typed None b2' None σ2.
  iIntros "H".
  iDestruct "H" as (rest) "[% H2]". subst.
  iExists _. iFrame. done.

Lemma bufs_typed_None σ1 σ2 :
  bufs_typed None None σ1 σ2  ⌜⌜ σ1 = None  σ2 = None ⌝⌝.
  iIntros "H".
  iDestruct "H" as (rest) "[H1 H2]".
  destruct σ1,σ2; eauto.

Lemma bufs_typed_init r :
  emp  bufs_typed (Some []) (Some []) (Some r) (Some (dual r)).
  iIntros "H".
  unfold bufs_typed.
  iExists r; simpl; eauto.

Lemma preservation (threads threads' : list expr) (chans chans' : heap) :
  step threads chans threads' chans' ->
  invariant threads chans ->
  invariant threads' chans'.
  unfold invariant.
  intros [i H]. destruct H.
  destruct H as [????????HH].
  intros Hinv.
  destruct HH; rewrite ?right_id.
  - (* Pure step *)
    eapply inv_impl; last done.
    iIntros ([] x) "H"; simpl; eauto.
    iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]". iFrame.
    rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; eauto.
    destruct H2. subst. rewrite H0.
    iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H2") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto.
    iApply "H2". iApply pure_step_rtyped0; eauto.
  - (* Send *)
    eapply (inv_exchange (Thread i) (Chan c.1)); last done; first apply _; first apply _.
    + intros v x []. iIntros "H".
      destruct v; simpl.
      * rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; naive_solver.
      * setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_spec. repeat case_decide; eauto; destruct c; simpl in *; simplify_eq.
    + iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
      iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
      iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
      iDestruct "H1" as (r t' ->) "[H1 H1']".
      iDestruct "H1" as (r0 ?) "H1". simplify_eq.
      destruct c. simpl.
      iExists _. iFrame.
      iIntros (x) "H".
      iExists (b, r).
      rewrite list_lookup_insert; last by eapply lookup_lt_Some.
      iSplitL "H2".
      * iIntros "H1".
        iSplit; eauto.
        iApply "H2". simpl.
        eauto with iFrame.
      * iDestruct "H" as (σs H2) "H".
        iExists (<[ b := r ]> σs).
        -- iPureIntro. by eapply map_to_multiset_update.
        -- iApply (bufs_typed_wlog b true).
           iDestruct (bufs_typed_wlog true b with "H") as "H".
           assert (σs !! b  Some (SendT t' r)) as Hrew
             by by eapply map_to_multiset_lookup.
           rewrite !lookup_insert_spec.
           repeat case_decide; simplify_eq; try solve [by destruct b].
           rewrite H1.
           iApply bufs_typed_push. iFrame.
           rewrite Hrew. done.
  - (* Receive *)
    eapply (inv_exchange (Thread i) (Chan c.1)); last done; first apply _; first apply _.
    + intros v x []. iIntros "H".
      destruct v; simpl.
      * rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; naive_solver.
      * setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_spec. repeat case_decide; eauto; destruct c; simpl in *; simplify_eq.
    + iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
      iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
      iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
      iDestruct "H1" as (t' r ->) "H1".
      iDestruct "H1" as (r0 HH') "H1". simplify_eq.
      destruct c. simpl.
      iExists _. iFrame.
      iIntros (x) "H".
      iExists (b, r).
      rewrite list_lookup_insert; last by eapply lookup_lt_Some.
      iDestruct "H" as (σs H2) "H".
      iDestruct (bufs_typed_wlog true b with "H") as "H".
      assert (σs !! b  Some (RecvT t' r)) as Hrew
             by by eapply map_to_multiset_lookup.
      simplify_eq. rewrite Hrew.
      rewrite H1.
      iDestruct (bufs_typed_pop with "H") as "[Hv H]".
      iSplitL "H2 Hv".
      * iIntros "H1".
        iSplit; eauto.
        iApply "H2". simpl.
        iExists _,_. iSplit; first done.
        eauto with iFrame.
      * iExists (<[ b := r ]> σs).
        -- iPureIntro. by eapply map_to_multiset_update.
        -- iApply (bufs_typed_wlog b true).
           rewrite !lookup_insert_spec.
           repeat case_decide; simplify_eq; try solve [by destruct b].
  - (* Close *)
    eapply (inv_dealloc (Thread i) (Chan c.1)); last done; first apply _; first apply _.
    + intros v x []. iIntros "H".
      destruct v; simpl.
      * rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec. case_decide; naive_solver.
      * setoid_rewrite lookup_delete_spec. repeat case_decide; eauto; destruct c; simpl in *; simplify_eq.
    + iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
      iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
      iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
      iDestruct "H1" as (->) "H1".
      iDestruct "H1" as (r0 HH') "H1". simplify_eq.
      destruct c. simpl.
      iExists _. iFrame.
      iIntros (x) "H".
      iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
      iDestruct (bufs_typed_wlog true b with "H") as "H".
      rewrite H1.
      assert (σs !! b  Some EndT) as Hrew
             by by eapply map_to_multiset_lookup.
      simplify_eq. rewrite Hrew.
      rewrite list_lookup_insert; last by eapply lookup_lt_Some.
      (* iDestruct (bufs_typed_pop with "H") as "[Hv H]". *)
      iSplitL "H2".
      * iSplit; eauto. by iApply "H2".
      * iExists (delete b σs).
        -- iPureIntro. by eapply map_to_multiset_delete.
        -- iApply (bufs_typed_wlog b true).
           rewrite !lookup_delete_spec.
           repeat case_decide; simplify_eq; try solve [by destruct b].
  - (* Fork *)
    eapply (inv_alloc_lr (Thread i) (Chan i0) (Thread (length es))); last done;
      first apply _; first apply _.
    + split_and!; eauto. intro. simplify_eq.
      apply lookup_lt_Some in H0. lia.
    + intros v' x []. iIntros "H".
      destruct v'; simpl.
      * rewrite lookup_app_lr.
        rewrite list_lookup_insert_spec.
        rewrite list_lookup_singleton_spec.
        repeat case_decide.
        -- naive_solver.
        -- naive_solver.
        -- destruct H4. exfalso. apply H7.
           f_equal. rewrite insert_length in H6.
           rewrite insert_length in H5. lia.
        -- destruct H4.
           rewrite insert_length in H6.
           rewrite insert_length in H5.
           assert (n > length es) by lia.
           rewrite lookup_ge_None_2; eauto. lia.
      * setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_spec.
        repeat case_decide; simplify_eq.
        destruct H4; simplify_eq.
        rewrite !lookup_insert_ne //.
        intro. simplify_eq.
    + iIntros (x) "H". simpl.
      iDestruct "H" as (σs Hσs) "H".
      rewrite H1 H2.
      iDestruct (bufs_typed_None with "H") as "H".
      iDestruct "H" as "%". iPureIntro.
      rewrite Hσs.
      rewrite map_to_multiset_empty'; first done.
      intros []; naive_solver.
    + iIntros (x) "[H1 H2]". simpl.
      iFrame. destruct (es !! length es) eqn:E; eauto.
      eapply lookup_lt_Some in E. lia.
    + iIntros (y0) "H". simpl. rewrite H0.
      iDestruct "H" as (HH) "H".
      iDestruct (rtyped0_ctx with "H") as (t) "[H1 H2]"; eauto. simpl.
      iDestruct "H1" as (r ->) "H1".
      iExists (true,r),(false,dual r).
      iSplitL "H2".
      * iIntros "H". iSplit; eauto.
        rewrite lookup_app_l. 2: {
          rewrite insert_length.
          eapply lookup_lt_Some; eauto.
        rewrite list_lookup_insert; eauto using lookup_lt_Some.
        iApply "H2". simpl.
      * iSplitL "".
        -- iExists {[ true := r; false := dual r ]}.
           iSplit; eauto.
           rewrite !lookup_insert.
           rewrite lookup_insert_ne; eauto.
           rewrite !lookup_insert.
           rewrite lookup_insert_ne; eauto.
           rewrite !lookup_insert.
           by iApply bufs_typed_init.
        -- iIntros "H".
           iSplit; eauto.
           rewrite lookup_app_r. 2: {
             by rewrite insert_length.
           rewrite insert_length.
           replace (length es - length es) with 0 by lia. simpl.
           iExists _. iFrame. eauto.

Lemma preservationN (threads threads' : list expr) (chans chans' : heap) :
  steps threads chans threads' chans' ->
  invariant threads chans ->
  invariant threads' chans'.
Proof. induction 1; eauto using preservation. Qed.

Lemma invariant_init (e : expr) :
  typed  e UnitT -> invariant [e] .
  intros H.
  eapply inv_impl; last eauto using inv_init.
  intros. simpl. iIntros "[% H]".
  unfold state_inv. destruct v.
  - destruct n; simpl.
    + subst. iSplit; eauto.
      iApply rtyped_rtyped0_iff.
      iApply typed_rtyped. done.
    + subst. iFrame. eauto.
  - rewrite !lookup_empty.
    iExists . unfold bufs_typed. simpl. rewrite !lookup_empty. iFrame.
    + iPureIntro. rewrite map_to_multiset_empty //.
    + iExists EndT. rewrite dual_end.
      eauto using cteq_EndT.

Lemma invariant_holds e threads chans :
  typed  e UnitT -> steps [e]  threads chans -> invariant threads chans.
Proof. eauto using invariant_init, preservationN. Qed.